Botany Mcqs :: All Aptitude Test ::

1. This bioassay is used to detect the presence of auxin
A. Only tobacco pith culture
B. Tobacco pith culture and Avena curvature test
C. Tobacco pith culture and Split pea stem curvature test
D. Only tobacco pith culture

2. Which of these is not a function of auxin?
A. inducing callus formation
B. inducing dormancy
C. enhancing cell division
D. inducing callus formation

3.Which plant hormone is responsible for saving the crops from falling.
A. Cytokinin
B. Gybberellin
C. Auxin
D. Cytokinin

4.Which of the following hormone is found in gaseous form?
A. Florigens
B. Abscisic Acid
C. Ethylene
D. Florigens

5.Name the plant hormone which is responsible for the ripening of fruits?
A. Ethylene
B. Auxin
C. Traumatic
D. Ethylene

6.Which plant hormone is helpful in making RNA and protein?
A. Gibberellins
B. Auxin
C. Cytokinins
D. Gibberellins

7.Which of the following statement is incorrect?
A. Auxins are the most important plant hormone.
B. Auxins are produced at the region of elongation.
C. Indoleacetic Acid (IAA) is a principal auxin.
D. Auxins are the most important plant hormone.

8.Which plant hormone helps in breaking the dormancy of plant?
A. Auxin
B. Gibberellin
C. Cytokinin
D. Auxin

9.Which hormone is formed in leaves and helps in the blooming of the flowers?
A. Traumatic
B. Auxin
C. Florigens
D. Traumatic

10. Exclusion of plant disease by legislation is known as:
A. Disease resistance
B. Plant quarantine
C. Biological control of plant
D. Disease resistance

11.First of all microscope discovered by:
A. Needham
B. Spallanzani
C. Leeuwenhoeck
D. Needham

12.First plant parasitic bacteria was reported by:
A. T.J. Burrill
B. Needham
C. Louis Pasteur
D. T.J. Burrill

13.First plant parasitic nematode discovered was:
A. Meloidogyne
B. Heterodera
C. Anguina
D. Meloidogyne

14. First plant parasitic nematode was reported by:
A. Needham
B. Spallanzani
C. Cobb
D. Needham

15.Flag smut of sweat could be controlled by:
A. Seed treatment with vitavax
B. Spraying with vitavax
C. Soil application with vitavax
D. Seed treatment with vitavax

16.Flag smut of wheat is caused by:
A. Ustilago tritici
B. Urceystis trlttct
C. Ustilago hordet
D. Ustilago tritici

17.Foot rot of papaya is caused by:
A. Phytophthora palmivora
B. Pythium aphanidermatum
C. Peronospora parasitica
D. Phytophthora palmivora

18.Fungi, which can grow on living host plant, are called:
A. Obligate saprophyte
B. Obligate parasite
C. Facultative parasite
D. Obligate saprophyte

19.Fungi which can grow only on living host plant are called:
A. Obligate saprophytes
B. Obligate parasites
C. Facultative parasites
D. Obligate saprophytes

20.Fusarium belong to order:
A. Melaconiales
B. Moniliales
C. Sporobolomycetales
D. Melaconiales

21.Gelatin plate technique was discovered by:
A. Burrill
B. Fanny Hesse
C. Robert Koch
D. Burrill

22.Genus Radopholus of nematode was first described in 1893 on the basis of a male specimen obtained from necrotic roots of _____ growing in Fiji Islands.
A. Sugarbeet
B. Sugarcane
C. Banana
D. Sugarbeet

23.Heterocious nature of rust means:
A. A fungus require one host species to complete life cycle
B. A fungus require two different host species to complete life cycle
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. A fungus require one host species to complete life cycle

24.Heterodera belongs to super family:
A. Atylenchoidea
B. Neotylenchoidea
C. Tylenchoidea
D. Atylenchoidea

25.Wrong information about Powdery mildew is:
A. Subdivision = Ascomycotina
B. Order = Erysiphales
C. Family = Melanconiaceae
D. Subdivision = Ascomycotina

26.How much quantity of nematicide is used to control the nematodes in one hectare are?
A. 10 - 15 kg
B. 20 - 25 kg
C. 50 - 60 kg
D. 10 - 15 kg

27.In bacterial brown rot and wilt of potato the amount of _____ produced by pathogens are proportional to severity of symptoms:
A. Gibberellins
B. Lipids
C. Polysncchnride
D. Gibberellins

28.In fermentation industry, pasteurization is done at _____ temperature:
A. 90.7 ?C
B. 100.0 ?C
C. 62.8 ?C
D. 90.7 ?C

29.Dry root rot of legumes and beans is caused by:
A. Erysiphe
B. Macrophomina
C. Xanthomonas
D. Erysiphe

30.Choose the wrong combination:
A. Esso fungicide = Copper oxychloride
B. Ziram = Cuman
C. Thiram = Hexathir
D. Esso fungicide = Copper oxychloride

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