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1.An icosahedral capsid consists of___________
A. Hexagonal capsomeres
B. Pentagonal capsomeres
C. Triangular capsomeres
D. Hexagonal capsomeres

2.Which of the following has a complex symmetry?
A. T4 phage
B. Adenovirus
C. Influenza virus
D. T4 phage

3. The viral envelope is made up of _______
A. Proteins
B. Glycoproteins
C. Lipids and Proteins
D. Proteins

4. Which of the following is a helical virus?
B. T4 phage
C. Poxvirus

5.Which of the following statements are true about the viruses?
A. Free-living
B. Obligate parasites
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Free-living

6.A fully formed infectious viral particle is called _________.
A. Virion
B. Viriod
C. Capsid
D. Virion

7.The genetic constituent of viruses is ________
C. ss DNA

8.The viral genome is enveloped in a protein coat known as
A. Capsid
B. Outer envelope
C. Capsomere
D. Capsid

9.Which of the following statements are true about the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)?
A. RNA virus
B. DNA virus
C. Bacteriophage
D. RNA virus

10.The shape of the TMV is _______
A. Rod-shaped
B. Oval shaped
C. Cuboidal shaped
D. Rod-shaped

11. Viruses that attack bacteria are called_______
A. Virophage
B. Lysophage
C. Bacteriophage
D. Virophage

12.The T2 phage is called______
A. ss DNA phage
B. ss RNA phage
C. ds DNA phage
D. ss DNA phage

13.Bacteriophages that induce bacterial cell lysis are called______
A. Viroids
B. Lysogenic phages
C. Virulent phages
D. Viroids

14. Which of the following virus has the smallest genome?
A. Rabies virus
B. Circovirus
C. Herpes virus
D. Rabies virus

15. Infectious RNA particles without the protein coat are called_______
A. Prion
B. Virion
C. Viroid
D. Prion

16.The spike-like projections on the viral capsid are known as
A. Viriod
B. Proteomes
C. Peplomers
D. Viriod

17.Viral genome inserted to the bacterial DNA is termed as_______
A. Lysogeny
B. Prophage
C. Lytic cycle
D. Lysogeny

18. Which of the following are the main functions of the capsid?
A. Determines the antigenic specificity of the virus
B. Protects genetic material from nuclease attack
C. Both A and B
D. Determines the antigenic specificity of the virus

19.The repressor protein, since the cell is resistant to lysis from externally infecting phage, is also called
A. immunity repressor
B. immunity operon
C. operon repressor
D. immunity repressor

20. Which of the following virus is susceptible to chloroform?
A. Herpes
B. Influenza
C. Measles
D. Herpes

21. Group E phages have
A. single stranded DNA
B. double stranded DNA
C. single stranded RNA
D. single stranded DNA

22. The temperate phage possesses a gene that codes for a repressor protein which makes the cell resistant to lysis initiated by
A. the prophage
B. lytic infection by other viruses
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. the prophage

23.The bacterial viruses having head made up of large capsomeres, but no tail is morphologically classified as
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. A

24.Chlamydomonas occurs in
A. fresh water
B. pond and lake
C. river
D. fresh water

25.Unicellular green alga is
A. Ulothrix
B. Spirogyra
C. Chlamydomonas
D. Ulothrix

26. The colour of red snow is due to
A. Chlamydomonas snowiae
B. Chlamydomonas nivalis
C. Both A and B
D. Chlamydomonas snowiae

27.Pyrenoids store food as
A. Glycogen
B. Fats
C. Oil globules
D. Glycogen

28. Thin-walled resting spores produced by Chlamydomonas in dry conditions of environment are
A. Meiospores
B. Alpanospores
C. Hypnospores
D. Meiospores

29. A motile flagellate asexual spore is known as
A. Zoospore
B. Zygospore
C. Tetraspore
D. Zoospore

30. During zoospore formation Chlamydomonas
A. Develops a very thick wall
B. Loses the choloroplast
C. Loses flagella
D. Develops a very thick wall

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