Computer Science :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.The reservation system of Indian railways is an example of
A. transaction processing system
B. Interactive decision support system
C. management controls system
D. transaction processing system

2.At the time of system study, flowcharts are drawn using
A. non-standard symbols
B. general symbols
C. abbreviated symbols
D. non-standard symbols

3.Programmers use _____ to organize and summarize the results of their problem analysis.
A. Flowcharts
B. Input charts
C. IPO charts
D. Flowcharts

4.Which symbol will be used with grep command to match the pattern pat at the beginning of a line?
A. ^pat
B. $pat
C. pat$
D. ^pat

5.Which command is used to sort the lines of data in a file in reverse order
A. sort
B. sh
C. st
D. sort

6.Which command is used to display the top of the file?
A. cat
B. head
C. more
D. cat

7.Which command is used to copy all files having the string chap and any two characters after that to the progs directory?
A. cp chap?? progs
B. cp chap* progs
C. cp chap[12] /progs/*.*
D. cp chap?? progs

8.Which command is used to change protection mode of files starting with the string emp and ending with 1,2, or 3?
A. chmod u+x emp[1-3]
B. chmod 777 emp*
C. chmod u+r ??? emp
D. chmod u+x emp[1-3]

9.Which command is used to remove a directory?
A. rd
B. rmdir
C. dldir
D. rd

10.Which of the following keys is used to replace a single character with new text?
A. S
B. s
C. r
D. S

11.Which command is used to extract specific columns from the file?
A. cat
B. cut
C. grep
D. cat

12.Which command sends the word count of the file infile to the newfile.
A. wc infile >newfile
B. wc newfile
C. wc infile - newfile
D. wc infile >newfile

13.Which of the following commands is used to display the directory attributes rather than its contents?
A. ls -l -d
B. ls -l
C. ls -x
D. ls -l -d

14.Which of the following files will displayed by this command cat *ch*
A. patch
B. catch
C. .ch
D. patch

15.The Octal number to be given alogn with chmod command to make a file readable, writable and executable to the owner, readable and executable to group and others is:
A. 0
B. 755
C. 744
D. 0

16.If you are to use [Control-c] as the interrupt key instead of [Del], then you will have to use
A. tty ^c
B. stty intr ^c
C. stty echoe
D. tty ^c

17.Which of the following is not a communication command.
A. write
B. mesg
C. mail
D. write

18.Which of the following keys is used to move the cursor to the end of the paragraph.
A. }
B. {
C. |
D. }

19.The command which transcribes the standard input to the standard output and also makes a copy of the same in a file is
A. tee
B. tr
C. sort
D. tee

20.Which command is used to remove a file?
A. remove
B. rm
C. mv
D. remove

21.Which symbol is used to separate more than one command in the same command line?
A. $
B. #
C. :
D. $

22.The agency that sits between the user and the UNIX system is called the
A. logic
B. profile
C. shell
D. logic

23.Which of the following commands is used to update access and modification times of a file?
A. grep
B. wc
C. touch
D. grep

24.Which command is used to count just the number of characters in a file?
A. wc - 1
B. wc -c
C. wc -w
D. wc - 1

25.Which of the following commands is used to list contents of directories?
A. ls
B. lp
C. dir
D. ls

26.Which command is used to display a file contents in octal form?
A. cd
B. od
C. of
D. cd

27.Which command will be used with vi editor to insert text to left of cursor?
A. s
B. S
C. a
D. s

28.In vi editor, forward search is performed using the command.
A. :pat
B. ?pat
C. /pat
D. :pat

29.Which of the following special shell variables is used to process number of the last background job?
A. $!
B. $#
C. $0
D. $!

30.Which option will be used with ps command to show the entire command line of the process being run?
A. -4
B. -f
C. -1
D. -4

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