English Mcqs :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Synonym of “altercation” is ___?
A. Adjustment
B. Repair
C. Quarrel
D. Adjustment

2.Synonym of “deprecate” is ___?
A. Denounce
B. Plead earnestly against
C. Dishonor
D. Denounce

3.Synonym of “savanna” is ___?
A. Grassland
B. Harbour
C. Garment
D. Grassland

4.Synonym of “facade” is ___?
A. Embankment
B. Cosmetic
C. Building front
D. Embankment

5.Synonym of “foretaste” is ___?
A. Bitterness
B. Anticipation
C. Strength
D. Bitterness

6.Synonym of “centrifugal” is ___?
A. The exact center
B. Rapid
C. Moving away from the centre
D. The exact center

7.Synonym of “garrulous” is ___?
A. Affable
B. Noisy
C. Quarrelsome
D. Affable

8.Synonym of “astute” is ___?
A. Untruthful
B. Diligent
C. Greedy
D. Untruthful

9.Synonym of “forthwith” is ___?
A. By chance
B. Straightforward
C. With excess vigour
D. By chance

10.Synonym of “sporadic” is ___?
A. Irregular
B. Instinctive
C. Accidental
D. Irregular

11.Synonym of “homage” is ___?
A. Patriotic sentiment
B. Show of respect
C. Moralizing speech
D. Patriotic sentiment

12.Synonym of “obligatory” is ___?
A. Agreeable
B. Required
C. Useful
D. Agreeable

13.Related Pair of Words LIQUID: HYDRAULICS ?
A. motion: dynamics
B. water: hydroponics
C. data: statistics
D. motion: dynamics

14.Related Pair of Words CIRCUITOUS : ROUTER ?
A. problematic : solution
B. devious : argument
C. elliptical : brevity
D. problematic : solution

15.Related Pair of Words HOPE : ASPIRES ?
A. love: elevates
B. film: flam
C. fib: lie
D. love: elevates

16.Related Pair of Words CORPOREAL: SPIRITUAL ?
A. pedagogue: teacher
B. foreigner: immigrant
C. moron: savant
D. pedagogue: teacher

17.Related Pair of Words SYMPHONY: COMPOSER ?
A. Leonardo: music
B. Fresco: painter
C. Colours: pallet
D. Leonardo: music

18.Related Pair of Words GRAIN: SALT ?
A. shard: pottery
B. shred: wood
C. chip: glass
D. shard: pottery

19.Related Pair of Words DIVA: OPERA ?
A. thespian: play
B. conductor: bus
C. director: drama
D. thespian: play

20.Related Pair of Words PAIN: SEDATIVE ?
A. ache: extraction
B. trance: narcotic
C. grief: consolation
D. ache: extraction

21.Related Pair of Words LIGHT: BLIND ?
A. speech: dumb
B. language: deaf
C. tongue: sound
D. speech: dumb

22.Related Pair of Words FILTER: WATER ?
A. censor: play
B. edit: text
C. expunge: book
D. censor: play

23.Related Pair of Words GRAVITY: PULL ?
A. iron: metal
B. magnetism: attraction
C. dust: desert
D. iron: metal

24.Related Pair of Words ARMY: LOGISTICS ?
A. business: strategy
B. soldier: students
C. war: logic
D. business: strategy

25.Related Pair of Words MUNDANE: SPIRITUAL ?
A. common: ghostly
B. worldly: unworldly
C. routine: novel
D. common: ghostly

26.Related Pair of Words TEN: DECIMAL ?
A. seven: septet
B. four: quartet
C. two: binary
D. seven: septet

27.Related Pair of Words WAN: COLOUR ?
A. corpulent: weight
B. insipid: flavour
C. pallid: complexion
D. corpulent: weight

28.Related Pair of Words PORK: PIG ?
A. rooster: chicken
B. mutton: sheep
C. steer: beef
D. rooster: chicken

29.Related Pair of Words AFTER: BEFORE ?
A. first: second
B. present: past
C. contemporary: historic
D. first: second

30.Related Pair of Words DISTANCE: MILE ?
A. liquid: litre
B. bushel: corn
C. weight: scale
D. liquid: litre

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022


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