Computer Science :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Page stealing
A. is a sign of an efficient system
B. is taking page frames from other working sets
C. should be the tuning goal
D. is a sign of an efficient system

2.In MS-DOS 5.0, which is the number that acts as a code to uniquely identify the software product?

3.Bug means
A. A logical error in a program
B. A difficult syntax error in a program
C. Documenting programs using an efficient documentation tool
D. A logical error in a program

4.Memory management is :
A. not used in modern operating system
B. replaced with virtual memory on current systems
C. not used on multiprogramming systems
D. not used in modern operating system

5.The initial value of the semaphore that allows only one of the many processes to enter their critical sections, is
A. 8
B. 1
C. 16
D. 8

6.The Register - to - Register (RR) instructions
A. have both their operands in the main store.
B. which perform an operation on a register operand and an operand which is located in the main store, generally leaving the result in the register, except in the case of store operation when it is also written into the specified storage location.
C. which perform indicated operations on two fast registers of the machine and leave the result in one of the registers.
D. have both their operands in the main store.

7.A page fault
A. is an error is a specific page
B. occurs when a program accesses a page of memory
C. is an access to a page not currently in memory
D. is an error is a specific page

8.An algorithm is best described as
A. A computer language
B. A step by step procedure for solving a problem
C. A branch of mathematics
D. A computer language

9.The process of transferring data intended for a peripheral device into a disk (or intermediate store) so that it can be transferred to peripheral at a more convenient time or in bulk, is known as
A. multiprogramming
B. spooling
C. caching
D. multiprogramming

10.Block caches or buffer caches are used
A. to improve disk performance
B. to handle interrupts
C. to increase the capacity of the main memory
D. to improve disk performance

11.Which of the following statements is false?
A. a small page size causes large page tables
B. internal fragmentation is increased with small pages
C. a large page size causes instructions and data that will not be referenced brought into primary storage
D. a small page size causes large page tables

12.The action of parsing the source program into the proper syntactic classes is known as
A. syntax analysis
B. lexical analysis
C. interpretation analysis
D. syntax analysis

13.Which, of the following is not true about the description of a decision table?
A. A decision table is easy to modify
B. A decision table is directly understood by the computer
C. A decision table is easy to understand
D. A decision table is easy to modify

14.Trojan-Horse programs
A. are legitimate programs that allow unauthorized access
B. do not usually work
C. are hidden programs that do not show up on the system
D. are legitimate programs that allow unauthorized access

15.When did IBM release the first version of disk operating system DOS version 1.0?
A. 1981
B. 1982
C. 1983
D. 1981

16.Which of the following is false about disk when compared to main memory?
A. non-volatile
B. longer storage capacity
C. lower price per bit
D. non-volatile

17.Producer consumer problem can be solved using
A. semaphores
B. event counters
C. monitors
D. semaphores

18.The CPU, after receiving an interrupt from an I/O device
A. halts for a predetermined time
B. hands over control of address bus and data bus to the interrupting device
C. branches off to the interrupt service routine immediately
D. halts for a predetermined time

19.Seeks analysis
A. is used for analyzing paging problems
B. is used for analyzing device busy problems
C. is used for analyzing control-unit busy problems
D. is used for analyzing paging problems

20.Which is a permanent database in the general model of compiler?
A. Literal Table
B. Identifier Table
C. Terminal Table
D. Literal Table

21.What is the name of the technique in which the operating system of a computer executes several programs concurrently by switching back and forth between them?
A. Partitioning
B. Multitasking
C. Windowing
D. Partitioning

22.Operating system
A. links a program with the subroutines it references
B. provides a layered, user-friendly interface
C. enables the programmer to draw a flowchart
D. links a program with the subroutines it references

23.Software that measures, monitors, analyzes, and controls real-world events is called:
A. system software
B. real-time software
C. scientific software
D. system software

24.The details of all external symbols and relocation formation (relocation list or map) is provided to linker by
A. Macro processor
B. Translator
C. Loader
D. Macro processor

25.The macro processor must perform
A. recognize macro definitions and macro calls
B. save the macro definitions
C. expand macros calls and substitute arguments
D. recognize macro definitions and macro calls

26.A development strategy whereby the executive control modules of a system are coded and tested first, is known as
A. Bottom-up development
B. Top-down development
C. Left-Right development
D. Bottom-up development

27.Which of the following is helpful in evaluating applications software what will best suit your needs?
A. recommendations by other users
B. computer magazines
C. objective software reviews
D. recommendations by other users

28.The dispatcher
A. actually schedules the tasks into the processor
B. puts tasks in I/O wait
C. is always small and simple
D. actually schedules the tasks into the processor

29.System programs such as Compilers are designed so that they are
A. reenterable
B. non reusable
C. serially usable
D. reenterable

30.IBM released its first PC in 1981. Can you name the operating system which was most popular at that time?
C. OS/360

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