General Science :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Which light modulates osmoregulation of guard cell?
A. Green
B. Orange
C. Red
D. Green

2.What is guttation?
A. Exudation of xylem sap
B. Root pressure
C. Radial movement
D. Exudation of xylem sap

3.Name the specialized pores from where guttation takes place.
A. Stomata
B. Hydathodes
C. Guard cell
D. Stomata

4.Which of the following statement is INCORRECT for transpiration?
A. It occurs by stomata, lenticels, and cuticle
B. Water comes out as water vapour
C. It occurs in all plants
D. It occurs by stomata, lenticels, and cuticle

5.Those elements whose absence prevent plants from completing its life cycle are called___________
A. Micro element
B. Macro element
C. Nonessential elements
D. Micro element

6.Which one of the following is NOT a criteria for an element to be called as essential?
A. These elements need not to take part in growth and development
B. The function of an element must not be replaceable
C. The element should be involved in plant metabolism
D. These elements need not to take part in growth and development

7.Who proposed the idea of essential mineral nutrients of the plant?
A. Leonhart Fuchs
B. Aristotle
C. Arnon and Stout
D. Leonhart Fuchs

8.Name the technique which involves the growth of a plant by suspending their roots in the air?
A. Diffusion
B. Osmosis
C. Hydroponics
D. Diffusion

9.Which of the following is a mineral nutrient?
A. Carbon
B. Nitrogen
C. Hydrogen
D. Carbon

10.Which of the following element is needed by plants in a very small quantity?
A. Phosphorus
B. Carbon
C. Sodium
D. Phosphorus

11. Name the mineral element which is required by a plant in a great amount?
A. Calcium
B. Cobalt
C. Phosphorus
D. Calcium

12.Deficiency of which mineral causes dark green coloration of the leaves?
A. Phosphorus
B. Potassium
C. Nitrogen
D. Phosphorus

13.Which of the following is deficiency symptom of magnesium?
A. Chlorosis in young leaves
B. Chlorosis in older leaves
C. Spindly and woody stem
D. Chlorosis in young leaves

14.Which of the following class of enzyme does not need manganese for its efficient activity?
A. Dehydrogenase
B. Decarboxylases
C. Kinases
D. Dehydrogenase

15.The study of living organisms with the environment is known as?
A. Ecosystem
B. Environment
C. Community
D. Ecosystem

16.Which of the following describe the study of group of the population?
A. Synecology
B. Autecology
C. Biomes
D. Synecology

17.What is the climate pattern in areas of limited size or immediate surroundings of plant and animal?
A. Mixed climate
B. Macroclimate
C. Microclimate
D. Mixed climate

18.Which of the following climatic zone lies around 40°- 60° latitude?
A. Tropical
B. Subtropical
C. Arctic
D. Tropical

19.A relatively dense layer of band which is found in the thermosphere is known as?
A. Troposphere
B. Mesosphere
C. Stratosphere
D. Troposphere

20.Which of the following parameter of light is NOT required by plants to grow?
A. Wavelength of light
B. Intensity of light
C. Duration of light
D. Wavelength of light

21.What is pedology?
A. Study of the effect of light on plant growth
B. Study of leaves
C. Study of climate
D. Study of the effect of light on plant growth

22.Name the term which is used for the water present in the soil that can be utilized by the plants.
A. Chresard
B. Humus
C. Gravitational water
D. Chresard

23.Name the type of water stored in the soil in the form of hydrated oxides of iron, silicon, and aluminium?
A. Gravitational water
B. Capillary water
C. Hygroscopic water
D. Gravitational water

24.Vegetation of tropical deciduous forest falls under which of the following categories?
A. Mesotherm
B. Megatherm
C. Microtherm
D. Mesotherm

25.Genetically different population with the same physical features is known as ____________
A. Ecosystem
B. Ecads
C. Community
D. Ecosystem

26.Name the group of species which exploit the abiotic and biotic resources in a similar way?
A. Guild
B. Ecads
C. Biomes
D. Guild

27.Who proposed the term ecosystem?
A. Grinnel
B. Turesson
C. A.G. Tansley
D. Grinnel

28.Name the organisms that manufacture organic compounds from simple inorganic compounds without using sunlight?
A. Detrivores
B. Organotrophs
C. Phototrophs
D. Detrivores

29.Which of the following organism eats feces?
A. Fungus
B. Bacteria
C. Earthworm
D. Fungus

30.Which of the following type of productivity counts the total fixation of energy by photosynthesis?
A. Secondary productivity
B. Primary productivity
D. Secondary productivity

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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