Agriculture :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.A male horse under 3 years of age is called ____?
A. Filly
B. Colt
C. Foal
D. Filly

2.The loose flesh hanging is the throat area of cattle is _____?
A. Dewlap
B. Pastern
C. Skin
D. Dewlap

3.An adult female sheep is also called _____?
A. Hog
B. Lamb
C. Ewe
D. Hog

4.A growing female calf from 12 months till its first calving is called_____?
A. Mature cow
B. Cow
C. Adult cow
D. Mature cow

5.Mastitis is an infection cause by ____?
A. K-Pyogenes
B. Pyogenes
C. Fungi
D. K-Pyogenes

6.White Scour is disease in____?
A. Heifer
B. Calves
C. Cow
D. Heifer

7.Berri Berri is the most common disease caused by the deficiency of______?
A. Vit. C
B. Vit. A
C. Vit. B
D. Vit. C

8.Holstein cattle breed belongs to ____?
A. Nether land
B. England
C. Australia
D. Nether land

9.At present time people involved in raising livestock are ____?
A. 7.9 million
B. 17.6 million
C. 18 million
D. 7.9 million

10.Training of animals to given them desirable qualities is called ____?
A. Tamed animals
B. Domesticated animals
C. Wild animals
D. Tamed animals

11.Cattle was domesticated in ______?
A. Old world
B. New world
C. India
D. Old world

12.The branch of science which deals with hereditary variation is called___?
A. Genetics
B. Embryology
C. Biology
D. Genetics

13.In Latin American male donkey is also called _____?
A. Jackar
B. Burro
C. Bray
D. Jackar

14.A female horse less than one year of age is called ____?
A. Filly
B. Foal
C. Mare
D. Filly

15.Central part of animal body is called _____?
A. Barrel
B. Mid point
C. Central point
D. Barrel

16.The study of insect is called ?
A. Entomology
B. Applied Entomology
C. Zoology
D. Entomology

17.An abnormal proliferation of plant cells resulting from outside stimulus (Insect, a fungal growth, a mite) is called ?
A. Boring
B. Gall
C. Malformation
D. Boring

18.Insects in which the young ones pass through complex or indirect metamorphosis are said to be ?
A. Hemimetabola
B. Ametabola
C. Holometabola
D. Hemimetabola

19.The young one of holemetabola is?
A. Nymph
B. Naiad
C. Larvae
D. Nymph

20.The young ones of hemimetabolous insects or exopteryota which are terrestrial in habbit is?
A. Pupa
B. Nymph
C. Larva
D. Pupa

21.Legless larvae of coleopteran having a tiny head and a few sense organs is?
A. Maggot
B. Imago
C. Grub
D. Maggot

22.The form off insect after complete metamorphosis is?
A. Imago
B. Pupa
C. Puparium
D. Imago

23.The type of diapause which occur in winter is?
A. Hibernation
B. Aestivation
C. Stravation
D. Hibernation

24.Insects belong to class?
A. Symphyla
B. Pauropoda
C. Crustacea
D. Symphyla

25.Any organism which harms or causes damage to man directly or indirectly is called ?
A. Inset pest
B. Pest
C. Agricultural Insect
D. Inset pest

26.What is a practice of dinning on one’s own species?
A. Cannibalism
B. Hibernation
C. Diapause
D. Cannibalism

27.Insects which develop their wings externally?
A. Exopterygota
B. Endopterygota
C. Apterabola
D. Exopterygota

28.Resting stage in endopteryota is called?
A. Larva
B. Adult
C. Pupae
D. Larva

29.The young ones of exopteryotes butt aquatic in habit is?
A. Naiad
B. Nymph
C. Larva
D. Naiad

30.Young ones of fly is__?
A. Imago
B. Maggot
C. Grub
D. Imago

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