Civil Engineering :: All Aptitude Test ::

1. Greenhouse gases present in a very high quantity is
A. ethane
B. carbon dioxide
C. propane
D. ethane

2.Gas molecules absorbing thermal infrared radiation and present in large quantity to change the climate system is known as
A. ozone gases
B. beta radiations
C. alpha radiations
D. ozone gases

3.Burning of fossil fuels
A. increased oxygen level
B. increases greenhouse gases
C. decreases greenhouse gases
D. increased oxygen level

4.The type of surveying which requires least office work is
A. Tachometry
B. Trigonometrical levelling
C. Plane table surveying
D. Tachometry

5.The main plate of a transit is divided into 1080 equal divisions. 60 divisions of the Vernier coincide exactly with 59 divisions of the main plate. The transit can read angles accurate upto
A. 5"
B. 10"
C. 15"
D. 5"

6.he ratio of the length of long chord and the tangent length of a circular curve of radius R deflecting through angle Δ, is
A. sin (Δ/2)
B. cos (Δ/2)
C. 2 sin (Δ/2)
D. sin (Δ/2)

7.The correction to be applied to each 30 metre chain length along θ° slope, is
A. 30 (sec θ - 1) m
B. 30 (sin θ - 1) m
C. 30 (cos θ - 1) m
D. 30 (sec θ - 1) m

8.For a closed traverse the omitted measurements may be calculated
A. Length of one side only
B. Bearing of one side only
C. Both length and bearing of one side
D. Length of one side only

9.A clinometer is used for
A. Measuring angle of slope
B. Correcting line of collimation
C. Setting out right angles
D. Measuring angle of slope

10. If L is the specified length of a tape, L1 its actual length and S the measured distance, then, the true distance is given by the formula,
A. (L1/L) × S
B. (L/L1) × S
C. (L - L1)/L × S
D. (L1/L) × S

11.In a perfect prismatic compass
A. Magnetic axis and geometric axis of the needle coincide
B. Ends of the needle and pivot are in same vertical and horizontal planes
C. Pivot is vertically over the centre of the graduated circle
D. Magnetic axis and geometric axis of the needle coincide

12. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
A. Box sextant is used for the measurement of horizontal angles
B. Cross staff is used for setting out right angles
C. Gradiometer is used for setting out any required gradient
D. Box sextant is used for the measurement of horizontal angles

13.The formula for the horizontal distances for inclined sights, on staff held normalis (f/i) s cos θ + (f + d) cos θ ± h sin θ
A. Minus sign is used for angle of depression
B. Plus sign is used for angle of depression
C. Minus sign is used for angle of elevation
D. Minus sign is used for angle of depression

14. Accidental or compensating errors of length ‘L’ are proportional to
A. L
B. √L
C. ∛L
D. L

15.The latitude of a traverse leg is obtained by multiplying its length by
A. Tangent of its reduced bearing
B. Sign of its reduced bearing
C. Cosine of its reduced bearing
D. Tangent of its reduced bearing

16.If D is the degree of the curve of radius R, the exact length of its specified chord, is
A. Radius of the curve × sine of half the degree
B. Diameter of the curve × sine of half the degre
C. Diameter of the curve × cosine of half the degree
D. Radius of the curve × sine of half the degree

17.To avoid large centering error with very short legs, observations are generally made
A. To chain pins
B. By using optical system for centering the theodolite
C. To a target fixed on theodolite tripod on which theodolite may be fitted easily
D. To chain pins

18. Different grades are joined together by a
A. Compound curve
B. Transition curve
C. Reverse curve
D. Compound curve

19. Which of the following methods of theodolite traversing is suitable for locating the details which are far away from transit stations?
A. Measuring angle and distance from one transit station
B. Measuring angles to the point from at least two stations
C. Measuring angle at one station and distance from other
D. Measuring angle and distance from one transit station

20. The line of collimation method of reduction of levels, does not provide a check on
A. Intermediate sights
B. Fore sights
C. Back sights
D. Intermediate sights

21.Which of the following methods of contouring is most suitable for a hilly terrain?
A. Direct method
B. Square method
C. Cross-sections method
D. Direct method

22. The chord of a curve less than peg interval, is known as
A. Small chord
B. Sub-chord
C. Normal chord
D. Small chord

23.Magnetic bearing of a survey line at any place
A. remains constant
B. changes systematically
C. varies differently in different months of the year
D. remains constant

24. Prismatic compass is considered more accurate than a surveyor's compass, because
A. it is provided with a better magnetic needle
B. it is provided with a sliding glass in the object vane
C. its graduations are in whole circle bearings
D. it is provided with a better magnetic needle

25.If whole circle bearing of a line is 1200, its reduced bearing is
A. S 20? E
B. S 60? E
C. N 120? E
D. S 20? E

26. The reduced bearing of a line is N 87? W. Its whole circle bearing is
A. 87?
B. 273.?
C. 93?
D. 87?

27.The magnetic meridian at any point, is the direction indicated by a freely suspended
A. magnetic needle
B. and properly balanced magnetic needle
C. properly balanced and uninfluenced by local attractive force
D. magnetic needle

28.The horizontal angle between true meridian and magnetic meridian, is known
A. bearing
B. magnetic declination
C. dip
D. bearing

29.Imaginary line passing through points having equal magnetic declination is termed as
A. isogon
B. agonic line
C. isoclinic line
D. isogon

30.Magnetic declination at any place
A. remains constant
B. does'n remain constant
C. fluctuates
D. remains constant

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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