General Science :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Which of these heat shock proteins prevent protein misfolding and maintain polypeptide chain in the unfolded state?
A. Hsp60
B. Hsp28
C. Hsp70
D. Hsp60

2.Among all the heat shock proteins which one is known as chaperonins?
A. Hsp70
B. Hsp32
C. Hsp60
D. Hsp70

3.Which one of the following reagent is also known a Sanger’s reagent?
A. 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (FDNB)
B. Phenylisothiocyanate
C. Cyanogen bromide
D. 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (FDNB)

4.Proteolytic enzyme trypsin cleaves protein at which of these specific sites?
A. Carboxyl side of Alanine, Glycine
B. Carboxyl side of Lysin or Arginine
C. Carboxyl side of aromatic amino acid
D. Carboxyl side of Alanine, Glycine

5.Mark the correct statement which depicts the correct statement of protein assay?
A. To determine the amount of protein
B. To characterize the function of the protein
C. To determine the structure of the protein
D. To determine the amount of protein

6.In a living organism, strong interactions between molecules are formed by a certain type of bond. Name that?
A. Hydrogen bonding
B. Covalent bond
C. Electrostatic interactions
D. Hydrogen bonding

7.The monomeric unit of nucleic acid are called?
A. Nucleosides
B. Purines
C. Nucleotides
D. Nucleosides

8.Who discovered nucleic acid?
A. Walter Gilbert
B. Friedrich Miescher
C. Griffith
D. Walter Gilbert

9.Name the pyrimidine base which is found in RNA but not in DNA?
A. Guanine
B. Adenine
C. Uracil
D. Guanine

10.Name those purine bases which are commonly found in DNA and RNA?
A. Adenine and guanine
B. Cytosine and thymine
C. Adenine and thymine
D. Adenine and guanine

11.Which of these statements are TRUE for a glycosidic bond?
A. The bond between sugar and the nitrogenous base
B. The bond between the two sugar residues
C. The bond between sugar and phosphate
D. The bond between sugar and the nitrogenous base

12.What is the energy currency of the living cell?

13.The primary structure of DNA and RNA proceeds in which direction?
A. 3’ —–> 5҆’
B. 5’ —–> 3’
C. 4’ —–> 6’
D. 3’ —–> 5҆’

14.Which bond is used to stabilize the double helix of DNA?
A. Hydrophobic bond
B. Hydrogen bond
C. Covalent bond
D. Hydrophobic bond

15.A purified DNA sample of leaf contains 20.0 mole of guanine. Calculate the approximate percentage of purine residues?
A. 30%
B. 40%
C. 50%
D. 30%

16.Chemical compounds involved in the process of metabolism is known as?
A. Intermediates
B. Catabolites
C. Radicals
D. Intermediates

17.Which of the following has a spiral metabolic pathway?
A. Glycolysis
B. Citric acid cycle
C. Glyoxylate cycle
D. Glycolysis

18.Name the type of the pathway which is involved in the synthesis of compounds?
A. Anabolic pathways
B. Catabolic pathways
C. Amphibolic pathway
D. Anabolic pathways

19.Which of the following cycle shows amphibolic pathway?
A. Glyoxylate
B. Citric acid cycle
C. Glycolysis
D. Glyoxylate

20.Mark the INCORRECT statement about metabolic pathway?
A. They show the irreversible pathway
B. Each one of them has first committed step
C. They follow the only oxidative process
D. They show the irreversible pathway

21.Regulation of metabolic pathway is done by following ways except one, mark the one?
A. Substrate concentration
B. Allosteric regulation of enzymes
C. Availability of oxygen
D. Substrate concentration

22.Which of the following is not an enzyme-catalyzed reaction in metabolism?
A. Isomerization and elimination
B. Internal rearrangement
C. Maillard reaction
D. Isomerization and elimination

23.Name the inhibition where end products of biosynthesis pathway inhibit the activity of the first enzyme?
A. Feedback inhibition
B. Feedback repression
C. Allosteric inhibition
D. Feedback inhibition

24.In which of the following phenomenon the end product act as co-repressor and repress the synthesis of metabolic enzymes?
A. Allosteric regulation
B. Feedback repression
C. Feedback inhibition
D. Allosteric regulation

25.What is Respiration?
A. Intermediate process
B. Catabolite repression
C. Reductive process
D. Intermediate process

26.What is respiratory substrate?
A. The end product of respiration
B. The intermediate compounds of respiration
C. The compounds which are oxidized during respiration
D. The end product of respiration

27.Which of the following condition occur by incomplete oxidation of respiratory substrate?
A. Feedback inhibition
B. Feedback repression
C. Aerobic condition
D. Feedback inhibition

28.Which of the following is not an aerobic reaction?
A. Fermentation
B. Oxidative phosphorylation
C. Citric acid cycle
D. Fermentation

29.Which of these enzymes in glycolysis do not take part in an irreversible reaction?
A. Glucokinase
B. Pyruvate kinase
C. Phosphofructokinase
D. Glucokinase

30.Name the inhibitor of glycolysis?
A. Actinomycin
B. Malonate
C. Iodoacetate
D. Actinomycin

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