International :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.According to the recently released "East Asia and Pacific in the Time of COVID-19" report, the poverty will increase to how much population in the EAP region?
A. 51 million
B. 11 million
C. 21 million
D. 51 million

2.Which bank will provide $60 million to provide housing finance to women in low-income communities?
C. World Bank

3.Maria Teresa has become the first royal to pass away due to Covid-19 complications. She was the princess of which country?
A. Greece
B. Italy
C. Spain
D. Greece

4.The International Atomic Energy Agency has sent COVID-19 testing gears to around 40 countries. The kits use which technique?

5.Which resolution has been adopted by UNSC to ensure safety and security of peacekeepers?
A. 2518
B. 2520
C. 2515
D. 2518

6.Philip Warren Anderson, who died recently, won Nobel Prize in which field?
A. Medicine
B. Peace
C. Chemistry
D. Medicine

7.Which country is to host third edition of the Asian Youth Games?
B. Australia
C. Pakistan

8.World Autism Awareness Day is observed on which date?
A. April 4
B. April 3
C. April 2
D. April 4

9.Tablighi Jamaat belongs to which religion?
A. Muslim
B. Christian
C. Hindu
D. Muslim

10.Tony Lewis, who recently passed away, belongs to which game?
A. Hockey
B. Badminton
C. Golf
D. Hockey

11.United Nations General Assembly is based in which city?
A. Paris
B. Sydney
C. New York
D. Paris

12.International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance is observed on which date?
A. April 1
B. April 2
C. April 3
D. April 1

13.Rafael Gomez Nieto, who died recently, was a WWII liberator of which country?
B. Spain
C. Germany

14.According to the estimates by UN FCG DESA, there will be a shrink of what percent in World Economy in 2020?
A. 1%
B. 2%
C. 3%
D. 1%

15. International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance is observed on which of the following day?
A. April 2
B. April 3
C. April 4
D. April 2

16.What is the new deadline for qualification period of Tokyo Olympics?
A. June 1, 2021
B. June 29, 2021
C. July 1, 2021
D. June 1, 2021

17.ADB forecasts Indian economy's growth to slow to what percent in 2020-21?
A. 5.1%
B. 5%
C. 4%
D. 5.1%

18.Researchers of biomedical sciences of New York Institute of Technology stated that the countries with policies are less affected by Corona Virus?
A. Varicella vaccine Policies
B. Human papillomavirus vaccine policies
C. BCG policies
D. Varicella vaccine Policies

19.The declining ice in Baltic Sea has caused problems for Seals in the sea. What is the status of Grey seal according to the IUCN?
A. Vulnerable
B. Least Concern
C. Extinct
D. Vulnerable

20.Thomas Schaefer, who passed away recently was the finance minister of which country?
A. England
B. Japan
C. Germany
D. England

21.Which country has approved convalescent plasma is the method to treat people who are critically ill with COVID-19?
B. Italy
C. Iran

22.Famous shoe designer Sergio Rossi dies at 84 from novel coronavirus. He was from which country?
A. Spain
B. Germany
C. Italy
D. Spain

23.The FIFA has postpo ned the Under-17 Women's world cup to November 2020.. The Under-17 Women's FIFA world cup was scheduled to be conducted in which country?
A. India
B. Russia
C. China
D. India

24.According to a US-based research, a combination of reduced morbidity and mortality. What is full form of C in BCG?
A. Cytomegalovirus
B. Calmette
C. Corona
D. Cytomegalovirus

25.Which of the following body develops full-body disinfection chamber called 'Personnel Sanitization Enclosure' for healthcare workers dealing with coronavirus cases?

26.World Health Day is celebrated on which of the following days?
A. April 15
B. April 12
C. April 5
D. April 15

27.The Olympic Council of Asia announced that the third Asian Youth Games is to be held in which of the following ccountry in November 2021?
A. Russia
B. Pakistan
C. China
D. Russia

28.Who is secretary general of Shanghai Corporation Organization?
A. Vladimir Imamovich
B. Vladimir Puton
C. Rashid Alimov
D. Vladimir Imamovich

29.World Health Day is observed on which date?
A. April 6
B. April 7
C. April 8
D. April 6

30.Which Organization launched Messenger Desk Top App?
A. Microsoft
B. Facebook
C. Youtube
D. Microsoft

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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