Computer Science :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.The step-by-step instructions that solve a problem are called _____.
A. An algorithm
B. A list
C. A plan
D. An algorithm

2.The approach used in top-down analysis and design is
A. to identify the top level functions by combining many smaller components into a single entity
B. to prepare flow charts after programming has been completed
C. to identify a top level function an d then create a hierarchy of lower-level modules and components.
D. to identify the top level functions by combining many smaller components into a single entity

3.Which of the following is not a factor in the failure of the systems developments projects?
A. size of the company
B. inadequate user involvement
C. failure of systems integration
D. size of the company

4.A Ring, refers to a record chain, the last of which refers to the first record, in the chain, is called a/an
A. addressing
B. location
C. pointer
D. addressing

5.The primary tool used in structured design is a:
A. data-flow diagram
B. module
C. structure chart
D. data-flow diagram

6.Which of the following statements, is (are) not true for the lease option
A. Lease charges are lower than rental charges for the same period and are also tax deductable.
B. Lease may be written to show higher payments is early years to reflect the decline in value of the system
C. Insurance, maintenance and other expenses are included in the rental charge
D. Lease charges are lower than rental charges for the same period and are also tax deductable.

7.The two classifications of inputs are
A. energies and maintenance
B. maintenance and waste
C. maintenance and signal
D. energies and maintenance

8.Documentation is prepared
A. at every stage
B. at system design
C. at system analysis
D. at every stage

9.System Implementation Phase entails
A. System check outs
B. Pilot run
C. Parallel runs
D. System check outs

10.Which of the following is not true of the conversion phase of the development life cycle?
A. the user and systems personnel must work closely together.
B. steps must be taken to phase out the old system
C. documentation should be emphasized
D. the user and systems personnel must work closely together.

11.Managers who are potential users of the MIS
A. select the optimum equipment configurations
B. evaluate alternate equipment configurations
C. describe information needs
D. select the optimum equipment configurations

12.Positive testing is
A. running the system with line data by the actual user
B. making sure that the new programs do in fact process certain transactions according to Specifications
C. is checking the logic of one or more programs in the candidate system
D. running the system with line data by the actual user

13.In phase 1 of the system development life cycle, which of the following aspects are usually analyzed?
A. outputs
B. input (transactions)
C. controls
D. outputs

14.During the maintenance phase
A. System requirements are established
B. System analysis is carried out
C. Programs are tested
D. System requirements are established

15.To run the old system and the new system at the same time for a specified period, the system implementation approach used is
A. pilot
B. phased
C. parallel
D. pilot

16.The mistake, committed by interchanging two digits in a numeric held, during data entry, is called
A. transposition error
B. transcription error
C. Beta testing error
D. transposition error

17.Decision tree uses
A. pictorial depictation of alternate conditions
B. nodes and branches
C. consequences of various depicted alternates
D. pictorial depictation of alternate conditions

18.Problem analysis is done during
A. system design phase
B. systems analysis phase
C. before system test
D. system design phase

19.A decision table facilitates conditions to be related to
A. actions
B. programs
C. tables
D. actions

20.On the feasibility committee, department representatives serve as:
A. direct users of the new system
B. liaison to their departments
C. ready sources of information
D. direct users of the new system

21.A _____ is an outline of a process that keeps develop successful information systems
A. System Development Life Cycle
B. CASE tool
C. Phased Conversion
D. System Development Life Cycle

22.A branch office, location or other data processing centres, where a newly developed system is used under normal operating conditions for several months, to test it, is called
A. beta test data
B. alpha test data
C. string test data
D. beta test data

23.Elapsed time, between initiating a query and receiving a response is called
A. response time
B. waiting time
C. processing time
D. response time

24.During the system study, the executive vice-president and the other managers exercise their responsibility of
A. planning
B. controlling
C. directing
D. planning

25.Which of the following is (are) not a tool for Application Prototyping?
A. Application generators
B. third generation language
C. screen generators
D. Application generators

26.The set of. instructions for how to tie a bow is an example of the _____Structure.
A. Control
B. Repetition
C. Selection
D. Control

27.Which of the following appropriately explains the desirable characteristic of good system design?
A. Modular approach
B. Proper documentation
C. Conversion
D. Modular approach

28.An example of a hierarchical data structure is
A. array
B. link list
C. tree
D. array

29.On a systems flowchart, the online manual keeping of input data is identified by using the
A. online storage symbol
B. Online keyboard symbol
C. keeping operation symbols
D. online storage symbol

30.Which of the following is not a characteristic of good test data
A. users do not participate at this preliminary stage
B. should be comprehensive
C. every statement should be executed
D. users do not participate at this preliminary stage

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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