Basic General Knowledge :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.What invention caused many deaths while testing it?
A. Dynamite
B. Ladders
C. Race cars
D. Dynamite

2.Who invented Gunpowder?
A. Sir Frank Whittle
B. Roger Bacon
C. Leo H Baekeland
D. Sir Frank Whittle

3.Until Victorian times, chocolate was thought of as a drink. When did the first chocolate bar appear?
A. 1828
B. 1831
C. 1825
D. 1828

4.In which decade was the telephone invented?
A. 1850s
B. 1860s
C. 1870s
D. 1850s

A. Cohen & Boyer
B. Hunt & Davids
C. Sinclair & Roberts
D. Cohen & Boyer

6.What now-ubiquitous device was invented by Zenith engineer Eugene Polley in 1955?
A. Microwave oven
B. Remote control
D. Microwave oven

7.What Benjamin Franklin invented?
A. Bifocal spectacles
B. Radio
C. Barometer
D. Bifocal spectacles

8.This part-time race car driver invented the bucket seat in 1969. Who was he?
A. Steve McQueen
B. Harrison Frazier
C. Paul Newman
D. Steve McQueen

9.What plaything was invented by Joe McVicker in 1956?
A. Silly Putty
B. Etch-A-Sketch
C. Lite-Brite
D. Silly Putty

10.Who invented Gramophone?
A. Michael Faraday
B. Fahrenheit
C. Sir Alexander Graham Bell
D. Michael Faraday

11.Who invented Internal Combustion Engine?
A. Roger Bacon
B. Karl Benz
C. Dr. Alan M. Turing
D. Roger Bacon

12.When was Monopoly created?
A. 1940s
B. 1930s
C. 1920s
D. 1940s

13.What furniture item was invented by California furniture designer Charles Prior Hall in 1968?
A. Sofa bed
B. Captain's chair
C. Waterbed
D. Sofa bed

14.When was the first lawn mower invented?
A. 1830
B. 1854
C. 1835
D. 1830

15.In which decade were the first successful diode and triode vacuum tubes invented?
A. 1800s
B. 1880s
C. 1890s
D. 1800s

16.Who is the English physicist responsible for the 'Big Bang Theory'?
A. Albert Einstein
B. Michael Skube
C. George Gamow
D. Albert Einstein

17.What 'game' was first produced by the Southern Novelty Company in Baltimore, Maryland in 1892?
A. Frisbee
B. Monopoly
C. Ouija board
D. Frisbee

18.Who had an explosive idea and first patented DYNAMITE?
A. J. R. Gluber
B. A. Nobel
C. G. Fawks
D. J. R. Gluber

19.Who invented the Spinning Jenny?
A. Thornton Hargreaves
B. Peter Hargreaves
C. James Hargreaves
D. Thornton Hargreaves

20.Which insurance salesman invented the fountain pen in 1884?
A. Lewis Edson Waterman
B. Sir William Grove
C. Charles Kettering
D. Lewis Edson Waterman

21.When was the first elevator built?
A. 1743
B. 1739
C. 1760
D. 1743

22.What charge card, developed in 1950, was the first to be accepted nationally in the US?
A. Visa
B. Discover
C. MasterCharge
D. Visa

23.What Enrico Fermi invented?
A. X ray machine
B. Betatron
C. Cyclotron
D. X ray machine

24.Which of the following was first patented by an Australian in 1889?
A. Electric Drill
B. Electric Shaver
C. Electric Fence
D. Electric Drill

25.Who among the following invented the small pox vaccine?
A. Robert Koch
B. Edward Jenner
C. Robert Hooke
D. Robert Koch

26.What George Westinghouse invented?
A. Light bulb
B. Electric razor
C. Refrigerator
D. Light bulb

27.Who is the only U.S. President to invent and patent something?
A. Abraham Lincoln
B. Theodore Roosevelt
C. Thomas Jefferson
D. Abraham Lincoln

28.What invention is credited to the Russian born American inventor Vladimir Kosma Zworykin?
A. Telegraph
B. Radio
C. Television
D. Telegraph

29.What Thomas Davenport invented?
A. Screw propellor
B. Electric streetcar
C. Chesterfield
D. Screw propellor

30.What Elisha Otis invented?
A. The brake used in modern elevators
B. Jet Engine
C. Turbine
D. The brake used in modern elevators

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