Basic General Knowledge :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.The shortest day is
A. 25 December
B. 22 December
C. 15 June
D. 25 December

2.What is the duration of a day at the poles?
A. 3 months
B. 6 months
C. 9 months
D. 3 months

3.Which is the largest country in the Arablan Peninsula?
A. Oman
B. Yemen
C. Saudi Arabia
D. Oman

4.Earth completes one rotation on its axis in
A. 23 hours and 30 minutes
B. 23 hours 56 minutes and 49 seconds
C. 24 hours
D. 23 hours and 30 minutes

5.The "Roof of the World" is
A. The Alps
B. Andes
C. The Apinines
D. The Alps

6.Which is the least populated continent of the world 2
A. Antarctica
B. Australia
C. North America
D. Antarctica

7.. Which of the following countries leads the world in the export of oll?
A. Iran
B. Iraq
C. Saudi Arabia
D. Iran

8.The Kalahari Desert, which stretches over 1,40,000 miles, is in
A. Australia
B. South Africa
C. East Africa
D. Australia

9.The Panama Canal links
A. Canada with Greenland
B. North America with South America
C. Siberia (Russia) with Greenland
D. Canada with Greenland

10.. Which, amongst the following countries, has the highest density of population per sq km?
A. Bangladesh
B. Burma
C. Pakistan
D. Bangladesh

11.Which of the following countries is in the conti- nant of Europe?
A. Albania
B. Algeria
C. Libya
D. Albania

12.Which is the smallest continent of the world area wise?
A. Antarctica
B. Ania
C. Australia
D. Antarctica

13.Himalaya range is based in
A. Europe
B. Asia
C. Africa
D. Europe

14.The word "Tsunami" belongs to which of the following languages?
A. English
B. Latin
C. Chinese
D. English

15.Where is the largest Coral Reef is located?
A. Germany
B. Australia
D. Germany

16.Which Island was epicentre of Tsunami on 26. December 2004?
A. Jawa
B. Smatra
C. Bali
D. Jawa

17.Which continent is without glaciers?
A. Asia
B. Europe
C. Africa
D. Asia

18.Which of the following gases is most predomi nant in the Sun?
A. Helium
B. Hydrogen
C. Nitrogen
D. Helium

19.Name the world famous and finest harbour?
A. New York
B. Sydney
C. Mumbai
D. New York

20.The heaviest rainfall is recorded in
A. Mediterranean regions
B. Temperale regions
C. Equatorial regions
D. Mediterranean regions

21.Which of the following is the icy continent?
A. Greenland
B. Antarctica
C. Australia
D. Greenland

22.The largest river of Asia is
A. Yangtze
B. Yenisei
C. Indus
D. Yangtze

23.The length of the Suez Canal is approximately
A. 110 km
B. 150 km
C. 160 km
D. 110 km

24.In which year Greenwich Mean Time was es- tablished?
A. 1880
B. 1862
C. 1884
D. 1880

25.. On the bank of which river is New York situ- ated?
A. River Colorado
B. River Hudson
C. River Mississippi
D. River Colorado

26.Black Forest is the name of mountain present in
A. Canada
C. Russia
D. Canada

27.Which of the following crops is regarded as *Cash Crop'?
A. Cotton
B. Jute
C. Tea
D. Cotton

28.Which one of the following is not a 'Cash Crop?
A. Cotton
B. Groundnut
C. Sugarcane
D. Cotton

29.Dasht-e-Lut" desert is located in
A. China
B. Libya
C. Turkmenistan
D. China

30.The Great Bear lake is situated in
A. North America
B. Canada
C. Siberia
D. North America

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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