Civil Engineering :: All Aptitude Test ::

1.Survey stations may be marked on the ground using a ?
A. Peg
B. Pointer
C. Rod
D. Peg

2.How many types of cross staff are ?
A. 2 Types
B. 3 Types
C. 4 Types
D. 2 Types

3.The book in which chain measurements are entered is called ?
A. Chain book
B. Study book
C. Record book
D. Chain book

4.In how many ways can ranging be carried out ?
A. 2 ways
B. 4 ways
C. 6 ways
D. 2 ways

5.Chain surveying uses the principle of ?
A. Chaining
B. Ranging
C. Triangulation
D. Chaining

6.The biggest of the survey line is ?
A. Main survey line
B. First line
C. Tie line
D. Main survey line

7.The process of a location of intermediate points on a survey line ?
A. Offsetting
B. Ranging
C. Aligning
D. Offsetting

8.Gunter’s chain consists of which links ?
A. 50
B. 100
C. 300
D. 50

9.How many types of chains are used in chain surveying ?
A. 5 Types
B. 10 Types
C. 15 Types
D. 5 Types

10.Which of the below is not an instrument used to set right angles ?
A. Prism square
B. Cross staff
C. Site square
D. Prism square

11.An offset is a which distance of an object measured from the survey line ?
A. Inclined
B. Horizontal
C. Lateral
D. Inclined

12.Triangulated structure is used for ?
A. Wall
B. Arch
C. Bridges
D. Wall

13.Which structure is a space truss geometry inspired ?
A. Quadron
B. Quadror
C. Quadrangle
D. Quadron

14.Shell structure does not have any ?
A. Bending moment
B. Compressive stress
C. Tensile stress
D. Bending moment

15.In a truss structure, what is bear tension?
A. Joints
B. Bottom chords
C. Base
D. Joints

16.In frame structure, what transfers the load to columns ?
A. Beams
B. Foundation
C. Roofs
D. Beams

17.Which of the below is a disadvantage of frame structure ?
A. Economy
B. Ease of construction
C. Span length
D. Economy

18.How many types of frame structures are there ?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 5
D. 2

19.Vault is an architectural term for ?
A. Bridges
B. Dam
C. Cable
D. Bridges

20.Pneumatic structure contains ?
A. Wood
B. Metal
C. Compressed air
D. Wood

21.Pyramid is a type of structure ?
A. Framed
B. Pneumatic
C. Massive
D. Framed

22.Stones are obtained from rocks that are made up of ?
A. Chemical compounds
B. Ores
C. Minerals
D. Chemical compounds

23.Which one of the following is not a classification of stones ?
A. Mineralogical Classification
B. Physical Classification
C. Chemical Classification
D. Mineralogical Classification

24.At what depth and rate is a hypabyssal rock formed ?
A. Quick cooling of magma at a shallow depth
B. Rapid cooling of magma at a shallow depth
C. Slow cooling of magma at considerable depth
D. Quick cooling of magma at a shallow depth

25.What is a sedimentary deposit ?
A. Insoluble weathered product is carried away in suspension
B. Weathered product remains at site
C. Weathered product gets carried away agents
D. Insoluble weathered product is carried away in suspension

26.Which factor disturbs the equilibrium of rocks, commencing metamorphism ?
A. Decrease in pressure
B. Decrease in temperature and pressure
C. Increase in temperature and pressure
D. Decrease in pressure

27.Which of the following is not a metamorphic change ?
A. Calcite to schist
B. Shale to slate
C. Granite to gneisses
D. Calcite to schist

28.Which of the following rocks are hard and durable ?
A. Carbonaceous rocks
B. Argillaceous rocks
C. Siliceous rocks
D. Carbonaceous rocks

29.Foliated structure is very common in case of ?
A. Metamorphic rocks
B. Igneous rocks
C. Plutonic rocks
D. Metamorphic rocks

30.Granite is a type of ?
A. Metamorphic rock
B. Plutonic rock
C. Volcanic rock
D. Metamorphic rock

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