Model Papers :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.With the Earth-man's present level of exploration of space ?
A. We Know stow big the universe is
B. We can plan a round of the universe
C. We are placed in the middle of universe
D. We Know stow big the universe is

2.What is the Milky Way ?
A. The road by which milk is conveyed
B. The luxurious way the rich live
C. The galaxy to which the Solar System belongs
D. The road by which milk is conveyed

3.In its simplest form, the law of Gravitation states that two objects attract each other. Who pro-pounded this law ?
A. Mendel
B. Jean Picard
C. J.Priestley
D. Mendel

4.What is Humidity ?
A. Discomfort due to heat
B. Excess of heat in atmosphere
C. Presence of water vapor in the air
D. Discomfort due to heat

5.What is dry air ?
A. Good conductor of electricity
B. Bad conductor of electricity
C. Prefect Insulator
D. Good conductor of electricity

6.The purity gland in our body is associated with the ?
A. Growth of our sexual system
B. Growth of our bones
C. Growth of our digestive system
D. Growth of our sexual system

7.Nitrogen gas was discovered by ?
A. Dr.Philip Drinker
B. R.C Funk
C. J.Priestley
D. Dr.Philip Drinker

8.Soap is made by ?
A. Mixing fats and acids
B. Boiling fats and oils with an alkali
C. Mixing soap base with chalk and fats
D. Mixing fats and acids

9.The science of the production of fine human off-springs is ?
A. Biology
B. Eugenics
C. Gencology
D. Biology

10.The escape velocity of a projectile from the earth is approximately ?
A. 7 km/s
B. 11.2 km/s
C. 1.1 km/s
D. 7 km/s

11.Physiology is mainly concerned with ?
A. Growth of the body
B. Activity of the body
C. Structure of the body
D. Growth of the body

12.Which is a man-made element ?
A. Plutonium
B. U-235
C. Thorium
D. Plutonium

13.Worn-out red corpuscles are decomposed in the ?
A. Heart
B. Lungs
C. Kidneys
D. Heart

14.Sound waves in air are ?
A. Transverse waves
B. Longitudinal waves
C. May be both types
D. Transverse waves

15.What is botany ?
A. Science of concerning animal bodies
B. Study of coins
C. Study of plant life
D. Science of concerning animal bodies

16.Cataract, an eye disease, appears to have occurred if ?
A. Eyes water too much
B. Long or short sight is Radically affected
C. The eyes remain swollen and aching
D. Eyes water too much

17.What is bacteria ?
A. A plant
B. An animal
C. A chemical
D. A plant

18.Who is considered as the father of motion picture ?
A. Thomas Edision
B. Alexander Graham Bell
C. D.W. Griffith
D. Thomas Edision

19.What is Topology ?
A. Study of mountains tops
B. Study of wool or cotton tops
C. Study of top leaderships
D. Study of mountains tops

20.Carrots, especially when taken raw, are good source of vitamin ?
A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin B
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin A

21.Mercury is used in the thermometer ?
A. It has relativity uniform expansion
B. It is opaque and so is easily visible in glass
C. It does not wet or stick to the glass
D. It has relativity uniform expansion

22.Which Sultan of Delhi has been described as the 'Mixture of Opposites' ?
A. Balban
B. Ibrahim Lodhi
C. Muhammad bin Tughliq
D. Balban

23.Al-Beruni came to india along with ?
A. Timur
B. Ghuri
C. Mahmood of Ghazni
D. Timur

24.Which ruler died while playing 'Chugan' ?
A. Qutab-ud-Din Aibak
B. Sher shah
C. Balban
D. Qutab-ud-Din Aibak

25.Who was first and last Muslim woman rules of Delhi ?
A. Mumtaz Mahi
B. Razia Sultana
C. Chand Bibi
D. Mumtaz Mahi

26.Mughal dynasty was to Bahadar Shah Zafar as Lodhi dynasty was to ?
A. Ibrahim Lodhi
B. Bahlol Lodhi
C. Sikandar Lodhi
D. Ibrahim Lodhi

27.'Shahnama' was written by ?
A. Al-Beruni
B. Firdausi
C. Abul Fazal
D. Al-Beruni

28.The official language of Delhi sultanate was ?
A. Urdu
B. English
C. Arabic
D. Urdu

29.Babar came to india originally from ?
A. Khiva
B. Ferghana
C. Kharasaan
D. Khiva

30.The court language of Mughals was ?
A. Persian
B. Hindi
C. Arabic
D. Persian

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