English Mcqs :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Antonym of CURTAIL is?
A. Clip
B. Chop
C. Prolong
D. Clip

2.They greet me cheerfully every morning.
A. Cheerful greeting is done by them every morning to me.
B. I am being greeted cheerfully by them every morning.
C. I am greeted cheerfully by them every morning.
D. Cheerful greeting is done by them every morning to me.

3.Who is creating this mess?
A. Who has been created this mess?
B. By whom has this mess been created?
C. By whom this mess is being created?
D. Who has been created this mess?

4.I remember my sister taking me to the museum.
A. I remember I was taken to the museum by my sister.
B. I remember being taken to the museum by my sister.
C. I remember myself being taken to the museum by my sister.
D. I remember I was taken to the museum by my sister.

5.Are they playing match against them?
A. Is a match been played against our team by them?
B. Is a match played against our team by them?
C. Is a match be played against our team by them?
D. Is a match been played against our team by them?

6.You must obey your parents.
A. Your parents must being obeyed by you.
B. Your parents must be obeyed by you.
C. Your parents must been obeyed by you.
D. Your parents must being obeyed by you.

7.Have you taken a rest?
A. Have a rest be take by you?
B. Had a rest taken by you?
C. Have a rest taken by you.
D. Have a rest be take by you?

8.Why does an officer neglect duties?
A. Why are the duties neglect by an officer?
B. Why is the duties neglected by an officer?
C. Why are the duties neglected by an officer?
D. Why are the duties neglect by an officer?

9.Did you visit a zoo?
A. Was a zoo visited by you?
B. Was a zoo been visited by you?
C. Was a zoo be visited by you?
D. Was a zoo visited by you?

10.She will invite me.
A. I will been invited by her.
B. I shall being invited by her.
C. I will invited by her.
D. I will been invited by her.

11.I take exercise daily.
A. Exercise is been taken daily by me.
B. Exercise is being taken daily by me.
C. Exercise is taken daily by me.
D. Exercise is been taken daily by me.

12.Which Poet Laureate wrote about a church mouse?
A. Betjeman
B. Hughes
C. Marvel
D. Betjeman

13.Which American writer published 'A brave and startling truth' in 1996
A. Robert Hass
B. Jessica Hagdorn
C. Maya Angelou
D. Robert Hass

14.Who wrote about the idyllic 'Isle of Innisfree'?
A. Dylan Thomas
B. Ezra Pound
C. W. B. Yeats
D. Dylan Thomas

15.A pattern of accented and unaccented syllables in lines of poetry
A. rhyme scheme
B. meter
C. alliteration
D. rhyme scheme

16.The repetition of similar ending sounds
A. alliteration
B. onomatopoiea
C. rhyme
D. alliteration

17.Applying human qualities to non-human things
A. personification
B. onomatopoeia
C. alliteration
D. personification

18.The repetition of beginning consonant sounds
A. rhyme
B. onomatopoeia
C. alliteration
D. rhyme

19.A comparison of unlike things without using a word of comparison such as like or as
A. metaphor
B. simile
C. personification
D. metaphor

20.The comparison of unlike things using the words like or as
A. metaphor
B. simile
C. personification
D. metaphor

21.Using words or letters to imitate sounds
A. alliteration
B. simile
C. onomatopoeia
D. alliteration

22.a description that appeals to one of the five senses
A. imagery
B. personification
C. metaphor
D. imagery

23.A poem that tells a story with plot, setting, and characters
A. lyric
B. free verse
C. narrative
D. lyric

24. A poem with no meter or rhyme
A. lyric
B. free verse
C. narrative
D. lyric

25.A poem that generally has meter and rhyme
A. lyric
B. free verse
C. narrative
D. lyric

26.Sylvia Plath married which English poet?
A. Masefield
B. Causley
C. Hughes
D. Masefield

27.Carl Sandburg 'Planked whitefish' contains what kind of imagery?
A. Sea scenes
B. Rural Idyll
C. War
D. Sea scenes

28.Which influential American poet was born in Long Island in 1819?
A. Emily Dickinson
B. Paul Dunbar
C. John Greenleaf Whittier
D. Emily Dickinson

29. In 1960 'The Colossus' was the first book of poems published by which poetess?
A. Elizabeth Bishop
B. Sylvia Plath
C. Marianne Moore
D. Elizabeth Bishop

30.In his poem Kipling said 'If you can meet with triumph and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '?
A. Glory
B. Ruin
C. Disaster
D. Glory

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