PPSC Papers :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Kamran Baradari is one of the oldest Mughal monuments and is located in Lahore. Who exactly was kamran?
A. Brother of Sher Shah Suri
B. Brother of Queen Noorjahan
C. Son of Babar /step brother of Humayun
D. Brother of Sher Shah Suri

2.The youngest son of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was elevated as Mahrajah at a tender age of about 5 years. What was his name?
A. Langah Singh
B. Naunahal Singh
C. Kharrak Singh
D. Langah Singh

3.Deosal National Park is remarkable as it is one of the highest plateaus in the world with an average elevation of 4,114 meters. In which region of Pakistan is it located?
A. Khyber pakhtunkhwa
B. Balochistan
C. Gilgit - Baltistan
D. Khyber pakhtunkhwa

4.G. R Road is one of the main highways of Pakistan. What does G.T stands for?
A. General Turner
B. General Traffic
C. Grand Trunk
D. General Turner

5.How many administrative divisions are there in Punjab?
A. 9
B. 8
C. 6
D. 9

6.Which one of the following districts of Punjab has the lowest Population density?
A. Bahwalpur
B. Dera Ghazi Khan
C. Layyah
D. Bahwalpur

7.Lal Suhanra National Park is located near :
A. Sahiwal
B. Multan
C. Bahwalpur
D. Sahiwal

8.Hingol National Park, located in Makran District, Balochistan, is famous for its :
A. Cold springs
B. Thick forest cover
C. Archaeological sites
D. Cold springs

9.Falkland Island or the Malvinas Islands are disputed between the United Kingdom and :
A. Chile
B. Brazil
C. Russia
D. Chile

10.Grassland plains located in Argentina are called
A. Pampas
B. Prairies
C. Downs
D. Pampas

11.Strait of Gibraltar connects the Atlantic Ocean with the :
A. Mediterranean sea
B. Pacific ocean
C. Indian Ocean
D. Mediterranean sea

12.Taj Mahal is located on the bank of river :
A. Brahmaputra
B. Yamna (Yamnua)
C. Ganges (Ganga)
D. Brahmaputra

13.The capital of Kosovo is :
A. Minsk
B. Zegreb
C. Pristina
D. Minsk

14.Usain Bolt holds the world record for the 100 metres race. To which country does he belong?
A. Kenya
B. Barbados
C. Jamaica
D. Kenya

15.Detroit, USA is associated with........... Industry
A. Electronics
B. Automobiles
C. Computer
D. Electronics

16.Fiaz Ahmed Fiaz was awarded the Lenin Peace Prize in 1962. In which year did Abdul Sattar Edhi receive the Lenin Peace Prize?
A. 1995
B. 1988
C. 1990
D. 1995

17.The world famous paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican City were painted by :
A. Pietro Perugino
B. Sandro Botticelli
C. Leonardo da Vinci
D. Pietro Perugino

18.Who said "Right is a reasonable claim recognized by the society and enforced by the state"???
A. Marx
B. Laski
C. Bosanquet
D. Marx

19.Who among the following argues that the fault lines of civilization are the breeding grounds of conflicts in the century?
A. Nelson Mandela
B. Francis Fukuyama
C. Samuel Huntington
D. Nelson Mandela

20.The" zero Sum Game " as employed by the supporters of" game theory " assumes that :
A. The gain or loss of one party has nothing to do with the gain or loss of the other party
B. The loss of one party is the gain of the other party
C. The loss of party is the loss of other party as well
D. The gain or loss of one party has nothing to do with the gain or loss of the other party

21.Herbert Simon identified four basic motivations of subordinates to accept the will of superior. Which one of the following is not one of them?
A. Subordinates confidence in superior's ability
B. Rewards and Sanctions
C. Social disapproval
D. Subordinates confidence in superior's ability

22.Maslow's "Needs Hierarchy" theory relates to :
A. Upward mobility
B. Motivation
C. Leadership
D. Upward mobility

23.Who said " Man is by nature a political animal?
A. Francis Bacon
B. Winston Churchill
C. Karl Marx
D. Francis Bacon

24.During the British rule, the only British king to visit India and hold his Darbar was :
A. Edward VI
B. Edward VII
C. George V
D. Edward VI

25.Lawrence Durrell wrote a novel called 'Justine ' who had written a book with the same much earlier?
A. Marquls De Sade
B. Emile ZQla
C. Henery fielding
D. Marquls De Sade

26.Who is the founder of the Hindu doctrine of advalta or monism ('there is no second')?
A. Ramanuja
B. Sankara
C. Abhinava Gupta
D. Ramanuja

27.What is Rubella?
A. Bleeding of the nose
B. Skin eruption
C. German measles
D. Bleeding of the nose

28.The infection of AIDS occurs though the contamannation of:
A. Mouth
B. Seman
C. Fingers
D. Mouth

29.Helvetla is the alternative name of:
A. France
B. Australia
C. Switzerland
D. France

30.Exposure to nuclear radiation is most likely to affect this part of the human body first?
A. Kidney
B. Eye
C. Blood
D. Kidney

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