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1.“Valetta” is the capital of:
A. Finland
B. Malta
C. Senegal
D. Finland

2.The ‘United Arab Emirates’ (U.A.E) Comprises of:
A. Abu Dhabi
B. Sharjah
C. Fujairah
D. Abu Dhabi

3.Which of the following ‘Desert’ is the largest in area?
A. The Sahara
B. Gobi
C. Takla Makan
D. The Sahara

4.“Nanga Parbat” is the famous mountain Peak of:
A. Karakoram range
B. Himalayas range
C. HinduKush range
D. Karakoram range

5.“Kasr-i-Mantra” is an official residence of:
A. King of Saudi Arabia
B. Amir-Kuwait
C. Iranian President
D. King of Saudi Arabia

6.Why ‘Black Sea’ is so called:
A. A large number of black rocks in the water
B. The dense fog that prevails there in winter
C. The water of the sea is black
D. A large number of black rocks in the water

7.Which of the following Country is largest by area?
A. China
B. Canada
C. America
D. China

8.Which of the following Country is a ‘Peninsula?
A. Brazil
B. Japan
C. Greenland
D. Brazil

9.Which of the following Country is largest by population?
A. Russia
B. Indonesia
C. China
D. Russia

10.Which part of the world is called “City of Angles”?
A. Bangkok
B. Stockholm
C. New York
D. Bangkok

11.Which part of the world is called “Cockpit of Europe”?
A. Belgium
B. Ireland
C. Netherlands
D. Belgium

12.The world’s largest fish catching country is:
A. Russia
B. China
C. Japan
D. Russia

13.which Surah starts without Bismillah?
A. Al-Fatiah
B. Al-Ikhlas
C. Al-Toba
D. Al-Fatiah

14.In Islam, the supreme central focus and authority is:
A. Allah
B. Caliph
C. Muhammad
D. Allah

15.What is the most populous Muslim country in the world?
A. Saudi Arabia
B. Indonesia
C. Pakistan
D. Saudi Arabia

16.The word “Islam” means:
A. Those who follow Muhammad
B. Surrender to God
C. Recitations
D. Those who follow Muhammad

17.Muslims calculate time from the migration of Muhammad and his followers to Medina, called the hijrah, which took place in which year?
A. 587
B. 612
C. 622
D. 587

18.What is the Shari’ah?
A. A religious school
B. A native dance
C. A style of calligraphy
D. A religious school

19.What is not one of the five pillars of Islam?
A. Pray five times daily
B. Profess Allah as the only God
C. Make a pilgrimage to Mecca
D. Pray five times daily

20.What is the prayer (or religious) leader in a mosque called?
A. Shaykh
B. Caliph
C. Imam
D. Shaykh

21.What is something that is lawful and permitted in Islam called?
A. Hajj
B. Halal
C. Kosher
D. Hajj

22.The Qur’an acknowledges which prophet(s) from Judaism and Christianity?
A. Abraham
B. Adam
C. Jesus
D. Abraham

23.What is the holy month of fasting for Muslims called?
A. Eid
B. Rajab
C. Ramadan
D. Eid

24.Which of the following cities is not a sacred city for Muslims?
A. Jerusalem
B. Mecca
C. Cairo
D. Jerusalem

25.Which state in the United States has the most Muslim residents?
A. California
B. Michigan
C. New York
D. California

26.What does Jihad mean?
A. Holy war
B. Struggle
C. Cleanse
D. Holy war

27.Who were the founders of the Ottoman Empire?
A. Arabs
B. Russians
C. Turks
D. Arabs

28.The world’s longest railroad tunnel ‘Seikan’ is located in:
A. England
B. Japan
C. Switzerland
D. England

29.Which part of the world is called: “Playgroud of Europe”?
A. Norway
B. Germany
C. Switzerland
D. Norway

30.Which Part of the world is called “Land of Midnight Sun”?
A. Thailand
B. Finland
C. Norway
D. Thailand

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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