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1.'A' is a twice as old as 'B'.Three years ago, 'A' was three times as ' B ' how old is 'A' new?
A. 6 years
B. 12 years
C. 14 years
D. 6 years

2.17th parallel line was the provincial demarcation line between...........
A. North and South Korea
B. Canada and USA
C. North vietnam and south Vietnam
D. North and South Korea

3.What is the meaning of idiom /proverb "To cost pearls before a swine ."
A. To spend recklessly
B. To waste money over trifles
C. To offer to a person a thing which he cannot appreciate
D. To spend recklessly

4.The Pakistan has ............ Of the fourteen tallest mountain peaks in Asia
A. 9
B. 7
C. 5
D. 9

5.In which Surah of Quran,name of Zulqurnain is mentioned?
A. Surah Al-kahaf
B. Surah Al-Bakara
C. Surah Al-Falaq
D. Surah Al-kahaf

6.In which Surah of Quran,name of Zulqurnain is mentioned?
A. Surah Al-kahaf
B. Surah Al-Qadar
C. Surah Al-Falaq
D. Surah Al-kahaf

7.The world famous "Golden Gate Bridge " is located in :
A. New yark
B. Canada
C. London
D. New yark

8.Complete the number series : 1, 2, 2, 5,3,8 ........ ?
A. 3
B. 7
C. 6
D. 3

9.Tea can be best cultivated on:
A. Planes
B. Hilltops
C. Hillstopes
D. Planes

10.They Quaid-e-Azam fourteen points were issued in response to :
A. 3rd June plan
B. Nehru Report
C. Minto molary report
D. 3rd June plan

11.Lahore Resolution, adopted on 23rd March 1940 was represented by :
A. Liaqat Ali Khan
B. Quaid-e-Azam
C. A.K Fazl-ul-Haq
D. Liaqat Ali Khan

12.Qadlanis were declared as non-muslims during the government of:
A. Ayub khan
B. Yahya khan
C. Zulfiquar Ali Bhutto
D. Ayub khan

13.In the Redcliffe award of 1947, the muslims majority areas Of Gurdadpur and pathankot were handed over to India just because :
A. These areas were rich in mineral health
B. These were huge military cantonment
C. These provided Road link from India to Kashmir vellay
D. These areas were rich in mineral health

14."Boshar Al Assad" is the president of:
A. Yemen
B. Jordan
C. Syria
D. Yemen

15.What was the age of Hazrat Ibrahium A.S when Hazrat Ismael A.S was born?
A. 86 years
B. 88 years
C. 90 years
D. 86 years

16.Which poet wrote the famous line "A thing of beauty is a joy forever?"
A. Lord Byron
B. William Wordsworth
C. P. B Shelley
D. Lord Byron

17."A laughing stock " کے درست مطلب
A. بانگ دار
B. بال جبریل
C. ظر ب کلیم
D. بانگ دار

18.مشہور نا و ل "ر ا جہ گد " کی مضنفہ کا نا م :
A. با نو قد سی
B. بشر ئ رحیما ن
C. ارمغان حجاز
D. با نو قد سی

19."Go mad " کے ر د ست مطلب ہے
A. بے و قوف
B. د یوانہ کر لینا
C. د یوانہ ہو جا نا
D. بے و قوف

20.حروف تہجی کے الفا ظ سے کو ن سا لغت میں پہلے أ ۓ گا
A. ظالم
B. لا پروا
C. سنگنل
D. ظالم

21."ماہ تمام " کس کے شعر ئ للکار ہیں ؟
A. پروین شاکر
B. ادا جعفر ی
C. کاروان فیضا
D. پروین شاکر

22.با با ۓ اردو اور "با با ۓ قا ید " لفظ قوا ید کی رو سے :
A. لقب
B. عر ف
C. خطا ب
D. لقب

23.کا لا با غ کہا واقع ہے ؟
A. بنو ں
B. مر دان
C. میانوالی
D. بنو ں

24.جاہل کا مطلب ہے ؟
A. دانا
B. عمدہ
C. بڑا
D. دانا

25.خون سفید ہونا کا کیا مطلب ہے ؟
A. بیمار ہو جانا
B. فو ت ہونا
C. سنگدل ہو جانا
D. بیمار ہو جانا

26.حج کا لفظی مطلب ہے ؟
A. ارادہ کرنا
B. عمل کرنا
C. جدوجہد کر نا
D. ارادہ کرنا

27.First census in Pakistan was held in:
A. 1948
B. 1947
C. 1950
D. 1948

28.Soll erosion can be prevented by:
A. Over-Grazing
B. Removel of vegetation
C. Afforestation
D. Over-Grazing

29.Synonym of OPPORTUNE is:
A. Fortune
B. Appropriate
C. Luck
D. Fortune

30.In 1867, the USA purchased Alaska from:
A. Canada
B. France
C. Mexico
D. Canada

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022


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