Microbiology :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.The protoplast can be used to
A. modify genetic information
B. create plant hybrid
C. study plant viral infections
D. modify genetic information

2.. Which of the following is considered the most unifying concept in biology?
A. Taxonomy
B. Anatomy
C. Genetics
D. Taxonomy

3.Which of the following is incorrect?
A. Mammalian cells are larger and more complex than microorganisms
B. Their growth rate is very fast compared to microorganisms
C. Mammalian cells are fragile
D. Mammalian cells are larger and more complex than microorganisms

4.Various bacterial species can be subdivided into
A. subspecies
B. biovarieties
C. serovarieties
D. subspecies

5.The size of a single plant cell is usually within the range of
A. 10-20μm in diameter and 25-100μm long
B. 20-40μm in diameter and 100-200μm long
C. 40-60μm in diameter and 200-300μm long
D. 10-20μm in diameter and 25-100μm long

6.. Living organisms have many complex characteristics. Which one of the following is shared by non-living matter as well?
A. Homeostasis
B. Tissues
C. Reproduction
D. Homeostasis

7.Which of the following is incorrect?
A. Plant cells are larger than the bacterial or fungus cells
B. Plant cells tend to grow in clumps
C. Plant cells are less sensitive to shear than microbial cells
D. Plant cells are larger than the bacterial or fungus cells

8.The archaebacterium Halobacterium, an extreme halophile, and Sulfolobus, a thermoacidophile, can be cultured in the presence of antibiotics such as streptomycin and chloramphenicol because
A. they contain ether-linked isoprenoids in their plasma membrane
B. they lack murein in their cell wall
C. they contain 80S, as opposed to 70S, ribosomes
D. they contain ether-linked isoprenoids in their plasma membrane

9.A newly discovered microscopic structure is hypothesized to be a living organism. Which of the following lines of evidence would support the contention that this organism may be alive?
A. It contains DNA
B. It is made of a single cell
C. It utilizes energy
D. It contains DNA

10.The isolation of the gonorrhoea - causing organisms, Neisseria gonorrhoeae,from a clinical specimen is facilitated by the use of media containing
A. cellulose
B. certain antibiotics
C. succinate
D. cellulose

11.Mycoplasmas, rickettsiae, and chlamydiae are
A. types of fungi
B. small bacteria
C. species of protozoa
D. types of fungi

12.Anchorage -dependent cells require
A. wettable surface for growth
B. dry surface for growth
C. either (a) or (b)
D. wettable surface for growth

13.Stringent anaerobes can be grown in a media by taking special measure as
A. boiling the media for several minutes
B. addition of cysteine
C. passing through oxygen-free nitrogen
D. boiling the media for several minutes

14.Radical shifts in pH can be prevented by incorporating
A. a buffer
B. an oxidizing agent
C. a reducing agent
D. a buffer

15.Which of the following bacteria can grow in acidic pH?
A. Vibrio cholerae
B. Lactobacilli
C. Shigella
D. Vibrio cholerae

16.Cell size and cell number can be measured using
A. hemocytometer
B. coulter counter
C. petroff-hausser counting chamber
D. hemocytometer

17.Which of the following is used for the proper maintenance and preservation of pure cultures?
A. Periodic transfer to fresh media
B. Preservation by overlaying cultures with mineral oil
C. Preservation by lyophilization
D. Periodic transfer to fresh media

18.In the process of freeze drying, a dense cell suspension is placed in small vials and is frozen at
A. -60 to -78°C
B. -20 to -30°C
C. -30 to -48°C
D. -60 to -78°C

19.The solidifying agent commonly used in preparation of media is/are
A. agar
B. silica gel
C. both (a) and (b)
D. agar

20.Which of the following chemotherapeutic agents may affect the growth of Campylobacter jejuni?
A. Vacomycin
B. Polymyxin
C. Trimethoprim
D. Vacomycin

21.To select cholera-causing bacterium, Vibrio cholerae, the pH of the medium is maintained at a pH of
A. 8.5
B. 8.90
C. 6.79
D. 8.5

22.For the selection of endospore-forming bacteria, a mixed culture can be heated at
A. 80°C for 10 minutes
B. 70°C for 10 minutes
C. 60°C for 10 minutes
D. 80°C for 10 minutes

23.The concentration of agar to obtain semi solid media is
A. 1.5-20%
B. 0.5% or less
C. >10%
D. 1.5-20%

24.Which of the following bacteria dies quickly after drying?
A. Treponema pallidium
B. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
C. Staphylococcus aureus
D. Treponema pallidium

25.Mac-Conkey medium is an example of
A. transport medium
B. enrichment medium
C. differential medium
D. transport medium

26.Pseudomonas aeruginosa forms a blue water soluble pigment called
A. pyocyanin
B. chlororaphin
C. pyoverdin
D. pyocyanin

27.Agar is used for solidifying culture media because
A. it does not affect by the growth of bacteria
B. it does not add to the nutritive properties of the medium
C. the melting and solidifying points of agar solution are not the same
D. it does not affect by the growth of bacteria

28.For the selection of lactobacilli present in cheddar cheese, the pH of the medium is maintained at
A. 6.35
B. 5.35
C. 4.35
D. 6.35

29.A disease producing species occurring in a mixed culture can often be selected on the basis of its
A. pathogenic properties
B. special carbon source
C. special nitrogen source
D. pathogenic properties

30.Important example(s) of enriched medium/media is/ are
A. Loeffler's serum slope
B. Bordet-gengou medium
C. Blood agar
D. Loeffler's serum slope

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