Basic General Knowledge :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.What invention caused many deaths while testing it?
A. Dynamite
B. Ladders
C. Race cars
D. Dynamite

2.Who invented Gunpowder?
A. G. Ferdinand Von Zeppelin
B. Sir Frank Whittle
C. Roger Bacon
D. G. Ferdinand Von Zeppelin

3. Until Victorian times, chocolate was thought of as a drink. When did the first chocolate bar appear?
A. 1828
B. 1831
C. 1825
D. 1828

4. In which decade was the telephone invented?
A. 1850s
B. 1860s
C. 1870s
D. 1850s

A. Cohen & Boyer
B. Hunt & Davids
C. Sinclair & Roberts
D. Cohen & Boyer

6. What now-ubiquitous device was invented by Zenith engineer Eugene Polley in 1955?
A. Microwave oven
B. Remote control
D. Microwave oven

7. What Benjamin Franklin invented?
A. Bifocal spectacles
B. Radio
C. Barometer
D. Bifocal spectacles

8. This part-time race car driver invented the bucket seat in 1969. Who was he??
A. Steve McQueen
B. Harrison Frazier
C. Paul Newman
D. Steve McQueen

9. What plaything was invented by Joe McVicker in 1956?
A. Silly Putty
B. Etch-A-Sketch
C. Lite-Brite
D. Silly Putty

10. Who was the first American female to patent her invention, a method of weaving straw with silk
A. Marjorie Joyner
B. Margaret Knight
C. Amanda Jones
D. Marjorie Joyner

11.Who invented motor cycle?
A. G. Dajmler of Cannstatt
B. Percy L. Spencer
C. Sir George Cayley
D. G. Dajmler of Cannstatt

12.The wonder drug Pencillin was discovered by
A. Louis Pasteur
B. Alexander Fleming
C. Edward Jenner
D. Louis Pasteur

13.Who invented the hydrogen bomb?
A. J. Robert Oppenheimer
B. Albert Einstein
C. Samuel Cohen
D. J. Robert Oppenheimer

14.Who invented the Microprocessor?
A. Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore
B. Georges Claude
C. Gregory Pincus
D. Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore

15.Who was the inventor of jet engine?
A. James Watt
B. Charles Parsons
C. Orville and Wilbur Wright
D. James Watt

16.Radioactivity was discovered by
A. Henry Bequerel
B. Marie Curie
C. Newton
D. Henry Bequerel

17.Mercury thermometer was invented by
A. Galileo
B. Fahrenheit
C. Newton
D. Galileo

18.For which invention is Alessandro Volta famous?
A. Light bulb
B. Telephone
C. Battery
D. Light bulb

19.Who was the first person to televise pictures of
A. John Logie Baird
B. George Carey
C. C.F Jenkens
D. John Logie Baird

20.Name the country with the shortest coast line of 3.49 miles or 5.58 km?
A. Baffin
B. Luzon
C. Monaco
D. Baffin

21.Name the country with the highest number of internet users.
A. France
C. China
D. France

22.Chaina has most land borders with how many countries?
A. 16
B. 19
C. 30
D. 16

23.Which country is the largest foreign aid donor?
B. Canada
C. Japan

24.Which country has the largest GNP?
A. Russia
B. China
D. Russia

25.Which country has the largest foreign debts?
A. Russia
B. China
C. Mexico
D. Russia

26.Which is the world's oldest religion?
A. Judaism
B. Islam
C. Christianity
D. Judaism

27.Which is the largest religion in the world?
A. Islam
B. Hinduism
C. Christianity
D. Islam

28.When was Buddhism founded?
A. 500 BC
B. 525 BC
C. 400 BC
D. 500 BC

29.Confucianism is the main religion of
A. Arabia and Iraq
B. China and Taiwan
C. Japan and Sri Lanka
D. Arabia and Iraq

30.Which among the following is the sacred text of the Confucianists
A. The Tripitaka
B. The Analects
C. Torch
D. The Tripitaka

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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