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1.Sewer pipes are made of
A. earthen ware
B. stone ware
C. refractory clay
D. earthen ware

2.Fibre glass
A. retains heat-longer
B. has a higher strength to weight ratio
C. is shock proof and fire retardent
D. retains heat-longer

3.Pick up the correct statement from the following:
A. The theory of formation of concrete is based on the phenomena of formation of voids
B. The bulking of sand is taken into account while volumetric proportioning of the aggregates
C. The dry sand and the sand completely flooded with water, have practically the same volume
D. The theory of formation of concrete is based on the phenomena of formation of voids

4.Pick up the correct statement from the following:
A. In stone arches, the stones are placed with their natural beds radial
B. In cornices, the stones are placed with their natural beds as vertical
C. In stone walls, the stones are placed with their natural beds as horizontal
D. In stone arches, the stones are placed with their natural beds radial

5.The commonly used colour pigment in paints, is
A. ambers
B. carbon black
C. iron oxide
D. ambers

6.Varnish is a transparent or semi-transparent solution of resinuous substances in
A. alcohol
B. linseed
C. turpentine
D. alcohol

7.Initial setting time of cement for asbestos cement products should be not less than
A. 30 minutes
B. 50 minutes
C. 75 minutes
D. 30 minutes

8.The variety of pig iron used for the manufacture of steel by Bessemer process, is
A. Bessemer pig
B. Grey pig
C. White forge pig
D. Bessemer pig

9.For melting one tonne of cast iron
A. 700 m3 air is required
B. 20 kg limestone is required
C. one quintal coke is required
D. 700 m3 air is required

10.For filling cracks in masonry structures, the type of bitumen used, is
A. cut-back bitumen
B. bitumen-emulsion
C. blown bitumen
D. cut-back bitumen

A. is an organic substance
B. consists of natural or synthetic binders
C. finished products are rigid and stable at normal temperature
D. is an organic substance

12.Vanadium steel is generally used for
A. railway switches and crossing
B. bearing balls
C. magnets
D. railway switches and crossing

13.Pick up the correct statement from the following:
A. In basic Bessemer process, the steel heats the converter
B. In open-hearth process, the furnace heats the steel
C. In Siemens process, the impurities of pig iron are oxidised by the oxygen of the ore
D. In basic Bessemer process, the steel heats the converter

14.The process of manufacturing steel by heating short lengths of wrought iron bars mixed with charcoal in fire clay crucibles and collecting the molten iron into moulds, is known as
A. Cementation process
B. Crucible process
C. Bessemer process
D. Cementation process

15.In a mortar, the binding material is
A. cement
B. sand
C. surkhi
D. cement

16.Lacquer paints
A. are generally applied on structural steel
B. are less durable as compared to enamel paints
C. consist of resin and nitro-cellulose
D. are generally applied on structural steel

17.Wrought iron contains carbon upto
A. 0.25%
B. 1.00%
C. 1.50%
D. 0.25%

18.Pick up the polymineralic rock from the following:
A. Quartz sand
B. Pure gypsum
C. Magnesite
D. Quartz sand

19.Pick up the correct statement from the following:
A. For thin structures subjected to wetting and drying, the water cement ratio should be 0.45
B. For mass concrete structures subjected to wetting and drying, the water ratio should be 0.55
C. For thin structures which remain continuously under water, the water-cement ratio by weight should be 0.55
D. For thin structures subjected to wetting and drying, the water cement ratio should be 0.45

20.Ultimate strength to cement is provided by
A. Tricalcium silicate
B. Di-calcium silicate
C. Tri-calcium aluminate
D. Tricalcium silicate

21.Elastomers can extend upto
A. five times their original dimensions
B. seven times their original dimensions
C. ten times their original dimensions
D. five times their original dimensions

22.Bitumen felt
A. is used as water proofing material
B. is used as damp proofing material
C. is made from bitumen and hessian fibres
D. is used as water proofing material

23.In the method of condensation polymerization,
A. low-molecular substances are removed from the high molecular substance
B. the reaction proceeds with an evolution of ammonia
C. the reaction proceeds with an evolution of hydrogen chloride
D. low-molecular substances are removed from the high molecular substance

24.In the cement the compound quickest to react with water, is
A. Tricalcium aluminate
B. Tetra-calcium alumino-ferrite
C. Tricalcium silicate
D. Tricalcium aluminate

25.The initial setting time of lime-pozzolana, is
A. 30 minutes
B. 60 minutes
C. 90 minutes
D. 30 minutes

26.The clay to be used for manufacturing bricks for a large project, is dugout and allowed to weather throughout
A. the monsoon
B. the winter
C. the summer
D. the monsoon

27.Quartzite is a
A. metamorphic rock
B. argillaceous rock
C. calcareous rock
D. metamorphic rock

28.The variety of pig iron used for manufacture of wrought iron, is
A. Bessemer pig
B. Grey or foundry pig
C. White forge pig
D. Bessemer pig

29.Sand stone is
A. sedimentary rock
B. metamorphic rock
C. igneous rock
D. sedimentary rock

30.If the furnace is provided with insufficient fuel at low temperatures, the type of pig iron produced, is called
A. Bessemer pig
B. Grey or foundry pig
C. White or forge pig
D. Bessemer pig

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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