Agriculture :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.The viral disease can be controlled by_?
A. Organo-chlorine pesticides
B. Pyrethroids
C. Growing resistant varieties
D. Organo-chlorine pesticides

2.Whip smut is disease of?
A. Wheat
B. Maize
C. Sugarcane
D. Wheat

3.The fungus belonging to order Erysiphales cause?
A. Blights
B. Smuts
C. Powdery mildew
D. Blights

4.Lathyrism is nervous disease caused by?
A. Consumption of high carbohydrate foods
B. Low protein foods
C. Consumption of matter over longer periods
D. Consumption of high carbohydrate foods

5.Bemesia tabbaci is the name of?
A. White fly
B. Cutworms
C. Jassids
D. White fly

6.Heliothus armigera is the name of?
A. American boll warm
B. Gram pod borer
C. Com cob borer
D. American boll warm

7.The beneficial relationship between two organisms living together is called?
A. Osmosis
B. Common salism
C. Symbiosis
D. Osmosis

8.The most devastating migratory pest is?
A. Cutworm
B. Army worm
C. Locust
D. Cutworm

9.The symptoms of powdery mildew appears on?
A. Roots
B. Floral parts
C. Foliage of plants
D. Roots

10.The factors which induces disease outbreak is?
A. High temperature
B. High humidity
C. Susceptible varieties
D. High temperature

11.Viral disease can be controlled by?
A. Fungicides
B. Cultural practices
C. Cultural practices and growing resistant varieties
D. Fungicides

12.Stalk root of onion is caused by?
A. Fungi
B. Bacteria
C. Nematodes
D. Fungi

13.Malathrion and Parathion insecticides belongs to?
A. Organo-chlorine group
B. Pyrethroid group
C. Carbamate group
D. Organo-chlorine group

14.The insecticides with least mammalian toxicity are?
A. Organo-phosphate
B. Organo-chlorine
C. Pyrethroids
D. Organo-phosphate

15.The insects which transfer disease from one plant to another is known as?
A. Disease transmitter
B. Vector
C. Pest
D. Disease transmitter

16.IPM is a pest control strategy in which?
A. Pest are controlled culturally
B. Predators and parasites are used
C. Cultural and biological control techniques are used
D. Pest are controlled culturally

17.Malpighian tubules are organs of?
A. Excretion
B. Digestion
C. Secretion
D. Excretion

18.The wings and legs of insects are present in?
A. Head
B. Thorax
C. Abdomen
D. Head

19.Club root is disease of?
A. Tumip
B. Okra
C. Water melon
D. Tumip

20.Which of the following is disease of rice?
A. Foot rot
B. Brown spot Ratti disease
C. Rice blast
D. Foot rot

21.Antenae of insect is?
A. Locomotion organ
B. Sensory organ
C. Sex organ
D. Locomotion organ

22.Collar rot in chilies is caused by?
A. Rhizowhtnia solani
B. phytophilorea infesta
C. phytophithoua spri
D. Rhizowhtnia solani

23.Gurdaspur borer is pest of?
A. Rice
B. Wheat
C. Sugarcane
D. Rice

24.Disease are transmitted through?
A. Seeds
B. Winds, insects
C. Agricultural machinery and implements
D. Seeds

25.The sucking type insects of cotton are?
A. Jassids and thrips
B. Wlutefly and jassids
C. Thrips and whitefly
D. Jassids and thrips

26.The insects have?
A. 2 pair of wings and 2 pair of legs
B. 3 pair of wings and 2 pair of legs
C. 2 pair of wings and 3 pair of legs
D. 2 pair of wings and 2 pair of legs

27.The popular insecticides of organo-chlorine group are?
A. Malathion and thrips
B. Leaf minors
D. Malathion and thrips

28.The main pest of fruit in Pakistan is?
A. Fruit fly
B. Leaf minor
C. Scale insects
D. Fruit fly

29.Honey bee, bumble bee, butter flies and moths are?
A. Productive insects
B. Parasites
C. Pests
D. Productive insects

30.Generally speaking, only level to nearly level (0-2 % slope) & gently sloping lands (2-5 % slope) should be:
A. brought under range crops
B. Forests
C. Both a & b
D. brought under range crops

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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