Basic General Knowledge :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.What is the Capital of Afghanistan ?
A. Mexico City
B. Zagreb
C. Kabul
D. Mexico City

2.What is the Capital of Albania ?
A. Melekeok
B. Yerevan
C. Abuja
D. Melekeok

3.What is the Capital of Algeria ?
A. Accra
B. Algiers
C. Mbabane
D. Accra

4.What is the Capital of Andorra ?
A. Addis Ababa
B. Yamoussoukro
C. Maseru
D. Addis Ababa

5.What is the Capital name of Angola?
A. Maputo
B. Algiers
C. Windhoek
D. Maputo

6.What is the Capital name of Antigua and Barbuda ?
A. Wellington
B. Saint Johns
C. Manila
D. Wellington

7.What is the Capital name of Argentina ?
A. Buenos Aires
B. Manama
C. Washington D.C.
D. Buenos Aires

8.What is the Capital of Armenia ?
A. Managua
B. Yerevan
C. Warsaw
D. Managua

9.What is the Capital name of Australia ?
A. Canberra
B. Ankara
C. Vilnius
D. Canberra

10.What is the Capital name of Austria ?
A. Malabo
B. Vienna
C. Antananarivo
D. Malabo

11.What is the Capital name of Azerbaijan ?
A. Apia
B. Majuro
C. Vienna
D. Apia

12.What is the capital city of Bahamas ?
A. Mogadishu
B. Nassau
C. Nassau
D. Mogadishu

13.Manama is the capital city of ?
A. Poland
B. Bahrain
C. Panama
D. Poland

14.What is the capital city of Bangladesh ?
A. Riyadh
B. Khartoum
C. Doha
D. Riyadh

15.What is the capital city of Barbados ?
A. Khartoum
B. Kampala
C. Bridgetown
D. Khartoum

16.What is the capital city of Belarus ?
A. Minsk
B. Sanaa
C. Mogadishu
D. Minsk

17.What is the capital city of Belgium ?
A. Brussels
B. Ankara
C. Abu Dhabi
D. Brussels

18.What is the capital city of Belize ?
A. Madrid
B. Singapore
C. Belmopan
D. Madrid

19.What is the capital city of Benin ?
A. Kampala
B. Porto-Novo
C. Lome
D. Kampala

20.What is the capital city of Bhutan ?
A. Bangkok
B. Taipei
C. Thimphu
D. Bangkok

21.What is the capital city of Bolivia ?
A. La Paz (administrative); Sucre (judicial)
B. Ouagadougou
C. Porto-Novo
D. La Paz (administrative); Sucre (judicial)

22.What is the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina ?
A. Victoria
B. Sarajevo
C. Ljubljana
D. Victoria

23.What is the capital city of Botswana ?
A. Madrid
B. Khartoum
C. Gaborone
D. Madrid

24.What is the capital city of Brazil ?
A. Sofia
B. Brasilia
C. Mogadishu
D. Sofia

25.What is the capital city of Brunei ?
A. Bandar Seri Begawan
B. Stockholm
C. Damascus
D. Bandar Seri Begawan

26.What is the capital city of Bulgaria ?
A. Bangkok
B. Sofia
C. Bern
D. Bangkok

27.What is the capital city of Burkina Faso ?
A. Ashgabat
B. Kampala
C. Ouagadougou
D. Ashgabat

28.What is the capital city of Burundi ?
A. Bujumbura
B. Tashkent
C. Port-Vila
D. Bujumbura

29.What is the capital city of Cambodia ?
A. Phnom Penh
B. Hanoi
C. Sanaa
D. Phnom Penh

30.What is the capital city of Cameroon ?
A. Ljubljana
B. Yaounde
C. Dakar
D. Ljubljana

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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