Computer Science :: All Aptitude Test ::

1. The binary equivalent of the decimal number 10 is:
A. 0010
B. 10
C. 1010
D. 0010

2.The octal equivalent of 1100101.001010 is:
A. 624.12
B. 154.12
C. 145.12
D. 624.12

3.The input hexadecimal representation of 1110 is:
A. 0111
B. 14
C. 15
D. 0111

4.Convert the binary equivalent 10101 to its decimal equivalent:
A. 21
B. 12
C. 22
D. 21

5.What could be the maximum value of a single digit in an octal number system?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 5

6.Convert (22)8 into its corresponding decimal number:
A. 28
B. 18
C. 81
D. 28

7. The octal equivalent of the binary number (0010010100)2 is:
A. 422
B. 242
C. 226
D. 422

8.Octal subtraction of (232)8 from (417)8 will give:
A. 165
B. 185
C. 815
D. 165

9.The 1’s complement of 0.101 is:
A. 1.010
B. 0.010
C. 0.101
D. 1.010

10.Convert (5401)8 to hexadecimal:
A. A01
B. A02
C. B01
D. A01

11.Express the decimal format of the signed binary number (10010)2 .
A. 2
B. 12
C. -12
D. 2

12.What does the symbol D represent in a hexadecimal number system?
A. 8
B. 13
C. 14
D. 8

13.The maximum number of bits sufficient to represent a hexadecimal number in binary:
A. 4
B. 3
C. 7
D. 4

14.Convert (52)16 into its decimal equivalent:
A. 28
B. 83
C. 80
D. 28

15.The 2’s complement of 10.11 :
A. 10
B. 0.010
C. 01.01
D. 10

16.What does BCD stand for?
A. Bitwise coded decimal
B. Binary coded decimal
C. Binary converted decimal
D. Bitwise coded decimal

17.ASCII stands for:
A. American standard code for information interchange
B. American scientific code for information interchange
C. American scientific code for international interchange
D. American standard code for information interchange

18.Convert binary 111111110010 to hexadecimal:
A. EE216
B. FF216
C. 2FE16
D. EE216

19.A complete alphanumeric code would include 26 lowercase letters, 26 uppercase letters, 10 numeric digits, 7 punctuation marks, and anywhere from ________ to ________ other characters:
A. 5, 10
B. 10, 15
C. 10, 20
D. 5, 10

20.Hex 4B5258 is ________ in ASCII code.

21.The ________ code represents alphanumeric characters as seven-bit binary numbers:
B. octal
C. alphanumeric

22.Hexadecimal F2 is ________ in binary:
A. 11100011
B. 10100001
C. 11110010
D. 11100011

23.Binary 0010111101111110 is ________ in hexadecimal:
A. 77F216
B. 4EEE16
C. 2F7E16
D. 77F216

24.The decimal equivalent of the BCD number 1010 is:
A. 8
B. 10
C. 12
D. 8

25.The largest unsigned decimal number that can be represented in binary using six bits is:
A. 63
B. 64
C. 127
D. 63

26.Decimal 37 is ________ in binary with an even parity bit.
A. 00100101
B. 10100101
C. 11000100
D. 00100101

27.An unweighted code in which only one bit changes from one code number to the next is:
B. Excess-3
C. Gray

28.Resistors—usually 300 apiece—inserted between a decoder and a 7-segment display are:
A. pull-up resistors to keep logic HIGH when the input is open
B. sense resistors to enable a test of logic levels
C. current limiting resistors for the 7-segment display
D. pull-up resistors to keep logic HIGH when the input is open

29.Hexadecimal AA is ________ in decimal:
A. (165)10
B. (170)10
C. (186)10
D. (165)10

30.Convert the binary number 1011010 to hexadecimal:
A. 5B
B. 5F
C. 5A
D. 5B

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