Basic General Knowledge :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Which is the longest river of America
A. Missouri
B. Mississippi
C. Red
D. Missouri

2.Don is a river of
A. Turkey
B. Russia
D. Turkey

3.What is the length of Khyber pass?
A. 52 km
B. 54 km
C. 56 km
D. 52 km

4.Longest glacier of the world is lambert situated in Antarctica, what is its length?
A. 320 miles
B. 310 miles
C. 300 miles
D. 320 miles

5.Which of the following lake is most polluted lake in the world?
A. Lake mead
B. lake victoria
C. Huron
D. Lake mead

6.Tugela waterfall is present in
A. Venezuela
B. South Africa
C. Canada
D. Venezuela

7.Gota canal is a the ship canal situated in
A. Italy
B. France
C. Sweden
D. Italy

8.Kiel canal of Germany was opened in 1895 what is its length?
A. 59.3 miles
B. 60.3 miles
C. 61.3 miles
D. 59.3 miles

9.Erie canal is situated in
A. France
B. Australia
D. France

10.Houston and Delware canals are present in the country
A. Australia
B. France
C. Italy
D. Australia

11.Grand canal is oldest man made canal for ship- ing purpose situated in
A. Iraq
B. China
C. France
D. Iraq

12.Persian Gulf is located in
A. Indian Ocean
B. Arabian sea
C. Red sea
D. Indian Ocean

13.Sutherland waterfall is present in
A. Newzealand
B. Canada
D. Newzealand

14.Hudson Bay is situated in
A. Northern China
B. Northern USA
C. Northern Canada
D. Northern China

15.Which is the largest gulf of the world?
A. Gulf of Mexico
B. Gulf of Aden
C. Gulf of Riga
D. Gulf of Mexico

16.Which is the largest bay of the world?
A. Hudson bay
B. Baffin bay
C. Bay of Biscay
D. Hudson bay

17.Yosemite is a famous waterfall of
B. Canada
C. Kenya

18.Strait of Bosporous connects
A. Black sea and red sea
B. Black sea and baltic sea
C. Black sea and sea of marmara
D. Black sea and red sea

19.It separates Italy form sicily
A. Palk strait
B. Sunda strait
C. Messina
D. Palk strait

20.Strait of malacca separates
A. Malaysia and Chia
B. Malaysia and Indonesia
C. Malaysia and Sri Lanka
D. Malaysia and Chia

21.Which of the following straits separate India from Sir Lanka
A. Davis
B. Palik
C. Sunda
D. Davis

22.Which of the following straits separate Malay- sia from Singapore
A. Dover
B. Johor
C. Sunda
D. Dover

23.Budapest is the capital of Hungary situated on the bank of
A. River spree
B. River volga
C. River danube
D. River spree

24.Sea of Marmara and Aegean sea are con- nected by the strait
A. Davis
B. Mozambique
C. Dardanelles
D. Davis

25.Cook strait separates South Newzealand from
A. North Australia
B. North Newzeland
C. Papua
D. North Australia

26.Paris is the capital of France situated on the bank of
A. Seine
B. Po
C. Thane
D. Seine

27.English channel separates England from
A. Italy
B. France
C. Germany
D. Italy

28.Agra is very famous city of India due to Taj Mahal, it is situated on bank of river
A. Brabmputra
B. Ganges
C. Jumna
D. Brabmputra

29.Great victoria desert is present in
A. Newzealand
B. England
C. Australia
D. Newzealand

30.. Gulf of Sidra is present in
A. Libya
B. Liberia
C. Macedonia
D. Libya

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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