Computer Science :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Which of the following commands is used to copy directory structures in and out
A. cp
B. cpio
C. cp - p
D. cp

2.Which of following commands is used for an automatic reminder service?
A. write
B. mesg
C. calendar
D. write

3.Which command allows you to view your file 24 lines at a time?
A. more
B. pg
C. cat
D. more

4.Which of the following special shell variables is used to process number of the current shell?
A. $!
B. $$
C. $0
D. $!

5.Which option is used with cmp command to give a detailed list of the byte number and the differing bytes in octal for each character that differs in both the files?
A. -l
B. -d
C. -r
D. -l

6.Which command is used with vi editor scroll half page backward?
A. [Control-d]
B. [Control - u]
C. [Control-c]
D. [Control-d]

7.Which of the following keys is used to delete the character beneath the cursor?
A. x
B. X
C. dd
D. x

8.Which command will be used with vi editor to append text at end of line?
A. A
B. a
C. i
D. A

9.The first set of the three permissions (rw) pertains to the owner of the file, indicating that the owner has
A. executable permission only
B. write and executable permissions
C. both read and executable permissions.
D. executable permission only

10.Which of the following commands is used to save the output of the who command in a file named user.lst, as well as display it?
A. who | tee user.lst
B. who > user.lst
C. who >> user.lst
D. who | tee user.lst

11.The command used to remove the directory is;
A. rmdir
B. rd
C. remove
D. rmdir

12.Which symbol will be used with grep command to match the pattern pat at the end of a line?
A. ^pat
B. $pat
C. pat$
D. ^pat

13.Which of the following commands is not the vi Input mode command?
A. rch
B. R
C. S
D. rch

14.Which of the following commands is used to remove files?
A. erase
B. delete
C. rm
D. erase

15.Which command is used with vi editor to save file and remain in the editing mode?
A. :q
B. :w
C. q!
D. :q

16.You can append to a file instead of overwriting by using the
A. > symbols
B. >> symbols
C. < symbols
D. > symbols

17.The [line number G] key allows you
A. to move cursor left by one position
B. to move cursor right by one position
C. to move cursor down by one line
D. to move cursor left by one position

18.Which of the following commands is used to have a two-way communication with any person who is currently logged in?
A. mail
B. mesg
C. write
D. mail

19.Which command is used with vi editor to move the cursor to the left?
A. i
B. j
C. k
D. i

20.Which of command is used to copy a file?
A. copy
B. cp
C. cpio
D. copy

21.The special shell variable $* is used
A. to exit status of ast command executed.
B. to process number of the current shell
C. to list the positional parameters
D. to exit status of ast command executed.

22.The cat command is used to
A. capture a file
B. display a file
C. print a file
D. capture a file

23.The UNIX file system stores a data in physical blocks of
A. 1024 bytes
B. 2048 bytes
C. 512 bytes
D. 1024 bytes

24.Which command is used to terminate all processes in your own system except the login shell?
A. kill 1
B. kill 0
C. cancel all
D. kill 1

25.Which operator will be used with chmod command to assign absolute permission?
A. +
B. -
C. =
D. +

26.Which command is used to link the files?
A. lk
B. ln
C. cp
D. lk

27.Which of the following signs is used to back up over typing errors in vi?
A. @
B. #
C. $
D. @

28.Major expressions used with find command to select file is it has been accessed in more than 375 days, is
A. -atime +365
B. -mtime + 365
C. -atime -365
D. -atime +365

29.Which of are following internal commands is used in mail to forward mail to user in user-list?
A. r user-list
B. m user-list
C. d user-list
D. r user-list

30.Which of the following commands is used to display the filenames in multiple columns?
A. ls
B. ls -1
C. ls -x
D. ls

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