Mathematics :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.If the ratio of the areas of two squares is 9:1 ratio of their perimeters is_________?
A. 9:01
B. 3:01
C. 3:04
D. 9:01

2.The length of a rectangle is increased by 60 %. By what percent would the width have to be decreased to maintain the same area?
A. 37 � %
B. 60%
C. 75%
D. 37 � %

3.The area of a rectangle is thrice that of a square. The length of the rectangle is 40 cm and the breadth of the rectangle is (3/2) times of the square. The side of the square in cm is__________?
A. 15
B. 20
C. 30
D. 15

4.The length of a hall is (4/3) times its breadth. If the area of the hall be 300 square meters the difference between the length and breadth is__________?
A. 15m
B. 4m
C. 3m
D. 15m

5.If the side of a square is increased by 25 % then how much percent does it�s area get increased:
A. 125
B. 156.25
C. 50
D. 125

6.The ratio between the length and breadth of a rectangular field is 5:4. If the breadth is 20 meters less than the length. The perimeter of the field is_________?
A. 260m
B. 280m
C. 360m
D. 260m

7.The length and breadth of a rectangular piece of land are in the ratio of 5:3. The owner spent Rs 3000 for surroundings it from are the sides at Rs 7.50 per meter. The difference between is length and breadth is_________?
A. 50m
B. 100m
C. 150m
D. 50m

8.The length and breadth of play ground are 36 m and 21 m respectively. Flag staffs are required to be fixed on all along the boundary at a distance of 3 m part. The number of flag staffs will be___________?
A. 37
B. 38
C. 39
D. 37

9.The Length of a plot is four times is breadth. A playground measuring 1200 square meters occupies a third of the total area of the plot. What is the length of the plot in meters?
A. 20
B. 30
C. 60
D. 20

10.If the length of diagonal AC of a square ABCD is 5.2 cm then area of the square ABCD is_________?
A. 15.12
B. 13.52
C. 12.62
D. 15.12

11.In a Circle of Radius 5 cm if AB and AC are two equal chords of length 6cm each, then the length of chord BC is___________?
A. 24/5 cm
B. 12/5 cm
C. 7/5 cm
D. 24/5 cm

12.A big rectangular plot of area 4320 Sq.m is divided into 3 square shaped smaller plots by fencing parallel to the smaller side of the plot. However, some area of land was still left as a square plot could not be formeSo 3 more square shaped plots were formed by fencing parallel to the longer side of the original plot. Such that no area of the plot was left a surplus. What are the dimensions of the original plot?
A. 160m � 27m
B. 240m � 18m
C. 120m � 36m
D. 160m � 27m

13.Which one of the following has a greater perimeter than the rest?
A. A square with an area of 36
B. An Equilateral Triangle with a side of 9 cm
C. A rectangle with 10 cm as length and 40 as area
D. A square with an area of 36

14.The area of sector of a circle whose radius is 12 metro and whose angle at the center is 42� is?
A. 26.4 m2
B. 39.6 m2
C. 52.8 m2
D. 26.4 m2

15.The area of a sector of a circle of radius 5 cm formed by an arc of length 3.5 cm is__________?
A. 0.35 cm2
B. 17.5 cm2
C. 8.75 cm2
D. 0.35 cm2

16.A paper is in a square form whose one side is 20 cm. Two semi circles are drawn on its opposites as diameters. If these semi circles are cut down what is the area of the remaining paper?
A. (400 � 100?) cm2
B. (400 � 2?) cm2
C. (400 � 200?) cm2
D. (400 � 100?) cm2

17.A circular path of 13 m radius has marginal walk 2 m wide all round it. Find the cost of leveling the walk at 25p per m2?
A. Rs.45
B. Rs.78
C. Rs.44
D. Rs.45

18.The perimeter of a semi circle is 144 cm then the radius is_________?
A. 25 cm
B. 28 cm
C. 30 cm
D. 25 cm

19.The radius of a semi circle is 6.3 cm then its perimeter is?
A. 35.4 cm
B. 32.4 cm
C. 32 cm
D. 35.4 cm

20.What is the ratio between perimeters of two squares one having 3 times the diagonal then the other?
A. 4:08
B. 1:04
C. 6:02
D. 4:08

21.A rope of which a calf is tied is increased from 12 m to 23 m, how much additional grassy ground shall it graze?
A. 1120 m2
B. 1250 m2
C. 1210 m2
D. 1120 m2

22.The radius of the two circular fields is in the ratio 3: 5 the area of the first field is what percent less than the area of the second?
A. 50%
B. 60%
C. 40%
D. 50%

23.The ratio of the radius of two circles is 1: 3, and then the ratio of their areas is_________?
A. 1:03
B. 1:06
C. 1:09
D. 1:03

24.If the wheel is 14 cm then the number of revolutions to cover a distance of 1056 cm is?
A. 15
B. 10
C. 14
D. 15

25.The radius of a circular wheel is 1.75 m, how many revolutions will it make in traveling 1 km?
A. 1000
B. 2000
C. 3000
D. 1000

26.Find the cost of fencing around a circular field of diameter 28 m at the rate of Rs.1.50 a meter?
A. Rs.150
B. Rs.132
C. Rs.100
D. Rs.150

27.If the area of circle is 616 sq cm then its circumference?
A. 78 m
B. 88 m
C. 75 m
D. 78 m

28.Find the area of circle whose radius is 7m?
A. 124 sq m
B. 154 sq m
C. 145 sq m
D. 124 sq m

29.Find the area of the quadrilateral of one of its diagonals is 20 cm and its off sets 9 cm and 6 cm?
A. 120 sq m
B. 150 sq m
C. 110 sq m
D. 120 sq m

30.The radius of a circle is increased by 1%. Find how much % does its area increases?
A. 1.01%
B. 5.01%
C. 3.01%
D. 1.01%

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