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1.Pick up the correct statement from the following:
A. Slaked lime contains calcium hydroxide
B. Quick lime contains calcium oxide
C. Slaked lime may be obtained from quick lime
D. Slaked lime contains calcium hydroxide

2.Plywood is obtained by gluing wooden sheets at
A. 100 to 150 N/cm2
B. 100 to 130�C
C. both (a) and (b)
D. 100 to 150 N/cm2

3.The low voltage porcelain is mainly used for
A. switch block
B. insulating tubes
C. lamp sockets
D. switch block

4.Putty is
A. made with finely powdered chalk and linseed oil
B. used for fixing glass panes
C. softened by a solution of pearl ash and quick-lime soaked in water
D. made with finely powdered chalk and linseed oil

5.The initial setting time of hydraulic lime, is
A. 30 minutes
B. 60 minutes
C. 90 minutes
D. 30 minutes

6.PVC stands for
A. plastic very compact
B. polythene vinyl chloride
C. polythene vinyl carbon
D. plastic very compact

7.Generally wooden moulds are made from
A. ply wood
B. shisham wood
C. deodar wood
D. ply wood

8.Cement paints usually
A. contain hydrated lime
B. contain 5% to 10% colour pigments
C. are prepared with white cement
D. contain hydrated lime

9.The cement becomes unsound by the presence of excess
A. sulphur
B. magnesia
C. lime
D. sulphur

10.The minimum compressive strength of 1st class bricks should be
A. 75 kg/cm2
B. 90 kg/cm2
C. 100 kg/cm2
D. 75 kg/cm2

11.A volatile substance added to a paint to make its application easy and smooth, is known as
A. base
B. solvent
C. vehicle
D. base

12.The percentage of water for normal consistency, is
A. 5% to 15%
B. 10% to 25%
C. 15% to 25%
D. 5% to 15%

13.Pick up the correct statement from the following:
A. The plywoods do not split or crack due to changes in atmosphere
B. The commercial plywoods are available upto 150 cm wide and upto 300 cm long
C. The plywoods possess uniform tensile strength in all directions
D. The plywoods do not split or crack due to changes in atmosphere

14.The main ingredient of a good quality brick earth, is
A. magnesia
B. lime
C. silica
D. magnesia

15.Bitumen is generally obtained from
A. organic material
B. synthetic material
C. petroleum product
D. organic material

16.For one cubic metre of brick masonry, number of bricks required, is
A. 400
B. 425
C. 450
D. 400

17.The steel which contains fissures and cavities, is manufactured by
A. Cementation process
B. Crucible process
C. Bessemer process
D. Cementation process

18.Pick up the volcanic rock from the following:
A. Granite
B. Dolerite
C. Basalt
D. Granite

19.In stone masonry, stones (stratified rocks) are so placed that the direction of pressure to the plane of bedding is
A. right angles
B. 45�
C. 60�
D. right angles

20.The most durable varnish is
A. water varnish
B. spirit varnish
C. turpentine varnish
D. water varnish

21.Softer variety of steel may be obtained by
A. Cementation process
B. crucible process
C. Bessemer process
D. Cementation process

22.Pick up the correct statement from the following:
A. The baked earth is called terra-cotta
B. The articles prepared from clay which is burnt at low temperature and cooled down slowly, are called earthen-ware
C. The articles prepared from refractory clays which as mixed with stone and crushed pottery, are called stone ware
D. The baked earth is called terra-cotta

23.Calcination of iron ores is done
A. to remove moisture
B. to remove carbonic acid
C. by roasting in heaps
D. to remove moisture

24.Strength of cement concrete primarily depends upon
A. quality of water
B. quantity of aggregate
C. quantity of cement
D. quality of water

25.Rapid hardening cement contains
A. Tri-calcium silicate
B. Tri-calcium aluminate
C. Tetra-calcium alumino-ferrite
D. Tri-calcium silicate

26.Bitumen emulsion is
A. a liquid containing bitumen in suspension
B. a paint
C. used as anti-corrosive paint
D. a liquid containing bitumen in suspension

27.The cast iron when heated to red heat with powdered red haemetite in an oven for increasing its toughness, is converted to
A. grey cast iron
B. white cast iron
C. mottled cast iron
D. grey cast iron

28.Jhumb bricks are
A. under burnt
B. over burnt
C. kutcha
D. under burnt

29.Plastic bitumen is generally used for
A. road pavements
B. expansion joints
C. crack fillings
D. road pavements

30.Pick up the correct statement from the following:
A. The heating of a material to redness in contact with air, is known as calcination
B. The property of lime by which it sets or hardens in damp places having no free circulation of air is called setting
C. The product that remains after calcination of limestone, is called lime
D. The heating of a material to redness in contact with air, is known as calcination

Date to Date Current Affairs 2022

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