Civil Engineering :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.The settling velocity of the particles larger than 0.06 mm in a settling tank of depth 2.4 is 0.33 m per sec. The detention period recommended for the tank, is
A. 30 minutes
B. 1 hour
C. 1 hour and 30 minutes
D. 30 minutes

2. The Chezy's constant C in the formula V = C √rs depends upon
A. Size of the sewer
B. Shape of the sewer
C. Roughness of sewer surface
D. Size of the sewer

3. The discharge per unit plan area of a sedimentation tank, is generally called
A. Over flow rate
B. Surface loading
C. Over flow velocity
D. Over flow rate

4. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following for allowing workers to enter sewers
A. The particular manhole and one manhole on upstream and one manhole on downstream should remain open for 30 minutes
B. Proper tests for the presence of poisonous gases must be carried out
C. The men entering the manhole should be advised to smoke in the sewer
D. The particular manhole and one manhole on upstream and one manhole on downstream should remain open for 30 minutes

5.Waste removal system was established in which of the following cities for the first time?
A. Athens
B. Lahore
C. Paris
D. Athens

6. Which of the following solid wastes describes the term ‘Municipal Solid Waste’?
A. Toxic
B. Hazardous
C. Non-toxic
D. Toxic

7.Why is it difficult to recycle plastics?
A. It is very hard
B. It comes in different sizes
C. It is adhesive
D. It is very hard

8. Which of the following is done on an individual level?
A. Burning
B. Disposal
C. Recycling
D. Burning

9.Why is recycled paper banned for use in food containers?
A. Because it creates a lot of spaces
B. Because it creates contamination
C. Because paper can be used only one time
D. Because it creates a lot of spaces

10.Which of the following plans is used as a waste management plan?
A. Plan for reuse
B. The integrated plan
C. Plan for recycling
D. Plan for reuse

11. The organic material of the solid waste will decompose
A. By the flow of water
B. By the soil particles
C. By the action of microorganisms
D. By the flow of water

12.Which of the following wastes is called the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)?
A. Food wastes
B. Wood pieces
C. Plastic cans
D. Food wastes

13.The process of burning municipal solid wastes under suitable temperature and conditions in a specific furnace is called ______.
A. Landfill
B. Incineration
C. Recycling
D. Landfill

14.The burning of solid waste is not recommended because
A. It is very costly
B. It requires a lot of space
C. It requires modern technologies
D. It is very costly

15.When the organic matter present in the sanitary landfill decomposes, it generates
A. Methane
B. Nitrogen
C. Hydrogen
D. Methane

16.Which of the following is the oldest and the most common method used to dump solid wastes?
A. River
B. Ocean
C. Landfill
D. River

17. The disposable wastes contain
A. Solids
B. Slurries
C. Liquids
D. Solids

18. Find the correct statement
A. The waste from one process becomes the input for another process
B. All the processes related to consumption and production produce some kind of waste
C. There is no real waste in nature
D. The waste from one process becomes the input for another process

19.Which of the following methods is better for the solid waste problem?
A. Recycling
B. Landfilling
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. Recycling

20. Which of the following statements is incorrect for plastic wastes?
A. It is used to make compost
B. It lasts for a longer period of time
C. Toxic fumes are produced when burnt
D. It is used to make compost

21.Which of the following can be recycled many times?
A. Wood
B. Plastic
C. Aluminium
D. Wood

22.Which of the following gas is produced from landfill wastes?
A. Biogas
B. Natural gas
C. Liquified petroleum gas
D. Biogas

23.Which of the following statements is true about zero waste management?
A. Separate collection of each kind of waste
B. Segregation of garbage at the source
C. Community involvement
D. Separate collection of each kind of waste

24. How many main components are there in integrated waste management?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Seven
D. Two

25.Waste is any material that is not needed by the
A. owner
B. producer
C. processor
D. owner

26.Which of the following is true?
A. there is no real waste in nature
B. the apparent waste from one process becomes input to another
C. all processes of production and consumption produce waste
D. there is no real waste in nature

27.Most disposable wastes are in the form of
A. solids
B. liquids
C. slurries
D. solids

28.What is sustainable development?
A. The development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
B. To conserve natural resources and to develop alternate sources of power while reducing pollution and harm to the environment
C. It is the practice of developing land and construction projects in a manner that reduces their impact on the environment by allowing them to create energy efficient models of self-sufficiency
D. The development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

29. Which of the following is/are not an objective (s) of sustainable development?
A. Continue to implement the family planning program
B. Maintain a dynamic balance of arable land (not less than 123 million hectares) and implement an agricultural development strategy
C. Maintain a dynamic balance of water resources by reducing water consumption for every unit of gross development product growth and agricultural value added
D. Continue to implement the family planning program

30.When was the term ‘Sustainable Development’ came into existence?
A. 1987
B. 1980
C. 1978
D. 1987

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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