Microbiology :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Name the component of flagellum.
A. Filament
B. Hook
C. Basal body
D. Filament

2.The location where the bacterial chromosome concentrates is called
A. nucleus
B. nuclein
C. nucleoid
D. nucleus

3.Which of the following is analogous to mesosomes of bacteria?
A. Mitochondria of eukaryotes
B. Golgi apparatus of eukaryotes
C. Lysosomes of eukaryotes
D. Mitochondria of eukaryotes

4.Which of the following has Chinese letter arrangement?
A. Bacillus anthracis
B. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
C. Clostridium tetani
D. Bacillus anthracis

5.The phospholipids present in cytoplasm membrane of the archaeo-bacteria is
A. phosphoglycerides
B. polyisoprenoid
C. polyisoprenoid branched chain lipids
D. phosphoglycerides

6.The other name for peptidoglycan is
A. mucopeptide
B. murein
C. both (a) & (b)
D. mucopeptide

7.Cyanobacteria have
A. a gram-positive cell wall
B. a gram-negative cell wall
C. Neither (a) nor (b)
D. a gram-positive cell wall

8.In which of the following, lipo-polysaccharide is a major constituent of outer membrane of the cellwall?
A. Gram-positive bacteria
B. Gram-negative bacteria
C. Fungi
D. Gram-positive bacteria

9.The oldest eukaryotic organisms are considered to be
A. diplomonads like Giardia
B. archaea
C. fungi
D. diplomonads like Giardia

10.Which of the following structure(s) is /are external to cell wall?
A. Flagella
B. Stalks
C. Sheath
D. Flagella

11.Which of the following may be most likely to be missing from a gram-positive bacterium?
A. Penicillin binding protein
B. Peptidoglycan
C. Lipopolysaccharide
D. Penicillin binding protein

12.The phospholipids present in cytoplasm membrane of eubacteria is mainly
A. phosphoglycerides
B. polyisoprenoid
C. phospholipoprotein
D. phosphoglycerides

13.Which of the following is the necessary step for cultivating the microorganisms?
A. Preparing a culture medium for the growth of microorganisms
B. Sterilizing in order to eliminate all living microorganisms in vessel
C. Inoculating the microorganisms in the prepared medium
D. Preparing a culture medium for the growth of microorganisms

14.Which were the investigators lived at the same time?
A. Koch and Pasteur
B. Darwin and Woese
C. Van Leeuenhoek and Ricketts
D. Koch and Pasteur

15.For most bacteria, the optimum pH for growth lies between
A. 6.5-7.5
B. 3.5-4.5
C. 4.5-5.5
D. 6.5-7.5

16.The unifying feature of the archaea that distinguishes them from the bacteria is
A. habitats which are extreme environments with regard to acidity
B. absence of a nuclear membrane temperature
C. presence of a cell wall containing a characteristic outer membrane
D. habitats which are extreme environments with regard to acidity

17.Which of the following is an abiotic elicitors?
A. UV irradiation
B. Osmotic shock
C. Heavy metal ions
D. UV irradiation

18.Mycoplasmas are different from the other prokaryotes by
A. presence of chitin in cell walls
B. presence of murrain in cell walls
C. presence of proteins in cell walls
D. presence of chitin in cell walls

19.Suspension cultures consist of cells and cell aggregates, growing dispersed in
A. liquid medium
B. solid nutrient medium
C. solid or liquid medium
D. liquid medium

20.Thiobacillus thiooxidans has an optimum pH of
A. 2.0-3.5
B. 0.5-6.0
C. 6.5-7.5
D. 2.0-3.5

21.Evolutionary relationships between groups of organisms are determined using which of the following type of information?
A. Comparisons of nucleotide sequences
B. Comparisons of biochemical pathways
C. Comparisons of structural features
D. Comparisons of nucleotide sequences

22.Balanced growth is defined as
A. cultures undergoing balanced growth while maintaining a constant chemical composition
B. balancing the growth while controlling the pH
C. balancing the growth while controlling the temperature
D. cultures undergoing balanced growth while maintaining a constant chemical composition

23.Which of the following is not true for eukaryotic cells?
A. Nucleus is bounded by nuclear membrane
B. Chromosomes contain histones
C. Chloroplasts and mitochondria contains 70S ribosomes
D. Nucleus is bounded by nuclear membrane

24.Semi-solid media, prepared with agar at concentrations of 0.5% or less are useful for the cultivation of
A. Microaerophillic bacteria
B. Lactobacilli
C. E.coli
D. Microaerophillic bacteria

25.The cell mass can be measured optically by determining the amount of light scattered by a suspension of cells. The measurements are usually at a wavelength of
A. 300-400nm
B. 400-500nm
C. 500-600nm
D. 300-400nm

26.Which of the following is not true for prokaryotic organism?
A. Nucleus is not bounded by nuclear membrane
B. Chromosomes does not contain histones
C. 80S ribosomes are distributed in cytoplasm
D. Nucleus is not bounded by nuclear membrane

27.Which of the following is not true for prokaryotic organism?
A. Nucleus is not bounded by nuclear membrane
B. Chromosomes does not contain histones
C. 80S ribosomes are distributed in cytoplasm
D. Nucleus is not bounded by nuclear membrane

28.Which of the following is not an indirect method for the measurement of cell mass?
A. Nutrient composition
B. Cell dry weight
C. Viscosity
D. Nutrient composition

29.Gram staining was introduced by
A. Christian gram
B. Alfred Gram
C. Robertcook
D. Christian gram

30.Callus cultures are amorphous cell aggregates arising from the unorganized growth of explants on an
A. liquid medium
B. solid nutrient medium
C. aseptic solid nutrient medium
D. liquid medium

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022


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