Basic General Knowledge :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.The oldest dynasty still ruling in which country?
A. Iran
B. Japan
C. England
D. Iran

2.Which political party used to have swastik symbol?
A. Communist Party of Chaina
B. Republican Party, USA
C. National Socialist Party, Germany
D. Communist Party of Chaina

3.The slogan No taxation without representation was first raised during the American Revolution in?
A. Boston Tea Party
B. Massachussets Assembly
C. Philadelphia Congress
D. Boston Tea Party

4.Who is the First Test Tube Twins Babies in the World?
A. Louise Brown & Vesli Multinder
B. Stephan & Amanda
C. Elizabeth Car & Carl Wood
D. Louise Brown & Vesli Multinder

5.Who was among the famous Roman poets?
A. Tacitus
B. Plinky
C. Virgil
D. Tacitus

6.What was the name of the atom bomb dropped by USA on Hiroshima in Japan during the second world war ?
A. Little Boy
B. Little Fly
C. Little Devil
D. Little Boy

7.When did the first Railway Train begin to carry passengers and freight?
A. 1814 AD
B. 1830 AD
C. 1853 AD
D. 1814 AD

8.The earliest Chinese civilization of which archaeologists tell us in the civilization?
A. Cheng
B. Chou
C. Shang
D. Cheng

9.Who among the following devised the method of making 'Pakka' roads?
A. Mc Adam
B. Jimi Adams
C. George Stephenson
D. Mc Adam

10.The historical monument Al Khazneh is located in which city?
A. Giza
B. Tehran
C. Tehran
D. Giza

11.Which country has always remained free from foreign rule?
A. Philippines
B. Nepal
D. Philippines

12.'The Peloponnesian war' was fought between?
A. Sparta and Iran
B. Sparta and Athens
C. Athens and Iran
D. Sparta and Iran

13.Russian revolutionary, who founded the Communist Party was?
A. Karl Marx
B. Stalin
C. Lenin
D. Karl Marx

14.The schools which taught primary education to Muslims during the period of sultanate?
A. Mukhaddams
B. Makthabs
C. Kohies
D. Mukhaddams

15.Who said that " Man is a political animal" ?
A. Aristotle
B. Karl Marx
C. Lenin
D. Aristotle

16.The place of origin of an earthquake is called?
A. Epicentre
B. Seismal
C. Focus
D. Epicentre

17.Eclipses occur due to which optical phenomena?
A. Reflection
B. Refraction
C. Rectilinear propagation
D. Reflection

18.Name the Continents that form a mirror image of each other?
A. North America and South America
B. Asia and Africa
C. Africa and South America
D. North America and South America

19.The difference in the duration of day and night increases as one moves from?
A. West to East
B. East and west of the prime meridian
C. Poles to equator
D. West to East

20.The busiest and most important sea route of the world is?
A. North Pacific Sea Route
B. North Atlantic Sea Route
C. South Atlantic Sea Route
D. North Pacific Sea Route

21.The busiest sea route is ?
A. The Mediterranean Red-Sea Route
B. The South Atlantic Route
C. The North Atlantic Route
D. The Mediterranean Red-Sea Route

22.The Tropic of cancer does not pass through?
A. India
B. Pakistan
C. Bangladesh
D. India

23.The highest average salinity amongst the following seas is reported from?
A. Dead Sea
B. Red Sea
C. Black Sea
D. Dead Sea

24.Which is the largest fishing ground in the world?
A. Japan sea
B. North sea
C. North-East-Pacific
D. Japan sea

25.The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through?
A. India
B. Egypt
C. Mexico
D. India

26.Which is the second most abundant metal in the earth's crust ?
A. Iron
B. Aluminium
C. Copper
D. Iron

27.Which city is known as 'Gold capital of the world' ?
A. Johannesburg
B. Paris
C. Dubai
D. Johannesburg

28.Which of the following features is the product of vulcanicity?
A. Geosyncline
B. Escarpment
C. Atoll
D. Geosyncline

29.Ema is an example of ?
A. Active volcano
B. Dormant Volcano
C. Extinct volcano
D. Active volcano

30.In which region does rainfall occur throughout the year?
A. Equatorial region
B. Polar region
C. Sub-polar region
D. Equatorial region

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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