Basic General Knowledge :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.What does the term 'Lithosphere' refer to?
A. Interior of the earth
B. Crust of the earth
C. Plants and animals
D. Interior of the earth

2.Latitude of place is indicated of its?
A. Time
B. Altitude
C. Amount of rain
D. Time

3.Which of the following is present in the largest amount in terms of percent by mass in the earth's crust?
A. Silicon
B. Oxygen
C. Carbon
D. Silicon

4.The nuclear fuel in the sun is?
A. Helium
B. Uranium
C. Hydrogen
D. Helium

5.Which of the following has a highest wind velocity ?
A. Loo
B. Tornado
C. Typhoon
D. Loo

6.The upper part of the mantle upon which the crust of the earth floats is called?
A. Barysphere
B. Mesosphere
C. Mohorovic discontinuity
D. Barysphere

7.Simla is cooler than Amritsar although they are on the same latitude. This is because?
A. Simla is further north
B. Simla is at greater height above sea level than Amritsar
C. Simla is farther from the equator
D. Simla is further north

8.Sandal Wood trees are mostly found in?
A. Trophical Evergreen Forests
B. Tropical most Decidous
C. Alpine forests
D. Trophical Evergreen Forests

9.On planet Earth, there is no centrifugal force at the ?
A. Equator
B. Tropic of cancer
C. Tropic of Capricorn
D. Equator

10.The number indicating the intensity of an earthquake on a Richter scale range between?
A. 1 to 7
B. 1 to 9
C. 1 to 8
D. 1 to 7

11.What is called the 'low country' of the earth?
A. Spain
B. Holland
C. Italy
D. Spain

12.The earth is at its maximum distance from the Sun on?
A. January 30th
B. December 22nd
C. September 22nd
D. January 30th

13.Tsunamis are originated due to?
A. Sea waves
B. Hurricane
C. Earthquake
D. Sea waves

14.Which planet was named after the Roman God Zeus?
A. Mars
B. Earth
C. Venus
D. Mars

15.The most abundant element in sea water is ?
A. Sodium
B. Chlorine
C. Magnesium
D. Sodium

16.Smallest gulf in the world is?
A. Gulf of Mexico
B. Persian Gulf
C. Gulf of Oman
D. Gulf of Mexico

17.What is the International Date Line ?
A. It is the equator
B. It is the 0 degrees longitude
C. It is the 90 degrees longitude
D. It is the equator

18.The planet with the maximum number of natural satellites (moons), so far discovered is?
A. Jupiter
B. Neptune
C. Saturn
D. Jupiter

19.The Shortest air route from Moscow to San Francisco is ?
A. Over the Atlantic Ocean
B. Over the Pacific via Siberia
C. Over the North pole
D. Over the Atlantic Ocean

20.Which of the following is a volcanic plateau?
A. Anatolia plateau
B. Tibetan plateau
C. Antrum plateau
D. Anatolia plateau

21.The planet that takes 88 days to make one revolution of the sun is?
A. Mercury
B. Saturn
C. Jupiter
D. Mercury

22.What country is often described as being shaped like a boot?
A. An asteroid
B. A comet
C. Moon
D. An asteroid

23.D.D.T. was invented by?
A. Dalton Rudolf
B. Rudolf
C. John Dalton
D. Dalton Rudolf

24.What J. B. Dunlop invented?
A. Model airplanes
B. Rubber boot
C. Automobile wheel rim
D. Model airplanes

25.Who is the English physicist responsible for the "Big Bang Theory"?
A. Roger Penrose
B. George Gamow
C. Michael Skube
D. Roger Penrose

26.Helicopter was invented by?
A. Cockrell
B. Copernicus
C. Broquet
D. Cockrell

27.Revolver discovered by?
A. Colt
B. Daimler
C. Bushwell
D. Colt

28.The first hand glider was designed by?
A. Galileo
B. Francis Rogallo
C. The Wright brothers
D. Galileo

29.In the 1700's,who would pay the postage fee for letters before the stamp was invented?
A. The sender
B. There was no fee
C. The receiver of the letter
D. The sender

30.Cinematography was invented by?
A. Graham Bell
B. Edison
C. Zeiss
D. Graham Bell

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