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1.Ultimate strength to cement is provided by
A. Tricalcium silicate
B. Di-calcium silicate
C. Tri-calcium aluminate
D. Tricalcium silicate

2.Elastomers can extend upto
A. five times their original dimensions
B. seven times their original dimensions
C. ten times their original dimensions
D. five times their original dimensions

3.Bitumen felt
A. is used as water proofing material
B. is used as damp proofing material
C. is made from bitumen and hessian fibres
D. is used as water proofing material

4.In the method of condensation polymerization,
A. low-molecular substances are removed from the high molecular substance
B. the reaction proceeds with an evolution of ammonia
C. the reaction proceeds with an evolution of hydrogen chloride
D. low-molecular substances are removed from the high molecular substance

5.In the cement the compound quickest to react with water, is
A. Tricalcium aluminate
B. Tetra-calcium alumino-ferrite
C. Tricalcium silicate
D. Tricalcium aluminate

6.The initial setting time of lime-pozzolana, is
A. 30 minutes
B. 60 minutes
C. 90 minutes
D. 30 minutes

7.The clay to be used for manufacturing bricks for a large project, is dugout and allowed to weather throughout
A. the monsoon
B. the winter
C. the summer
D. the monsoon

8.Quartzite is a
A. metamorphic rock
B. argillaceous rock
C. calcareous rock
D. metamorphic rock

9.The variety of pig iron used for manufacture of wrought iron, is
A. Bessemer pig
B. Grey or foundry pig
C. White forge pig
D. Bessemer pig

10.Sand stone is
A. sedimentary rock
B. metamorphic rock
C. igneous rock
D. sedimentary rock

11.If the furnace is provided with insufficient fuel at low temperatures, the type of pig iron produced, is called
A. Bessemer pig
B. Grey or foundry pig
C. White or forge pig
D. Bessemer pig

12.Stainless steel contains
A. 18% of chromuim and 8% nickel
B. 8% of chromium and 18% of nickel
C. 12% of chromium and 36% of nickel
D. 18% of chromuim and 8% nickel

13.Pick up the hypabyssal rock from the following:
A. Granite
B. Dolerite
C. Basalt
D. Granite

14.Depending on the chemical composition and mechanical properties, iron may be classified as
A. cast iron
B. wrought iron
C. steel
D. cast iron

15.Wrought iron contains carbon about
A. 1.5% to 5.5%
B. 0.5% to 1.75%
C. 0.1% to 0.25%
D. 1.5% to 5.5%

16.The main constituent of fly-ash, is
A. aluminium oxide
B. silica
C. ferrous oxide
D. aluminium oxide

17.Bitumen in
A. solid state, is called asphalt
B. semi fluid state, is called mineral tar
C. fluid state, is called petroleum
D. solid state, is called asphalt

18.The plastics made from cellulose resin
A. are as clear as glass
B. are tough and strong
C. possess excellent electrical properties
D. are as clear as glass

19.Kaolin is chemically classified as
A. metamorphic rock
B. argillaceous rock
C. calcareous rock
D. metamorphic rock

20.Which one of the following is acid resistant asbestos:
A. actinolite asbestos
B. amosite asbestos
C. anthophylite asbestos
D. actinolite asbestos

21.Due to attack of dry rot, the timber
A. cracks
B. shrinks
C. reduces to powder
D. cracks

22.Brittleness of cold is due to an excess of
A. sulphur
B. carbon
C. phosphorus
D. sulphur

23.For the manufacture of Portland cement, the proportions of raw materials used, are
A. lime 63% ; silica 22% ; other ingredients 15%
B. lime 22% ; silica 63% ; other ingredients 15%
C. silica 40% ; lime 40% ; other ingredients 20%
D. lime 63% ; silica 22% ; other ingredients 15%

24.Asbestos cement
A. is brittle
B. warps due to changes in humidity
C. strength is lowered when saturated by water
D. is brittle

25.Gniess is obtained from
A. igneous rocks
B. metamorphic rocks
C. sedimentary rocks
D. igneous rocks

26.The rocks formed by gradual deposition, are called
A. sedimentary rocks
B. igneous rocks
C. metamorphic rocks
D. sedimentary rocks

27.Galvanising means covering iron with a thin coat of
A. tin
B. zinc
C. glaze
D. tin

28.For preparing porcelains, the clay should be
A. sufficiently pure
B. of high degree of tanacity
C. of good plasticity
D. sufficiently pure

29.Polymerization helps to improve the property of
A. strength
B. rigidity
C. elasticity
D. strength

30.Good quality stones must
A. be durable
B. be free from clay
C. resist action of acids
D. be durable

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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