Basic General Knowledge :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Area with the least sunshine where nil sun- shine is observed for 182 days a year is
A. South pole
B. North pole
C. None of these
D. South pole

2.Name the country with the busiest airlines sys- tem?
A. Japan
B. Russia
C. Canada
D. Japan

3.The oldest written language is
A. Sanskrit
B. Chinese
C. Japanese
D. Sanskrit

4.Most immigration country is
B. Canada
C. China

5.Name the country with the most telephone subscribers?
A. Canada
B. Germany
D. Canada

6.Name the country with the largest natural gas reserves?
A. India
B. Canada
C. Italy
D. India

7.Which country is the largest oil consumer?
B. Russia
C. Pakistan

8.Which country possesses the largest foreign exchange reserves?
A. Japan
B. Canada
C. Germany
D. Japan

9.The largest automobile manufacturing center in the world is located at?
A. Detroit
B. Tokyo
C. Birmingham
D. Detroit

10.The largest postal network in the world is in?
B. China
C. India

11.The first railway line was laid in?
B. China
C. England

12.The largest man made canal in the world is?
A. Rhine Canal
B. Panama Canal
C. Suez Canal
D. Rhine Canal

13.The longest optical fiber cable of the world is land between?
A. Paris and Tokyo
B. London and New York
C. Singapore and Marseilles
D. Paris and Tokyo

14.Who produced the first automobile?
A. Gottlieb Daimler
B. Harry Furd
C. Rudolf Diesel
D. Gottlieb Daimler

15.The world's freest economy, with lowest taxes and lack of trade barriers is that of
A. Hong Kong
B. Singapore
C. Ireland
D. Hong Kong

16.The World's largest nuclear power station is situated in
A. Ukraine
B. Canada
C. Franco
D. Ukraine

17.The world's largest uranium producer country is
B. Canada
C. China

18.The world's largest paper producer is:
A. China
B. Russia
C. America
D. China

19.The lowest per capita income in South Asia is of
A. Bhutan
B. Nepal
C. Maldives
D. Bhutan

20.The World's largest suspension bridge is
A. Akashi bridge-Japan
B. Golden bridge-USA
C. Humber bridge-England
D. Akashi bridge-Japan

21.The world's longest glacier "Lambert is located in
A. North America
B. Asia
C. Antarctica
D. North America

22.The first country in the world to impose a complete ban on the sale of all forms of tobacco is
A. Nepal
B. Sri Lanka
C. Bhuttan
D. Nepal

23.At present, the world's longest serving ruler is
A. Bhomibol Adulyadej
B. Muammar Qaddafi (Libya
C. Hosni Mubarak (Egypt)
D. Bhomibol Adulyadej

24.Lake Mead' in Arizona, USA is the world's largest
A. Salt water lake
B. Fresh water lake
C. Artificial lake
D. Salt water lake

25.Which of the following countries has shortest coastline
A. Grenada
B. Monaco
C. Malta
D. Grenada

26.Which is the world's first Stock Exchange Mar- ket
A. New York
B. Amsterdam
C. Hamburg
D. New York

27.Which is the largest dam of the world?
A. Pate
B. New Cornelia
C. Usuma
D. Pate

28.The world's largest undersea railway tunnel has been constructed between
A. France and England
B. Canada and USA
C. Russian and Japan
D. France and England

29.The highest population growth rate
A. Pakistan
B. Bangladesh
C. India
D. Pakistan

30.Which country of Asia has the largest number internet users.
A. Japan
B. India
C. China
D. Japan

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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