Computer Science :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.The directive used to perform initialization before the execution of the code is ?
A. Reserve
B. Store
C. Dataword
D. Reserve

2.Which directive is used to specify and assign the memory required for the block of code ?
A. Allocate
B. Assign
C. Set
D. Allocate

3.Which directive specifies the end of execution of a program ?
A. End
B. Return
C. Stop
D. End

4.The last statement of the source program should be ?
A. Stop
B. Return
D. Stop

5.When dealing with the branching code the assembler ?
A. Replaces the target with its address
B. Does not replace until the test condition is satisfied
C. Finds the Branch offset and replaces the Branch target with it
D. Replaces the target with its address

6.The assembler stores all the names and their corresponding values in ?
A. Special purpose Register
B. Symbol Table
C. Value map Set
D. Special purpose Register

7.The assembler stores the object code in ?
A. Main memory
B. Cache
D. Main memory

8.The utility program used to bring the object code into memory for execution is ?
A. Loader
B. Fetcher
C. Extractor
D. Loader

9.To overcome the problems of the assembler in dealing with branching code we use ?
A. Interpreter
B. Debugger
C. Op-Assembler
D. Interpreter

10.The 8-bit encoding format used to store data in a computer is ?

11.The format is usually used to store data ?
B. Decimal
C. Hexadecimal

12.A source program is usually in ?
A. Assembly language
B. Machine level language
C. High-level language
D. Assembly language

13.Which memory device is generally made of semiconductors ?
B. Hard-disk
C. Floppy disk

14.The small extremely fast, RAM’s are called as ?
A. Cache
B. Heaps
C. Accumulators
D. Cache

15.The ALU makes use of to store the intermediate results ?
A. Accumulators
B. Registers
C. Heap
D. Accumulators

16.The control unit controls other units by generating ?
A. Control signals
B. Timing signals
C. Transfer signals
D. Control signals

17.Which are numbers and encoded characters, generally used as operands ?
A. Input
B. Data
C. Information
D. Input

18.The Input devices can send information to the processor ?
A. When the SIN status flag is set
B. When the data arrives regardless of the SIN flag
C. Neither of the cases
D. When the SIN status flag is set

19.Which bus structure is usually used to connect I/O devices ?
A. Single bus
B. Multiple bus
C. Star bus
D. Single bus

20.The I/O interface required to connect the I/O device to the bus consists of ?
A. Address decoder and registers
B. Control circuits
C. Address decoder, registers and Control circuits
D. Address decoder and registers

21.To reduce the memory access time we generally make use of ?
A. Heaps
B. Higher capacity RAM’s
D. Heaps

22.What is generally used to increase the apparent size of physical memory ?
A. Secondary memory
B. Virtual memory
C. Hard-disk
D. Secondary memory

23.MFC stands for ?
A. Memory Format Caches
B. Memory Function Complete
C. Memory Find Command
D. Memory Format Caches

24.The time delay between two successive initiations of memory operation ?
A. Memory access time
B. Memory search time
C. Memory cycle time
D. Memory access time

25.What is the additional feature in classes that was not in structures ?
A. Data members
B. Member functions
C. Static data allowed
D. Data members

26.Which is not feature of OOP in general definitions ?
A. Code re-usability
B. Modularity
C. Duplicate/Redundant data
D. Code re-usability

27.Which Feature of OOP illustrated the code re-usability ?
A. Polymorphism
B. Abstraction
C. Encapsulation
D. Polymorphism

28.Which language does not support all 4 types of inheritance ?
A. C++
B. Java
C. Kotlin
D. C++

29.How many classes can be defined in a single program ?
A. Only 1
B. Only 100
C. Only 999
D. Only 1

30.When OOP concept did first came into picture ?
A. 1970’s
B. 1980’s
C. 1993
D. 1970’s

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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