UHS MDCAT :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.First law of thermodynamics under adiabatic conditions can be mathematically written as:
A. Q = W
B. Q = ΔU
C. Q = U + W
D. Q = W

2.The voltage that is applied across X-plates is provided by a circuit called
A. Audio generator
B. Time base generator
C. Signal generator
D. Audio generator

3.What will be the effect on the capacitance of a capacitor if area of each plate is doubled while separation between the plates is halved?
A. Capacitance remains same
B. Capacitance becomes double
C. Capacitance becomes four times
D. Capacitance remains same

4.10 V potential difference is applied across the plate of 1 μF capacitor. What is the energy storied in capacitor?
A. 0.5 mJ
B. 0.05 mJ
C. 5 mJ
D. 0.5 mJ

5.Organic compound containing both amine and carboxyl group is known as
A. Amino acid
B. Fatty acid
C. Saccharide
D. Amino acid

6.Organic compound containing both amine and carboxyl group is known as
A. Amino acid
B. Fatty acid
C. Saccharide
D. Amino acid

7.The principle energy storage carbohydrate in animal’s is
A. Glucose
B. Starch
C. Protein
D. Glucose

8.Starch is a polymer of
A. β–D–glucose
B. α– –glucose
C. γ–D–glucose
D. β–D–glucose

9.The reaction between fats and caustic soda is called
A. Hydrogenolysis
B. Fermentation
C. Esterification
D. Hydrogenolysis

10.Adipic acid and hexamethylene diamine both of which have _________ carbon atoms:
A. Seven
B. Eight
C. Six
D. Seven

11.Lactose is a sugar present in milk. It is an example of
A. Disaccharides
B. Monosaccharides
C. Polysaccharides
D. Disaccharides

12.Macromolecules are described as large molecules built up from small repeating units called:
A. Monomers
B. Isomers
C. Metamers
D. Monomers

13.The increase in concentration of oxidizing agents in smog like H2O2, HNO3, PAN and ozone in the air is called
A. Carbonated smog
B. Nitrated smog
C. Photochemical smog
D. Carbonated smog

14.Which is the metal, whose elevated concentration is harmful for fish as it clogs the gills thus causing suffocation?
A. Sodium
B. Lead
C. Zinc
D. Sodium

15.A solenoid 15 cm long has 300 turns of wire. A current of 5 A flows through it. What is the magnitude of magnetic field inside the solenoid?
A. 75 x 107 T
B. 60 x 10+3 T
C. 4π x 10-3 T
D. 75 x 107 T

16.Due to current in a straight conductor the difference between magnetic field lines
A. Increases away from conductor
B. Decreases away from conductor
C. Increases towards conductor
D. Increases away from conductor

17.Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is used to identify the image of
A. Tumors and inflamed tissues
B. Blood cells
C. Skin cells
D. Tumors and inflamed tissues

18.Bones absorb greater amount of incident X-rays than flesh. This is because of the fact that
A. Bones lie between the flesh
B. Bones are light in color
C. Bones contain material of low densities
D. Bones lie between the flesh

19.Bones absorb greater amount of incident X-rays than flesh. This is because of the fact that
A. Bones lie between the flesh
B. Bones are light in color
C. Bones contain material of low densities
D. Bones lie between the flesh

20.Bones absorb greater amount of incident X-rays than flesh. This is because of the fact that
A. Bones lie between the flesh
B. Bones are light in color
C. Bones contain material of low densities
D. Bones lie between the flesh

21.Which of the following techniques is the practical application of X-rays?
A. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
B. Ultrasonography
C. Computerized Axial Topograph
D. Magnetic Resonance Imaging

22.Which one of the following has the largest energy content?
A. γ-rays
B. X-rays
C. Infra-red radiations
D. γ-rays

23.What will be the energy of accelerated electron used to produce X-rays when the accelerating potential is 2 kV?
A. ) 2 x 10-19 J
B. 1.6 x 10-19 J
C. 3.2 x 1019 J
D. ) 2 x 10-19 J

24.Process of generating three dimensional images of objects by using laser beam is called
A. Photography
B. 3-D cinema
C. Holography
D. Photography

25.Which one of the following isotopes of Iodine is used for the treatment of thyroid cancer?
A. I - 113
B. I - 120
C. I - 131
D. I - 113

26.A Uranium isotope 92U 232 undergoes one α–decay and one β-1 0 – decay. What is the final product?
A. 90
B. 92
C. 89
D. 90

27.A naturally occurring radioactive element decays two alpha particles. Which one of the following represents status of daughter element with respect to mass number ‘A’ and charge number ‘Z’?
A. ‘Z’ decreases by 4 and ‘A’ decreases by 2
B. ‘Z’ decreases by 2 and ‘A’ decreases by 4
C. Z’ decreases by 4 and ‘A’ decreases by 8
D. ‘Z’ decreases by 4 and ‘A’ decreases by 2

28.What is the absorbed dose ‘D’ of a sample of 2 kg which is given an amount of 100 J of radioactive energy?
A. 200 Gy
B. 102 Gy
C. 50 Gy
D. 200 Gy

29.A polymer of empirical formula CH2 has molar mass of 28000 g mol-1. Its molecular formula will be
A. 100 times that of its empirical formula
B. 200 times that of its empirical formula
C. 500 times that of its empirical formula
D. 100 times that of its empirical formula

30.The number of molecules in 9 g of ice (H2O) is
A. 6.02 x 1024
B. 6.02 x 1023
C. ) 3.01 x 1024
D. 6.02 x 1024

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