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1.An assessment that is generally carried Out throughout a course is called
A. Diagnostic assessment
B. Formative assessment
C. Summative assessment
D. Diagnostic assessment

2.An assessment uses to identify difficulties in the learning process is called
A. Initial Assessment
B. Diagnostic Assessment
C. Formative Assessment
D. Initial Assessment

3.An assessment is if it consistently achieves the same results with the same (or similar) students.
A. Valid
B. Invalid
C. Reliable
D. Valid

4.A/An assessment is one which measures what it is intended to measure.
A. Valid
B. Invalid
C. Reliable
D. Valid

5.Reliability of an assessment relates to the of an assessment.
A. Usefulness
B. Quality
C. Consistency
D. Usefulness

6.Validity of an assessment relates to the of an assessment.
A. Usefulness
B. Quality
C. Consistency
D. Usefulness

7.Formative assessment is an assessment learning.
A. To
B. Of
C. By
D. To

8.Summative assessment is an assessment ___ learning.
A. To
B. Of
C. By
D. To

9.Which from the following is not a formal assessment?
A. Assignment
B. Paper
C. Quiz
D. Assignment

10.Which from the following is not an informal assessment?
A. Assignment
B. Observation
C. Rating scales
D. Assignment

11.Which from the following is not a formal assessment?
A. Interview
B. Observation
C. Project
D. Interview

12.Which from the following is not an informal assessment?
A. Observation
B. Project
C. Rubrics
D. Observation

13.Assessment of how a school is performing is.
A. Administration
B. Supervision
C. Inspection
D. Administration

14.An element of fear and anxiety is found in
A. Monitoring
B. Supervision
C. Inspection
D. Monitoring

15.Inspection affairs of education department the visit, its merits, demerits and views in ~
A. Accession Register DS
B. Visitor�s Book ss
C. Log Book
D. Accession Register DS

16.An assessment used to of a person�s ability in a particular field of studies is
A. Aptitude
B. Diagno
C. Eval
D. Aptitude

17.A looking at what is being assessed is called
A. Assessment
B. Evaluation
C. Measurement
D. Assessment

18.___deals with finding out the worth of a process or program.
A. Evaluation
B. Measurement
C. Assessment
D. Evaluation

19.The process of determining the value or worth of anything is
A. Test
B. Measurement
C. Assessment
D. Test

20.Focuses on ensuring that students have arrived at the intended destination
A. Role Play
B. Inquiry
C. Evaluation
D. Role Play

21.It is openly observed that involves much more than measurement.
A. Government
B. Environment
C. Learning
D. Government

22.Purpose of evaluation phase of teaching is
A. To know that extent objectives are realized
B. To know the shortcoming of the teacher
C. To know the effectiveness of strategies
D. To know that extent objectives are realized

23.The purpose of evaluation is to make judgment about educational
A. Quantity
B. Quality
C. Time Period
D. Quantity

24.The purpose of the evaluation is to make
A. Decision
B. Prediction
C. Judgment
D. Decision

25.Motivation is the purpose of evaluation.
A. Basic
B. Primar
C. Optional
D. Basic

26.It is ___ exercise for complete evaluation of institutions.
A. Time consuming
B. Costly
C. Both costly and time consuming
D. Time consuming

27.Summative evaluation is used
A. At the end of the program
B. At the middle of the program
C. At the start of the program
D. At the end of the program

28.The purpose of formative evaluation is to make
A. Decision of what to measure
B. Development of the test
C. Administrating the test
D. Decision of what to measure

29.True or false items cannot provide accurate criterion of evaluation because
A. Chance of guessing on the part of examines is at highest probability
B. They generally inflate actual scores due to guessing or cheating
C. They do not require thorough study to attempt
D. Chance of guessing on the part of examines is at highest probability

30.Webster evaluation as "examining and judging the worth quality, significance, amount, degree or condition of something,"
A. Defined
B. Described
C. Present
D. Defined

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022


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