Botany Mcqs :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.During favorable conditions, the most common mode of multiplication in Chlamydomonas is by producing
A. Gametes
B. Zoospores
C. Aplanospores
D. Gametes

2.The gametangia and sporangia of Ulothrix are
A. Jacketed and multicellular
B. Non-jacketed and unicellular
C. Non-jacketed and multicellular
D. Jacketed and multicellular

3.An important difference between the zoospores and aplanospores is that
A. Aplanospores are uninucleate while zoospores are binucleate
B. Aplanospores are smaller while zoospores are larger
C. Aplanospores are non-motile while zoospores are motile
D. Aplanospores are uninucleate while zoospores are binucleate

4.Phycobilins absorb light of wavelength
A. 670 – 700 nm
B. 610 – 650 nm
C. 500 – 650 nm
D. 670 – 700 nm

5. Irish Moss is
A. Chondrus
B. Bryum
C. Sphagnum
D. Chondrus

6.A Chlamydomonas plant is left exposed in mud. What would be its means of survival?
A. Formation of aplanospores
B. Palmella stage
C. Formation of hypnospores
D. Formation of aplanospores

7.Chlamydomonas shows
A. Isogamy
B. Anisogamy
C. Oogamy
D. Isogamy

8. In isogamous species, the gametes of Chlamydomonas undergo temporary clustering before they depart in pairs. The phenomenon is called
A. Gametic differentiation
B. Clumping
C. Homothallism
D. Gametic differentiation

9. In Chlamydomonas the term hologamy is applied to a mode of sexual reproduction in which
A. Gametes are motile
B. Gametes are holozoic
C. The young unicellular thalli directly behave as gametes
D. Gametes are motile

10.Oogamy is found in
A. Chlamydomonas eugametos
B. C. monoica
C. C. coccifera
D. Chlamydomonas eugametos

11.Palmellaspores are produced during
A. Favourable conditions
B. Any type of unfavourable conditions
C. Deficiency of water or presence of toxic chemicals
D. Favourable conditions

12.Chloroplast of Chlamydomonas is
A. Cup shaped
B. Star shaped
C. Ribbon shaped
D. Cup shaped

13. Life cycle in Chlamydomonas/Ulothrix/Spirogyra is
A. Diplontic
B. Diplohaplontic
C. Haplontic
D. Diplontic

14.Red eye spot of certain green algae or their propagules is meant for
A. Photosynthesis
B. Photosensitivity
C. Visibility
D. Photosynthesis

15.In addition to reproduction, zygospore also helps in
A. Perennation
B. Dispersal
C. Genetic variability
D. Perennation

16.Spirogyra filaments increase in length due to division in
A. Basal cells
B. Rhizoidal cell
C. Every green cell
D. Basal cells

17.Meiosis takes place in Chlamydomonas in
A. Zygospore
B. Zoospore
C. Hypnospore
D. Zygospore

18. Spirogyra is found in
A. Running fresh water
B. Stagnant salt water
C. Stagnant fresh water
D. Running fresh water

19. Spirogyra is called pond silk because
A. Filaments are made up of silk
B. Filaments are slippery to touch
C. Both A and B
D. Filaments are made up of silk

20.Spirogyra has chloroplast with shape
A. Ribbon-like and spiral
B. Cup shaped
C. Stellate
D. Ribbon-like and spiral

21.Maximum number of chloroplasts in a single cell of Spirogyra is
A. Four
B. Sixteen
C. One
D. Four

22.Spirogyra belongs to the class of
A. Rhodophyceae
B. Cyanophyceae
C. Xanthophyceae
D. Rhodophyceae

23.A parasitic green alga is
A. Chloreila
B. Ulva
C. Cladophora
D. Chloreila

24.Which structural feature is shared by both uracil and thymine?
A. Both contain two keto groups.
B. Both contain one methyl group
C. Both contain a five-membered ring.
D. Both contain two keto groups.

25.Which component is found in both adenosine and deoxycytidine?
A. Both contain a pyranose.
B. Both contain a 1,1’-N-glycosidic bond.
C. Both contain a pyrimidine.
D. Both contain a pyranose.

26.Which property is shared by both GDP and AMP?
A. Both contain the same charge at neutral pH.
B. Both contain the same number of phosphate groups.
C. Both contain the same purine
D. Both contain the same charge at neutral pH.

27.Which characteristic is shared by purines and pyrimidines?
A. Both contain two heterocyclic rings with aromatic character.
B. Both can form multiple non-covalent hydrogen bonds.
C. Both exist in planar configurations with a hemiacetal linkage.
D. Both contain two heterocyclic rings with aromatic character.

28.Which property is found in nucleosides and nucleotides?
A. Both contain a nitrogenous base, a pentose, and at least one phosphate group
B. Both contain a covalent phosphodister bond that is broken in strong acid.
C. Both contain an anomeric carbon atom that is part of a β-N-glycosidic bond.
D. Both contain a nitrogenous base, a pentose, and at least one phosphate group

29.Which characteristic is shared by both adenine and cytosine?
A. Both contain one methyl group.
B. Both are anomeric.
C. Both contain one keto group.
D. Both contain one methyl group.

30.Which component is found in both guanosine and uridine?
A. Both contain an aldohexose
B. Both contain three hydroxyl groups
C. Both contain a 1’,9 - bond.
D. Both contain an aldohexose

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