Basic General Knowledge :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Which of the following is the largest irrigation canal in the world?
A. Panama Canal
B. Sirhind Canal
C. Suez Canal
D. Panama Canal

2.The largest producer of diamond in the world
A. Australia
B. Canada
C. South Africa
D. Australia

3.The largest producer of coffee in the world is
A. Brazil
B. Sri Lanka
C. Pakistan
D. Brazil

4.The oldest anthem of the world
A. Japan
B. China
C. Denmark
D. Japan

5.Which is the second highest mountain peak in the world?
A. Mt Everest
B. K-2
C. Lhotse
D. Mt Everest

6.The second highest mountain peak Goodwin Austen (K-2) in the world is located in
A. Nepal
B. Bhutan
C. Pakistan
D. Nepal

7.What is the height of the highest peak Mt Ever- est?
A. 8255 m
B. 8695 m
C. 8848 m
D. 8255 m

8.Which is the deepest Sea of the world?
A. Caribbean
B. Mediterranean
C. Baltic
D. Caribbean

9.Area wise which is the second biggest sea of the world?
A. Red Sea
B. North Sea
C. Mediterranean sea
D. Red Sea

10.Which is the shallowest sea of the world?
A. North Sea
B. Gulf of St Lawrence
C. Hudson Bay
D. North Sea

11.Source of Nile the longest river of the world is Lake Victoria. What is its approximate length?
A. 6670 km
B. 6810 km
C. 6175 km
D. 6670 km

12.Which is the highest plateau in the world?
A. Tibet (Pamir
B. Potohar
C. Lhotse
D. Tibet (Pamir

13.Which is the largest river of the world?
A. Amazon
B. Indus
C. Nile
D. Amazon

14.The shortest river of the world is just 61 miles long. What is its name?
A. Hwang Ho river
B. Lena
C. Congo
D. Hwang Ho river

15.The deepest lake is Baikal in Siberia. Which is the largest lake of the world?
A. Caspian sea
B. Superior lake
C. Huron lake
D. Caspian sea

16.The largest bay is Hudson Bay in Canada. Which is the largest gulf?
A. Arabian Gulf
B. Gulf of Mexico
C. Gulf of Oman
D. Arabian Gulf

17.Largest sea is South China Sea. Which is the deepest ocean?
A. Arctic Ocean
B. Southern Ocean
C. Atlantic Ocean
D. Arctic Ocean

18.Name the biggest desert of the world found in North Africa?
A. Gobi Desert
B. Kalahari Desert
C. Sahara Desert
D. Gobi Desert

19.The Capital of Bolivia is the highest capital in the world. What is its name?
A. Belize
B. La Paz
C. Quito
D. Belize

20.Which is the most populous city of the world?
A. Tokyo
B. Shanghai
C. Mumbai
D. Tokyo

21.Which is the most densely populated city of the world?
A. Mumbai
B. Tokyo
C. Shangai
D. Mumbai

22.Which is the least populous city of the world
A. Vatican
B. Moroni
C. Port Novo
D. Vatican

23.Highest waterfall of the world is found in Venezuela. Which of the following is its name?
A. Niagra Fall
B. Angel Falls
C. Tugela
D. Niagra Fall

24.Largest Concrete Dam of the world is located in USA. What is its name?
A. Grand Coulee Dam
B. Tarbela Dam
C. Rohunsky Dam
D. Grand Coulee Dam

25.Rohunsky Dam is the highest damn in the world. It is located in which country?
A. Turkmanistan
B. Azirbaijan
C. Tajikistan
D. Turkmanistan

26.Which country's parliament is considered old- est parliament of the world
B. China
C. Iceland

27.Which is the longest Shipping canal of the world located in Baltic Sea?
A. Suez
B. Panama
C. Beloye-More
D. Suez

28.Which is the largest airport of the world?
A. King Abdul Aziz International Airport
B. Hethrow International Airport
C. King Khalid Inlemational Airport
D. King Abdul Aziz International Airport

29.Name the airport located at the highest altitude ie. 4363 m
A. Schepol International Airport
B. Lhasa Airport
C. Chicago O'Hare International Airport
D. Schepol International Airport

30.Which is the busiest airport of the world?
A. Lhasa airport
B. Chicago O'Hare International Airport
C. Frankfort International Airport
D. Lhasa airport

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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