Botany Mcqs :: All Aptitude Test ::

1. This statement regarding enzyme inhibition is correct
A. non-competitive inhibitors often bind to the enzyme irreversibly
B. non-competitive inhibition of an enzyme can be overcome by adding a large amount of substrate
C. competitive inhibition is observed when substrate and inhibitor compete for the active site on enzyme
D. non-competitive inhibitors often bind to the enzyme irreversibly

2. The wall of Rhizopus hypha is composed of
A. Cellulose
B. Chitin
C. Pectin
D. Cellulose

3.The mode of nutrition of Rhizopus, Yeast and Penicillium is
A. Parasitic
B. Saprophytic
C. Symbiotic
D. Parasitic

4.The hyphae of Rhizopus are
A. Unbranched, aseptate and uninucleate
B. Branched, septate and uninucleate
C. Unbranched, aseptate and multinucleate
D. Unbranched, aseptate and uninucleate

5.The branches of conidiophores of Penicillium end in conidia bearing bottle shaped structures which are called
A. Metulae
B. Sterigmata
C. Paraphyses
D. Metulae

6.Thread like filaments which form the plant body of fungi are
A. Rhizoids
B. Paraphyses
C. Hyphae
D. Rhizoids

7.Yeast like budding of Oidia in Mucor/Rhizopus is called
A. Palmella
B. Chantransia
C. Torula
D. Palmella

8. The common mode of reproduction in Rhizopus is by
A. Sporangiospores
B. Oidia
C. Plasmospores
D. Sporangiospores

9.The gametes in Rhizopus develop in specially formed cells known as
A. Suspensor cell
B. Progametangia
C. Gametangia
D. Suspensor cell

10.Thick walled asexual spored formed by Rhizopus, are
A. Aplansopores
B. Akinetes
C. Plasmospores
D. Aplansopores

11.Root rot of Sweet Potato is caused by
A. Mucor mucedo
B. Rhizopus oryzae
C. Rhizopus stolonifer
D. Mucor mucedo

12.Which of the following is a good example of heterothallism
A. Spirogyra
B. Rhizopus
C. Pinus
D. Spirogyra

13.The zygospore of Rhizopus contains much amount of fat globules. It is thick walled and the color is
A. Green
B. White
C. Grey
D. Green

14.The cell wall of yeast is composed of
A. Cellulose
B. Pectose
C. Pectin
D. Cellulose

15.In endomycorrhiza, the fungus is commonly
A. Zygomycete
B. Phycomycete
C. Ascomycete
D. Zygomycete

16. In ectomycorrhiza, the fungus is generally
A. Zygomycete
B. Phycomycete
C. Ascomycete
D. Zygomycete

17.Fleming discovered Penicillin from
A. Penicillium notatum
B. P. roqueforti
C. P. camemberti
D. Penicillium notatum

18. In yeast the sexual reproduction is by conjugation. After fusion the zygotic nucleus divides meiotically and forms haploid spores. The unicellular structure with haploid spores is
A. Sporangium
B. Gametangium
C. Ascus
D. Sporangium

19.Fungus used for the fermentation of cheese is
A. Mucor mucedo
B. Rhizopus nigricans
C. Penicillium camemberti
D. Mucor mucedo

20. Sometimes in yeast the conjugation takes place between a parent cell and a bud. It is
A. Isogamy
B. Predogamy
C. Pseudogamy
D. Isogamy

21.Number of ascopores formed in Sacchromyces cerevisiae is
A. 4
B. 8
C. 16
D. 4

22.When a moist bread is kept exposed in air, it becomes mouldy and black because
A. Spores are present in the water
B. Spores are present in the bread
C. Spores are present in the air
D. Spores are present in the water

23. The number of members of the division Phaeophyta that live in freshwater habitats
A. is greater than the number of members of the division Chloro-phyta that live in freshwater habitats
B. is lesser than the number of members of the division Chlorophyta that live in freshwater habitats
C. is equal to the number of members of the division Chlorophyta that live in freshwater habitats
D. is greater than the number of members of the division Chloro-phyta that live in freshwater habitats

24.Bioluminescence is a phenomenon associated with
A. chrysophyta
B. phaeophyta
C. pyrrophyta
D. chrysophyta

25. Which of the following algal divisions is characterized by possession of chlorophylls A and B, starch as the energy storage material, cellulosic cell walls and live in freshwater and marine habitats?
A. Chlorophyta
B. Chrysophyta
C. Phaeophyta
D. Chlorophyta

26.Which algal division is divided up into three main groups consisting of the golden-brown algae, the yellow-green algae and the diatoms?
A. Chlorophyta
B. Chrysophyta
C. Phaeophyta
D. Chlorophyta

27.Zooxanthellae are algal symbiont that live within coral reef animals. These algae belong to
A. chlorophyta
B. chrysophyta
C. pyrrophyta
D. chlorophyta

28.All algae possess
A. nuclei
B. chloroplasts
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. nuclei

29. Algae is a nonvalid taxinomic term that refers to
A. eukaryotic organisms that have chlorophyll a and produce O2
B. well developed cellular structure including a conducting system
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. eukaryotic organisms that have chlorophyll a and produce O2

30. Which of the following algal divisions is characterized by possession of chlorophylls A and B, paramylon as the energy storage material, and the presence of a pellical instead of a cell wall?
A. Chlorophyta
B. Euglenophyta
C. Pyrrophyta
D. Chlorophyta

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