Basic General Knowledge :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Simpson desert is present in
C. Morocco

2.The river Volga pours its water into the
A. Black Sea
B. Caspian Sea
C. Baltic Sea
D. Black Sea

3.Which is the largest sea in the world?
A. South China Sea
B. Mediterranean Sea
C. Black Sea
D. South China Sea

4.One of the country through which equator passes is?
A. Malaysia
B. China
C. Malta
D. Malaysia

5.The deepest point in the ocean is
A. Mariana trench (Challanger deep)
B. Galathea deep
C. Bartholomew deep
D. Mariana trench (Challanger deep)

6.Which is the longest mountain range in the world?
A. ) Himalayas
B. Andes
C. Rockies
D. ) Himalayas

7.The origin of earth dates back to approximately
A. 3.6 billion years
B. 4.6 billion years
C. 5.6 billion years
D. 3.6 billion years

8.The second largest continent is
A. Asia
B. South America
C. North America
D. Asia

9.South Pale was discovered by
A. Cabot
B. Robert Peary
C. Robert Peary
D. Cabot

10.The dates on which day and night is equal are:
A. 21st March and 24th December
B. ) 14th January and 23rd September
C. 21st March and 23rd September
D. 21st March and 24th December

11.Which is the deepest ocean in the world?
A. Arctic
B. Atlantic
C. Pacific
D. Arctic

12.The important country close to International Date Line is
A. Malaysia
B. Mauritius
C. New Zealand
D. Malaysia

13.Which of the following towns is situated at the highest altitude?
A. Lhasa
B. Kathmandu
C. Gartole
D. Lhasa

14.Which is the longest day in the Northern Hemi- sphere?
A. 20th June
B. 21st June
C. 22nd December
D. 20th June

15.What are the two seas linked by Suez Canal?
A. the Mediterranean and the Red Sea
B. The Red Sea and the Caspian
C. the Red Sea and the Black Sea
D. the Mediterranean and the Red Sea

16.Where is the coldest place in the world situ- ated?
A. England
B. Greenland
C. Russia
D. England

17.Which place in the world has the least rainfall?
A. Africa
B. Thar
C. Mt. Everest
D. Africa

18.Which is the biggest fresh water lake in the world?
A. Chilka Lake
B. Caspian Lake
C. Dal Lake
D. Chilka Lake

19.South Pole is located in the continent of
A. Africa
B. Australia
C. Greenland
D. Africa

20.Which is the deepest lake in the world?
A. Titicaca
B. Victoria
C. Baikal
D. Titicaca

21.Which is the largest lake in Africa?
A. Chad
B. Nyasa
C. Victoria
D. Chad

22.Which is the largest desert in the world present in north Africa?
A. Atacama
B. Sahara
C. Gabi
D. Atacama

23.On the banks of which river is the city of Lon- don located?
A. Severn
B. Thames
C. Avon
D. Severn

24.The rivers Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas, and Sutlej are tributaries of which river?
A. Ganga
B. Indus
C. Yamuna
D. Ganga

25.Which among the following trees is considered the tallest in the world?
A. Cedar
B. Redwood
C. Eucalyptus
D. Cedar

26.Which of the following is a Kharif crop?
A. Wheat
B. Rice
C. Gram
D. Wheat

27.Humidity in the air is maximum in
A. Winter
B. Summer
C. Monsoon
D. Winter

28.World's largest river is
A. Nile
B. Mississippi
C. Amazon
D. Nile

29.The first successful expendition to the Mount Everest was made in
A. 1962
B. 1965
C. 1968
D. 1962

30.62. Which one of the following is an ore of iron?
A. Bauxite
B. Haematite
C. Ilmente
D. Bauxite

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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