Computer Science :: All Aptitude Test ::

A. are easily developed
B. probably will not improve over the next decade
C. are not important in automation
D. are easily developed

2.Which of the following devices could be part of a sensor?
A. thermometer
B. brake
C. relay
D. thermometer

3.In general, American buyers will purchase goods:
A. that offer the best quality for the least money.
B. that are made in America, even at higher costs.
C. without regard to country of manufacturer.
D. that offer the best quality for the least money.

4.The reliability life cycle of a product:
A. has three distinct rates of failure
B. cannot be predicted
C. All of the above
D. has three distinct rates of failure

5.Robots consist of three basic components; power supply, control (memory) console, and:
A. coaxial cable
B. microcomputer
C. mechanical unit (arm)
D. coaxial cable

6.The method of solid modeling that defines the topology of faces, edges, and vertics, as well as data that defines the surface in which each face lies is called:
A. constructive solid geometry
B. layering
C. boundary representation
D. constructive solid geometry

7.Programming languages currently available for robots:
A. may be point-to-point languages
B. require training
C. may allow primitive motion
D. may be point-to-point languages

8.A process controller:
A. can interface to digital and analog I/O
B. is useful in a continuous process control application
C. can solve a PID process control equation easily
D. can interface to digital and analog I/O

9.Compared to an open-loop system, a closed-loop control system is:
A. more accurate
B. more complex
C. more stable
D. more accurate

10.Automation means:
A. assisting or replacing humans with machines.
B. workers controlling machines.
C. increased productivity.
D. assisting or replacing humans with machines.

11.The snap command feature in both AutoCAD and VersaCAD ensure that:
A. template lines can be removed
B. objects are entered at specific intervals.
C. identified data are automatically segmented
D. template lines can be removed

12.An intelligent robot can:
A. make decisions
B. handle only small payloads
C. walk
D. make decisions

13.What is proportional control?
A. It has a discrete output for each error value
B. The controller output varies continuously over a range
C. The gain is independent of offset error.
D. It has a discrete output for each error value

14.The real brain of an artificial intelligence system is referred to as:
A. bubble memory
B. the expert system
C. recursive technology
D. bubble memory

15.Analog and digital controllers:
A. cost the same to build
B. accept the same input signals
C. can be changed with equal case
D. cost the same to build

16.Robot motion:
A. is the same for all robots
B. usually imitates human motion
C. is not dependent on the robot structure
D. is the same for all robots

17.The digitizing technology that uses an electric field radiated from the tablet and picked up by a cursor is:
A. electromagnetic
B. raster
C. sonic
D. electromagnetic

18.Advantages of robots include:
A. increased productivity
B. ability to withstand hazardous environments
C. good return on investment and better company image
D. increased productivity

19.Light sensors:
A. cannot be used a s limit switches.
B. come in a wide variety of mounting styles
C. work in direct sunlight
D. cannot be used a s limit switches.

20.Stepping motors:
A. can run at varying speeds
B. can be built to index different amounts by changing the pole configuration
C. can run both clockwise and counterclockwise
D. can run at varying speeds

21.Most continuous control actuators:
A. are of the time proportioning type
B. use a 4 to 20 mA current loop input
C. are used with standard continuous control loop
D. are of the time proportioning type

22.Group technology brings together and organizes:
A. automation and tool production
B. parts and simulation analysis
C. documentation and analysis
D. automation and tool production

23.A venturi tube:
A. is extremely difficult to use
B. is made only of metal
C. measures the presence of a liquid
D. is extremely difficult to use

24.The APT (automatically progra�mmed tools) language is used with:
A. large automation systems
B. drafting systems
C. programmable controllers
D. large automation systems

25.The ideal solution is to have a system coordinator who will interface with the engineering and manufacturing managers, as well as the:
A. finance manager
B. president
C. marketing manager
D. finance manager

26.Four basic elements are required for an automated machine tool or production process. They are: input interface, memory, output interface and:
A. logic
B. software
C. NC tape programming
D. logic

27.The Ziegler-Nichols method:
A. is a graphical solution method
B. can be used to determine gain factors of a PI loop
C. is a method of control
D. is a graphical solution method

28.A Hall effect switch is usually used to:
A. , measure voltage
B. measure temperature
C. sense a vacuum
D. , measure voltage

29.The hardware device Jhat acts as both a switching and connecting unit is called a(n):
A. concentrator
B. RS-232C port
C. multiplexer
D. concentrator

30.The addition of _____ can reduce processing time.
A. A buffer
C. A converter
D. A buffer

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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