Computer Science :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Which of the following is the main Apache configuration file?
A. httpd.conf
B. apache.con
C. /etc/profile
D. httpd.conf

2.What command is used to sort the lines of data in a file in reverse order?
A. sort - r
B. st
C. sh
D. sort - r

3.What command is used to print a file?
A. lp
B. pg
C. prn
D. lp

4.The command chmod 761 letter is equivalent to
A. chmod 4=7, g = 6, o = 1 letter
B. chmod a = 761 letter
C. chmod u = rwx, g = rw, o = x letter
D. chmod 4=7, g = 6, o = 1 letter

5.What command is used with vi editor to move forward to the end of a word?
A. c
B. d
C. b
D. c

6.The IP address are based on
A. 16-bit addresses
B. 32-bit addresses
C. 64-bit addresses
D. 16-bit addresses

7.What TCP/IP protocol is used for file transfer with minimal capability and minimal overhead?

8.What TCP/IP protocol is used for transferring electronic mail messages from one machine to another?

9.What command is used to halt a Linux system?
A. init 0
B. Shutdown -t
C. Shutdown -g -y0
D. init 0

10.Which daemon is used for the Apache server?
A. apached
B. httpd
C. html
D. apached

11.GNOME is based on
A. CORBA toolkit
B. COM/DCOM toolkit
C. ORE toolkit
D. CORBA toolkit

12.What can he used to set up a firewall on a Linux system?
A. netstat
B. route
C. trace
D. netstat

13.Which program is used to automatically install Red Mat Linux on identical hardware?
A. bzimage.img
B. tar
C. ghost
D. bzimage.img

14.What service is not monitored by inetd ?
B. time
C. ntalk

15.Who founded the FSF?
A. Linus Torvalds
B. Richard Stallman
C. Bob Young
D. Linus Torvalds

16.What command is used to copy a file?
A. tar
B. cpio
C. cp
D. tar

17.What command is used to display your current working directory?
A. path
B. pwd
C. prompt $p$g
D. path

18.What command is used with vi editor to move the cursor to the left?
A. h
B. k
C. j
D. h

19.What command do you use to add routes to a Linux router?
A. addroute
B. route
C. netstat
D. addroute

20.Which of the following command is used to mount NFS filesystems?
A. nfsmount
B. knfsd
C. mount
D. nfsmount

21.To build a modularized kernel, the kernel-headers and kernel-source packages must first be installed. Where will you find the kernel-headers and kernel-source?
A. /usr/local
B. /usr/src/linux
C. /usr/sre/redhat
D. /usr/local

22.After you have compiled your kernel, what do you have to edit to boot your new kernel image?
A. /boot/lilo.conf
B. /etc/conf.modules
C. /etc/named.boot
D. /boot/lilo.conf

23.To create an installation boot floppy disk from Linux (or another Unix) machine, what command could you use?
A. fdisk
B. fsck
C. dd
D. fdisk

24.You just added a new user, kara, to the system. What group is kara added to by default?
A. root
B. kara
C. group
D. root

25.What are the appropriate Hex codes for setting Linux swap and Linux native partition types in fdisk?
A. 82 and 83
B. 92 and 93
C. 63 and 64
D. 82 and 83

26.What command do you use to delete a file?
A. rename
B. delete
C. rm
D. rename

27.Which of the following command lists the last 10 lines of a file?
A. grep
B. tail
C. head
D. grep

28.What command is used to terminate a process?
A. kill
B. cancel
C. haltsys
D. kill

29.What command is used with vi editor to delete three words?
A. 3$d
B. 3 dw
C. 3 x
D. 3$d

30.What command is used to assign executable permission to the owner of the file named "letter"?
A. chmod ugo + x letter
B. chmod u + x letter
C. chmod u + w letter
D. chmod ugo + x letter

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