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1.شعر کے آخر میں تکرار لفظی کو کیا کہتے ہیں؟
A. تلبح
B. ردیف
C. تسبیح
D. تلبح

2.علامہ اقبال کا پہلا اردو شعری مجموعہ کونسا ہے؟
A. بانگ دار
B. بال جبریل
C. جاوید نامہ
D. بانگ دار

3.فیض احمد فیض کو لینن پرائز کب ملا؟
A. 1960
B. 1961
C. 1962
D. 1960

4.علامہ اقبال کا مزار کس شہر میں ہے؟
A. لاہور
B. سیالکوٹ
C. کراچی
D. لاہور

5.طرب کا لغوی معنی کیا ہے؟
A. تہنید
B. تعریب
C. تضمین
D. تہنید

6.خدائے سخن کسے کہتے ہیں؟
A. میر تقی میر
B. عبدالحق
C. آزاد
D. میر تقی میر

7.International committee Of the Red Cross was founded by:
A. Jh Durant
B. Baden Powell
C. Donaid Ross
D. Jh Durant

8.The objective Resolution was made part of substantive provisions of the constitution of 1973?
A. At the time of its promulgation in 1973
B. By presidential order of 1985
C. Through a resolution of the parliament
D. At the time of its promulgation in 1973

9.Which instrument is used to measure blood pressure?
A. Sphygmomanometer
B. Thermometer
C. Barometer
D. Sphygmomanometer

10.The British government announced the partition of Bengal in 1905 because of:
A. Muslim's demand
B. Hindus's demand
C. Administrative requiremts
D. Muslim's demand

11.The periodic table, which arranges chemical elements according to their atomic number and chemical properties,was formulated by:
A. Antonie lavoisier
B. Dmitri Mendeleev
C. John Dalton
D. Antonie lavoisier

12.The idea of 'Asia Europe Meeting '(ASEM) organization was initiated in 1994 by Mr. Goh Chock Tong, the prime minister of:
A. South Korea
B. North Korea
C. Japan
D. South Korea

13.The number, whose 7 percent is 42, is?
A. 300
B. 400
C. 500
D. 300

14.What was the old name of Lahore High Court?
A. Supreme Court of Punjab
B. Chief Court of Punjab
C. State court of Punjab
D. Supreme Court of Punjab

15.Who is the current inspector General of Punjab police?
A. Mushtaq A. sukhera
B. Haji Habib ur Rehman
C. Arif Namaz khan
D. Mushtaq A. sukhera

16.Fill in the blank: He is blind ........... One eye.
A. With
B. By
C. For
D. With

17.One molecule of water is composed of:
A. Two Hydrogen atoms,Two Oxygen atoms
B. One atom of Hydrogen, one atom of Oxygen
C. Two atoms of Hydrogen,One atom of Oxygen
D. Two Hydrogen atoms,Two Oxygen atoms

18.Who was the first prime Minister of Pakistan?
A. Liaqat Ali Khan
B. Quaid-e-Azam
C. Zulfiquar Ali Bhutto
D. Liaqat Ali Khan

19.According to the police order 2002, the head of police in a district is:
A. Superintendent of police
B. Senior superintendent of police
C. District police officer
D. Superintendent of police

20.How many brikes each measuring 25cm length 11.25cm breadth to built a wall of 8m length ,6m height and 22.5cm wide?
A. 5600
B. 6000
C. 6400
D. 5600

21.Which of the following UN agencies has received Nobel peace prize?
C. UN High Commissioner for refugees

22.Synonym of "CARNIVORE" is:
A. Dangerous
B. Wild
C. Meat eater
D. Dangerous

23.When was Sindh separated from the Bombay presidency and created as a separate province?
A. 1944
B. 1935
C. 1936
D. 1944

24.I am worried .......... The exam.
A. In
B. About
C. On
D. In

25.Reptile is to lizard as flower is to:
A. Petal
B. Stem
C. Daisy
D. Petal

26.What is the significance of Gaddani Beach near Karachi?
A. It is picnic resort
B. Ship breaking Industry
C. Fishing industry
D. It is picnic resort

27.Where is European Union's headquarters based?
A. Paris
B. England
C. Berlin
D. Paris

28.About which act, the muslims shall be asked first of all, on the day of judgment?
A. Salaat
B. Fasting
C. Haij
D. Salaat

29.Identity the muslim ruler who introduced jail system for detention of prisoners?
A. Hazrat Abu Baker (R. A)
B. Hazrat Umar(R. A)
C. Hazrat Usman (R. A)
D. Hazrat Abu Baker (R. A)

30.The word "Tsunami" belongs to which of the following language?
A. English
B. Latin
C. Chinese
D. English

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022


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