Basic General Knowledge :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.How many landlocked countries are there in the world?
A. 39
B. 41
C. 42
D. 39

2.Archaeologists in Israel have recently discovered 20000 years old village under the mud of -
A. Dead Sea
B. Sea of Galilee
C. Bering Sea
D. Dead Sea

3.Who was the first viceroy of India?
A. Lord Canning
B. Lord Minto
C. Lord Mayo
D. Lord Canning

4.Violating International law. Israel has con- structed a concrete wall to divide the Palestinians in-
A. Gaza
B. West Bank
C. Easter Jerusalem
D. Gaza

5.Which of the following is considered the world's oldest capital
A. Damascus
B. Baghdad
C. Jericho
D. Damascus

6.The wonder of the world 'Taj Mahal is situated in the Indian state of
A. Uttar Pradesh
B. Himachal Pradesh
C. Madhya Pradesh
D. Uttar Pradesh

7.Allama Iqbal Open University is situated in
A. Islampura
B. Karachi
C. Lahore
D. Islampura

8.NASA has sent one of the following space shuttles on the surface of Mars, it was -
A. Opportunity
B. Virtual
C. Challenger
D. Opportunity

9.Wana' is the main town of
A. Bajaur agency
B. Khyber agency
C. North Waziristan
D. Bajaur agency

10.Sky News' is a News channel of
A. England
B. Russia
C. America
D. England

11.ASEAN Free Trade Area Agreement (AFTA) was signed in 1992 in
C. China

12.Chenab Formula' to resolve the Kashmir dispute was presented by
A. Sardar Abdul Qayyum Khan
B. Ali Shah Gilani
C. Barrister Sultan Mhmood
D. Sardar Abdul Qayyum Khan

13.Abu Ghraib is a
A. Leader of PLO
B. President of Lebanon
C. Secretary General of Arab League
D. Leader of PLO

14.Which continent has no desert
A. Europe
B. Asia
C. Australia
D. Europe

15.Which of the following international organiza- tion ranked the countries on the basis of level of corruption
A. Amnesty International
B. Human rights watch
C. Interpol
D. Amnesty International

16.SAPTA stands for
A. South Asian Preferential Trading Arrangement
B. South Asian Promotion of Trade Agreement
C. South Asian Preferential Trade Agreement
D. South Asian Preferential Trading Arrangement

17.In February 2005, first time people were given right to vote in
A. Saudi Arabia
B. Kuwait
C. Oman
D. Saudi Arabia

18.Which is the first airline of Pakistan?
A. Orient Airline
C. Pakistan Airways
D. Orient Airline

19.Sharam-elSheikh" is the Egyptian seaport on
A. Black sea
B. Red sea
C. Mediterranean Sea
D. Black sea

20.What is the freezing point of heavy water?
A. 2.83°C
B. 2.82°C
C. 1.82°C
D. 2.83°C

21.Hazrat Baba Farid GanjShakar is buried in Pakpattan. Where Baha-ud-Din Zakariya is bureid?
A. Multan
B. Pakpattan
C. Muthankot
D. Multan

22.Rehman Baba was a poet of
A. Sindhi
B. Pushto
C. Punjabi
D. Sindhi

23.Pick out the writer of Punjabi love story "Yusuf Zulekha"?
A. Maulvi Ghulam Rasool
B. Hashim Shah
C. Ustad Daman
D. Maulvi Ghulam Rasool

24.When did State Bank of Pakistan issue new currency note of Rs. 5000 denomination?
A. 15th June 2006
B. 25th June 2006
C. 5th May 2001
D. 15th June 2006

25.Picture printed on the back of Rs. 5000 note relates to
A. Lahore fort
B. Faisal Mosque
C. Shalimar Garden
D. Lahore fort

26.When stock market is falling it is called -
A. Bearish
B. Bullish
C. Cresh
D. Bearish

27.Headquater of World Economic Forum is situated in
A. Davos
B. Cario
C. Geneva
D. Davos

28.Nyere is the currency of
A. Niger
B. Nigeria
C. Kenya
D. Niger

29.What is black forest
A. Mountain
B. Volcanic area forests
C. Lake
D. Mountain

30.Which film got 84th Oscar Award in 2012?
A. Bin Hur
B. Forenheight 9/11
C. Slumdog Millionaire
D. Bin Hur

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