Computer Science :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Which of the following is called insertion/put to operator ?
A. <<
B. >>
C. >
D. <<

2.Which of the following is called extraction/get from operator ?
A. <<
B. >>
C. >
D. <<

3.A language which has the capability to generate new data types are called ?
A. Extensible
B. Overloaded
C. Encapsulated
D. Extensible

4.Which of the following is a fundamental operation in relational algebra?
A. Set intersection
B. Natural join
C. Assignment
D. Set intersection

5.Which of the following is used to denote the selection operation in relational algebra?
A. Pi (Greek)
B. Sigma (Greek)
C. Lambda (Greek)
D. Pi (Greek)

6.For select operation the ________ appear in the subscript and the ___________ argument appears in the paranthesis after the sigma.
A. Predicates, relation
B. Relation, Predicates
C. Operation, Predicates
D. Predicates, relation

7.The ___________ operation, denoted by −, allows us to find tuples that are in one relation but are not in another.
A. Union
B. Set-difference
C. Difference
D. Union

8.Which is a unary operation?
A. Selection operation
B. Primitive operation
C. Projection operation
D. Selection operation

9.Which is a join condition contains an equality operator?
A. Equijoins
B. Cartesian
C. Natural
D. Equijoins

10.In precedence of set operators, the expression is evaluated from?
A. Left to left
B. Left to right
C. Right to left
D. Left to left

11.Which of the following is not outer join?
A. Left outer join
B. Right outer join
C. Full outer join
D. Left outer join

12.The assignment operator is denoted by?
A. ->
B. <-
C. =
D. ->

13.The total participation by entities is represented in E-R diagram as?
A. Dashed line
B. Double line
C. Double rectangle
D. Dashed line

14.Which of the following indicates the maximum number of entities that can be involved in a relationship?
A. Minimum cardinality
B. Maximum cardinality
D. Minimum cardinality

15.In E-R diagram generalization is represented by?
A. Ellipse
B. Dashed ellipse
C. Rectangle
D. Ellipse

16.What is a relationship called when it is maintained between two entities?
A. Unary
B. Binary
C. Ternary
D. Unary

17.Which of the following is a low level operator?
A. Insert
B. Update
C. Delete
D. Insert

18.Key to represent relationship between tables is called?
A. Primary key
B. Secondary Key
C. Foreign Key
D. Primary key

19.A window into a portion of a database is?
A. Schema
B. View
C. Query
D. Schema

20.The entity set person is classified as student and employee. This process is called?
A. Generalization
B. Specialization
C. Inheritance
D. Generalization

21.Which relationship is used to represent a specialization entity?

22.If an entity set is a lower-level entity set in more than one ISA relationship, then the entity set has?
A. Hierarchy
B. Multilevel inheritance
C. Single inheritance
D. Hierarchy

23.Which a constraint requires that an entity belong to no more than one lower-level entity set?
A. Disjointness
B. Uniqueness
C. Special
D. Disjointness

24.Functional dependencies are a generalization of?
A. Key dependencies
B. Key dependencies
C. Database dependencies
D. Key dependencies

25.Which of the following is another name for a weak entity?
A. Child
B. Owner
C. Dominant
D. Child

26.Let P and Q be statements, then P<->Q is logically equivalent to
A. P<->~Q
B. ~P<->Q
C. ~P<->~Q
D. P<->~Q

27.What is the negation of the statement A->(B v(or) C)?
A. A ∧ ~B ∧ ~C
B. A->B->C
C. ~A ∧ B v C
D. A ∧ ~B ∧ ~C

28.The compound statement A-> (A->B) is false, then the truth values of A, B are respectively?
A. T, T
B. F, T
C. T, F
D. T, T

29.The statement which is logically equivalent to A∧ (and) B is?
A. A->B
B. ~A ∧ ~ B
C. A ∧ ~B
D. A->B

30.Let P, Q, R be true, false true , respectively, which of the following is true?
A. P∧Q∧R
B. P∧~Q∧~R
C. Q->(P∧R)
D. P∧Q∧R

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