Computer Science :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Which of the following command is used to access an SMB share on a Linux system?
C. smbclient

2.Which of the following command is used to see the services running in NFS server?
A. rpcinfo
B. serverinfo
C. NFSinfo
D. rpcinfo

3.In which tcp_wrappers file can you specify to allow all connections from all hosts?
A. /etc/hosts.allow
B. /etc/hosts.deny
C. /etc/hosts
D. /etc/hosts.allow

4.What command is used to list contents of directories?
A. tar
B. dir
C. lp
D. tar

5.What command is used with vi editor to append text at end of line?
A. I
B. i
C. a
D. I

6.What command is used to copy directory structures in and out?
A. copy
B. cp - p
C. cpio
D. copy

7.In OSI network architecture, the dialogue control and token management are responsible of
A. data link layer
B. transport layer
C. network layer
D. data link layer

8.Layer one of the OSI model is
A. network layer
B. transport layer
C. link layer
D. network layer

9.What layer of OSI determines the interface of the system with the user?
A. Session
B. Data-link
C. Application
D. Session

10.What command is used to remove jobs from the print queue?
A. lpq
B. lpr
C. lprm
D. lpq

11.How can you navigate around virtual consoles?
A. Alt+Function Key
B. Ctrl+Function Key
C. Ctrl+Alt+Del
D. Alt+Function Key

12.Which of the following NIS clients, finds and stores information about an NIS domain and server?
A. ypwhich
B. ypbind
C. ypcat
D. ypwhich

13.What command is used to save the standard output in a file, as well as display it on the terminal?
A. tee
B. grep
C. cat
D. tee

14.What command is used to count just the number of lines contained in a file?
A. wc - r
B. wc - w
C. wc - c
D. wc - r

15.In OSI network architecture, the routing is performed by
A. session layer
B. transport layer
C. data link layer
D. session layer

16.The 32-bit internet address 10000000 00001010 00000010 00011110 will be written in dotted decimal notation as

17.Which class network is used for a collection of a small number of networks with a large number of nodes?
A. Class A
B. Class B
C. Class C
D. Class A

18.What type of addressing format is used by Class A network.
A. Net.Net.Net.Node
B. Net.Net.Node.Node
C. Net.Node.Net.Node
D. Net.Net.Net.Node

19.What types of installations require a special boot disk?

A. stands for Red Hat Package Manager
B. is used to install, uninstall, and manage packages
C. is used to keep track of the users
D. stands for Red Hat Package Manager

21.What command is used to query for a specific package with RPM?
A. rpm -q
B. rpm -a
C. rpm -d
D. rpm -q

22.What script is run for setting bash global defaults for all users?
A. /etc/.profile
B. /etc/.bashrc
C. /etc/.log
D. /etc/.profile

23.Who founded the Linux Kernel?
A. Bill Gates
B. Ben Thomas
C. Richard Stallman
D. Bill Gates

24.Which of the following is not a part of default Red Hat Linux email system?
A. Pine
B. The MTA
C. The MUA
D. Pine

25._____ tool allows you to change your default X Window desktop.
A. utilinux
B. cempre
C. switchdesk
D. utilinux

26.In what file can you specify which users are not allowed to access a system via FTP?
A. /etc/ftpusers
B. /etc/hosts.deny
C. /etc/ftpaccess
D. /etc/ftpusers

27.Which program is used to schedule particular jobs or programs at particular times on the system?
A. vi
B. Outlook
C. Scheduler
D. vi

28.Which command can force all buffers to disk?
A. save
B. sync
C. edbuff
D. save

29.How many extended partitions can exist on one drive?
A. 16
B. 4
C. 2
D. 16

30.What file contains the list of port numbers (and associated names) monitored by inetd?
A. /etc/services
B. /etc/nsorder
C. /etc/nsswitch.conf/
D. /etc/services

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