Civil Engineering :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Stones are obtained from rocks that are made up of ?
A. Minerals
B. Ores
C. Crystals
D. Minerals

2.Which one of the following is not a classification of stones ?
A. Physical Classification
B. Chemical Classification
C. Mineralogical Classification
D. Physical Classification

3.The hot molten material occurring naturally below the surface of the Earth is called ?
A. Lava
B. Slag
C. Magma
D. Lava

4.At what depth and rate is a hypabyssal rock formed ?
A. Rapid cooling of magma at a shallow depth
B. Slow cooling of magma at considerable depth
C. Rapid cooling of magma at Earth’s surface
D. Rapid cooling of magma at a shallow depth

5.What is a sedimentary deposit ?
A. Insoluble weathered product is carried away in suspension
B. Weathered product gets carried away agents
C. Weathered product carried away in solution
D. Insoluble weathered product is carried away in suspension

6.Which factor disturbs the equilibrium of rocks, commencing metamorphism ?
A. Increase in temperature
B. Decrease in temperature and pressure
C. Increase in temperature and pressure
D. Increase in temperature

7.Which of the following is not a metamorphic change ?
A. Shale to slate
B. Limestone to marble
C. Calcite to schist
D. Shale to slate

8.Which of the following rocks are hard and durable ?
A. Argillaceous rocks
B. Calcareous rocks
C. Siliceous rocks
D. Argillaceous rocks

9.Foliated structure is very common in case of?
A. Sedimentary rocks
B. Metamorphic rocks
C. Plutonic rocks
D. Sedimentary rocks

10.Granite is a type of ?
A. Hypabyssal rock
B. Volcanic rock
C. Metamorphic rock
D. Hypabyssal rock

11.Which of the following is a hand tool used for quarrying ?
A. Hammer
B. Quarrying wire
D. Hammer

12.What is the relation between LLR (Line of Least Resistance) and amount of explosives to be used ?
A. 10% less explosive for every 1m of LLR
B. 10% more explosive for every 1m of LLR
C. Higher the LLR, higher the amount of explosive
D. 10% less explosive for every 1m of LLR

13.Which of the following is not an explosive used for blasting ?
A. Flash Powder
B. Gelignite
C. Nitrocellulose
D. Flash Powder

14.Which type of dressing does the figure below represent?
A. Pitch faced dressing
B. Fine tooling
C. Combed finish
D. Pitch faced dressing

15.What is used to accelerate the process of rubbing in rubbed finish dressing ?
A. Water
B. Clay
C. Water and sand
D. Water

16.Dressing of stones is carried out to?
A. To make transport of stones to site easy and economic
B. To provide employment to people
C. To reduce water content of stone
D. To make transport of stones to site easy and economic

17.How many types of dressings are there with respect to the place of work ?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 2

18.Circular finished stones are generally used for?
A. Landscaping
B. Pillar
C. Column
D. Landscaping

19.Quarry faced finished stones are also called ?
A. Plain finish
B. Rock faced stones
C. Hammer faced finished
D. Plain finish

20.What is sand blasting ?
A. Quarrying technique
B. Process of making carvings on stone surface
C. Dressing type
D. Quarrying technique

21.How many types of bench mark are there ?
A. 2 Types
B. 3 Types
C. 4 Types
D. 2 Types

22.Which of the below is not a means of linear surveying methods ?
A. Chain
B. Tape
D. Chain

23.Which errors are small unavoidable fluctuation ?
A. Mistake
B. Random
C. Gross
D. Mistake

24.Plane and geodetic surveying are classifications of surveying based on?
A. Instrument
B. Object of survey
C. Earth’s curvature
D. Instrument

25.EDM stands for ?
A. Errorless Direct Measurement
B. Electronic Direct Measurement
C. Errorless Distance Measurement
D. Errorless Direct Measurement

26.Which of the below is not a classification of surveying ?
A. Astronomical
B. Marine
C. Basement
D. Astronomical

27.A stone that marks boundary is called ?
A. Linestone
B. Metestone
C. Merestone
D. Linestone

28.In the triangulation method, the whole area is divided into
A. Well-conditioned triangles
B. Obtuse triangles
C. Triangles
D. Well-conditioned triangles

29.The difference between magnetic north and geographic north is ?
A. Declination
B. Strike
C. Bearing
D. Declination

30.The term Gore is used to indicate ?
A. A measure of distance
B. Thin triangular land
C. Perimeter of a land
D. A measure of distance

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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