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1.Antonym of Euphony?
A. Cacophony
B. Pithy
C. Salophony
D. Cacophony

2.Antonym of “QUOTIDIAN” is___?
A. Extraordinary
B. Certain
C. Wishful
D. Extraordinary

3.Antonym of ”Malaise” is ___?
A. Despondancy
B. Dejection
C. Restless
D. Despondancy

4.Antonym of “filthy” is___?
A. Grimy
B. Clean
C. Putrid
D. Grimy

5.Antonym of Vagrant is ___?
A. Derelcit
B. Wayfarer
C. Vagabond
D. Derelcit

6.What’s the antonym of Amicable?
A. Haughty
B. Friendly
C. Hostile
D. Haughty

7.Antonym of Friend is ___?
A. Enemy
B. Brother
C. Companion
D. Enemy

8.Antonyms of “Apposite” is___?
A. Liable
B. Connected
C. Inappropriate
D. Liable

9.Antonym of pardon is ___?
A. Punish
B. Forgive
C. Praise
D. Punish

10.Antonym of “Foe” is___?
A. Enemy
B. Friend
C. Classmate
D. Enemy

11.Antonym of ‘DISPARAGE’ is___?

12.Choose the Antonyms of Array?
A. Disarrange
B. Agonistic
C. Vitriolic
D. Disarrange

13.Abbreviate antonym ___?
A. Expand
B. Abridge
C. Achieve
D. Expand

14.Antonym of Fickle is ___?
A. Courageous
B. Sincere
C. Constant
D. Courageous

15.Antonym of Hypocritical is ___?
A. Gentle
B. Amiable
C. Sincere
D. Gentle

16.Antonym of Essential is ___ ?
A. Optional
B. Nought
C. Minors
D. Optional

17.Antonym of Revealed is ___?
A. Denied
B. Ignored
C. Concealed
D. Denied

18.Antonym of MINOR is ___ ?
A. Major
B. Big
C. Heavy
D. Major

19.Antonym of Abominate?
A. Love
B. Despise
C. Loath
D. Love

20.Antonym of Reprobate ___ ?
A. Elevated
B. Virtous
C. Clumsy
D. Elevated

21.What is antonym of Assiduous?
A. Diligent
B. Sluggish
C. Sedulous
D. Diligent

22.What is antonym of Bibulous?
A. Sober
B. Careful
C. Inspired
D. Sober

23.What is antonym of Brevity?
A. In a nutshell
B. Verbosity
C. Tersely
D. In a nutshell

24.What is antonym of Callow?
A. Diligent
B. Inexperienced person
C. Vigilant
D. Diligent

25.What is antonym of Chary?
A. Cautious
B. Bold
C. Happy
D. Cautious

26.What is the antonym of ” Withdraw”?
A. Need
B. Advance
C. Reduce
D. Need

27.What is the antonym of ”Pit”?
A. Group
B. Peak
C. Select
D. Group

28.What is the antonym of Kindle?
A. Detest
B. Douse
C. Enemy
D. Detest

29.What is the antonym of Demur?
A. Accept
B. Crude
C. Boisterous
D. Accept

30.What of the following word is an opposite to English word ‘ Bigsie’?
A. Naughty
B. Humble
C. Selfish
D. Naughty

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